MelonLand Forum

Making Things => ✎ ∙ Art Crafting => Topic started by: urgellx on August 08, 2023 @857.29

Title: Sharing interesting artists
Post by: urgellx on August 08, 2023 @857.29
Hey, i've been excited to discover new artists and i want to discover more,
and i want you to discover more.
   So i'd just want people to share a few artists, be it music, paintings, movies, anything !
Maybe with a little description and why they're worth attention.

I haven't found this kind of thread on this particular forum while searching, i can still delete it if it's a duplicate.

I'll start with some

Visuals :

Beautiful drawings and engravings, one of a kind, there's just an infinite complexity in some of his
drawings while staying very aestethic. His wife was amazing too

Smooth and at the same time intricate comics art with it's very own way of drawing characters, in my
opinion, one of the greatest to ever touch this kind of medium, i'd even put him above some of the

Expressive / screaming colored paintings

Music :

They have a distinct style while changing between albums, i've seen it described as darkwave but
i'll just say that more than half of their discography is a childish dream gone out of touch.
They've recently released a new album too !

Accordions with electronic music. It's great.

They do a lot of different styles, i'd say i prefer what they've done with "Ishraqiyun" part, it's a
really mesmerizing reimagining of the music of some part of the world but i'm not academic
enough in my knowledge to say more than this.

I thought i needed to mention them, you just need to try it, it's special.

That's the end
Have a good day, stranger.
Title: Re: Sharing interesting artists
Post by: Tommie ΘΔ on August 11, 2023 @850.19
Cate Wurtz. She's genuinely one of my favourite artists and she's inspired me so so much. She inspired me to start my webcomic as a whole and I simply adore her style. By studying her background work, I've been able to better mine EXPONENTIALLY!!

Shes such a lovely artist, I recommend her webcomics as well. I haven't read Crow Cillers yet, but I've looked at the lamezines :D  :transport:
Title: Re: Sharing interesting artists
Post by: egbert on October 31, 2023 @431.96
naruki kukita... ( he's this artist that draw photorealistic paintings of men interacting with anime boys.. its soooo fire dude. here's his instagram ( and a picuki link if u dont have insta ( i cant exactly show an example of his works as i'm in public rn
edit: i can now
source (
source (
i dont know what the rules on artistic nudity are here so. you only get 2 works

and insect_hospital..... ( they draw these really good pictures of anime-esque characters in weird situations.... so cool...
img source (nitter) ( source (twitter) (
nitter link ( twitter link (
Title: Re: Sharing interesting artists
Post by: azurite on November 10, 2023 @11.10
Here are some artists that I enjoy, that I feel like you might like:

The first artist is Harteus (, I found them on Pinterest while looking through one day and I found them and enjoyed their painterly style using a digital media. Their works are beautiful and very pleasing to look at.

The next artist is Chas (, I found them on TikTok and I really like their way of collaging and their color pencil work is outstanding. They are also pretty! :4u:

And lastly Eunice Cruzabra (Instagram is the only platform they have from what I have seen, and Instagram links aren't working on my browser at the moment, but you can look them up their) I really like how cute their style is, It's very anime inspired but the details are amazing and just a chaotic beauty!
Title: Re: Sharing interesting artists
Post by: MrsMoe on November 15, 2023 @248.07
A SUPER underrated artist I've been admiring for a while now is Krystine Kryttre. Colorful horror art is like CRACK for my brain, so I really can't get enough of her style.


I've heard someone describe her as "goth Sally Cruiskshank" and I honestly couldn't agree more.

Here's a bunch of other underrated artists I wanna give a shout-out to!: filthyguts (, kevins_computer (, sillysymbol (, Lonnie Garcia-Sixgills (, and Yugo Limbo (
Title: Re: Sharing interesting artists
Post by: Memory on November 21, 2023 @58.08
vlif ( is up there as one of my favorite internet artists or whatevs......u might know him as one of the ppl working on dream bbq and his animations are good as hellll

a few others include junko mizuno ( (warning for some suggestive stuff), fgp (, and iwasarobot ( generally i have a tag on tumblr ( full of a buncha art i like where u can pretty much tell what net artists i like the most lol