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World Wild Web => ☞ ∙ Life on the Web => ⛽︎ ∙ Technology & Archiving => Topic started by: egbert on October 28, 2023 @437.97

Title: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on October 28, 2023 @437.97
i bought this laptop for 35 euros from my country's equivalent of ebay, and i dont know what i was expecting, but when it arrived it was so slow it was unusable.... it was so bloated i couldnt even factory reset it myself and had to pay some guys to wipe it for me.. then  i planned to dual boot but didnt know i had to make free space and didnt know how to go back to windows so i did a clean install, and like... this is a miserable experience... i dont like fulltime pop!_os at all, anyone know how i can reinstall windows 10 and dual boot it with this? :^(
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: Melooon on October 28, 2023 @638.99
Id love to know more about this 35 euro laptop; that's so cheap, is it made of cheese??  :tongue:

But to loosely answer your question in case you're feeling stuck; yes you can do this!

Be sure to do backups or important files beforehand just in case you mess something up!
Good luck :ozwomp:
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on October 28, 2023 @731.44
Id love to know more about this 35 euro laptop; that's so cheap, is it made of cheese??  :tongue:

But to loosely answer your question in case you're feeling stuck; yes you can do this!
  • You need to create a partition ( in your hardrive for Windows to be installed on. (This splits your hard drive into 2 pretend hard drives)
  • Then you'll need to make a bootable USB installer  ( Windows.
  • Finally, you'll need to boot into your installer and go through the Windows install (select the partition you created to install to, I think you have to do Custom/Advanced install when Windows asks how you wanna install, you'll need to allow windows to reset the partition too)

Be sure to do backups or important files beforehand just in case you mess something up! Finally, when you have Windows installed you might wanna try run AME ( to remove some of the tracking and junk!

Good luck :ozwomp:

to answer your question about the price; it might as well be made of cheese. it was full of bloatware when it got here. but i think ive said that already. i tried factory resetting it like 5 times but every single time it'd get stuck on 40% for like 9 hours and i just gave up and decided to do a clean install of linux over it, but then my mom convinved me to get it wiped anyway, and then i got stuck and had to do a clean install, thereby wasting my 20 euros..... i thought that if i bought a used pc it'd last longer cuz i may have some sort of tech related curse where every piece of technology made after the 2000's that comes into contact with me breaks in some sort of freak accident. its honestly insane. one time i got up from my seat and my phone, which was in my chest satchel fell right onto the corner of the table, shattering it. one other time i was just sitting using my phone and it started oozing purple liquid until it was completely covered in it and didnt turn on. one time i turned my laptop off for like 2 days and when i turned it back on it was unusable. like it was posessed or something!! windows were moving on their own, the mouse moved by itself too. when i wrote something it would either delete itself or spam it, my other laptop shattered in half one day. and im not even making any of this up. im genuinely cursed auughhhh!!!!!!!!! but it seems that my curse affects linux too because every time i use a ubuntu/debian based distro its always a terrible experience for me :(((((((((
do you by any chance recommend any distros that arent debian/ubuntu based? preferably good for beginners? last night it toook me 9 hours just to figure out how to use ethernet.....

ach, i forgot to thank you for your answer...! i'll keep that info in mind , yay! yay!
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on October 28, 2023 @837.49
nevermind. i bricked it.
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: bingus_baby on October 28, 2023 @890.58
it started oozing purple liquid until it was completely covered in it and didnt turn on
WHAT IN THE GOOSEBUMPS????? Real halloween movie stuff right there. Insane, I heard a story like this a long time ago, but I think it was LCD ooze...

Anyways to try and help! If I were you I'd make a Linux live boot USB! It's fool-proof, I'm an idiot and it's easy for even me! You'll need this ( and a Linux distro. Puppy linux is the only one I've had in the past, and you can run it completely on an old and low quality USB! (Maybe create this at the library, it doesn't take long and you seemingly don't have a PC at the moment.) From there, you might wanna wipe the computer ENTIRELY to get rid of any junk or viruses you have. Then use another drive or CD and reinstall Windows 10, or whatever OS you choose. With this step you might not need the Linux step bc the installer for W10 can format the drive. I included the Linux step, because live USB sticks are nice to have around when things go south! Lots of computer professionals like to use live USBs to get into otherwise busted computers with unusable operating systems.

Another troubleshooting step, some computers have a built in option to reinstall the OS. I only had to use it once, but see if your system has an option such as this. Here's ( a summary of how it works on an ASUS machine.

I wish you luck! (And wish that computer professionals can find this thread and help you more than I can!!!) Worst case scenario, you can at the very least use Linux on the daily with the pen drive. I did that on my old laptop for a while, the results are surprising. Smaller Linux distros are designed for the worst of the worst machines. It'll at least help you get by until you can fix your laptop for good!
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on October 29, 2023 @581.15
Id love to know more about this 35 euro laptop; that's so cheap, is it made of cheese??  :tongue:

But to loosely answer your question in case you're feeling stuck; yes you can do this!
  • You need to create a partition ( in your hardrive for Windows to be installed on. (This splits your hard drive into 2 pretend hard drives)
  • Then you'll need to make a bootable USB installer  ( Windows.
  • Finally, you'll need to boot into your installer and go through the Windows install (select the partition you created to install to, I think you have to do Custom/Advanced install when Windows asks how you wanna install, you'll need to allow windows to reset the partition too)

Be sure to do backups or important files beforehand just in case you mess something up!
Good luck :ozwomp:

surpringsly, i didnt brick my laptop so i tried following the guide in the first link but when i follow step 2 no matter what disk i choose it says its currently in use and that i probably shouldnt repartition it.....
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on October 29, 2023 @587.16
and thew worst part about all of this is that i only want windows back to play roblox. the reason i crashed (apparently it didnt get bricked) my pc is that i was trying to run unstable commands to install grapefruit (roblox launcher for linux) uwahhhhhhh :( i dont mind literally evrything else as long as i can play roblox.....
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: Melooon on October 29, 2023 @638.10
no matter what disk i choose it says its currently in use and that i probably shouldnt repartition it.....

Ah yes; that can happen with some drive formats; follow Bingus Baby’s advice in making a Linux usb stick; then do the partitioning from the USB stick instead of your main drive ^^  :4u:
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 02, 2023 @752.30
WHAT IN THE GOOSEBUMPS????? Real halloween movie stuff right there. Insane, I heard a story like this a long time ago, but I think it was LCD ooze...

Anyways to try and help! If I were you I'd make a Linux live boot USB! It's fool-proof, I'm an idiot and it's easy for even me! You'll need this ( and a Linux distro. Puppy linux is the only one I've had in the past, and you can run it completely on an old and low quality USB! (Maybe create this at the library, it doesn't take long and you seemingly don't have a PC at the moment.) From there, you might wanna wipe the computer ENTIRELY to get rid of any junk or viruses you have. Then use another drive or CD and reinstall Windows 10, or whatever OS you choose. With this step you might not need the Linux step bc the installer for W10 can format the drive. I included the Linux step, because live USB sticks are nice to have around when things go south! Lots of computer professionals like to use live USBs to get into otherwise busted computers with unusable operating systems.

Another troubleshooting step, some computers have a built in option to reinstall the OS. I only had to use it once, but see if your system has an option such as this. Here's ( a summary of how it works on an ASUS machine.

I wish you luck! (And wish that computer professionals can find this thread and help you more than I can!!!) Worst case scenario, you can at the very least use Linux on the daily with the pen drive. I did that on my old laptop for a while, the results are surprising. Smaller Linux distros are designed for the worst of the worst machines. It'll at least help you get by until you can fix your laptop for good!

yeah... i dont understand what this says or what you're telling me to do....
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 02, 2023 @759.97
im just gonna do what melon said and skip the first step. i dont want linux at all
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: urgellx on November 02, 2023 @785.51
Hello, a bit late on the input but if you want to try again at a later time, i have some tips.

First thing, Pop_OS, to me, looks like an horrible start to linux since it's very different
compared to Windows. Mint seems closer to Windows 10.

Second thing, it may be a bit too advanced for someone who's just discovered the experience that a
version of Linux can offer without knowing its depth but you can try something like Distrobox ( to
install Grapejuice in a container running a different distribution if your native one doesn't work.
To put it simply, you can have all the software that all the versions of Linux have to offer with
only having one true version installed, it's a really useful project.

I don't know what kind of wizardry you use to make Windows 10 work well with a 35 euro
computer ! Hope you'll be able to reinstall Windows 10 and maybe try again in a few years if Roblox
decides to fix their mess !

Have a good day ! :dive:
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 02, 2023 @799.58
Hello, a bit late on the input but if you want to try again at a later time, i have some tips.

First thing, Pop_OS, to me, looks like an horrible start to linux since it's very different
compared to Windows. Mint seems closer to Windows 10.

Second thing, it may be a bit too advanced for someone who's just discovered the experience that a
version of Linux can offer without knowing its depth but you can try something like Distrobox ( to
install Grapejuice in a container running a different distribution if your native one doesn't work.
To put it simply, you can have all the software that all the versions of Linux have to offer with
only having one true version installed, it's a really useful project.

I don't know what kind of wizardry you use to make Windows 10 work well with a 35 euro
computer ! Hope you'll be able to reinstall Windows 10 and maybe try again in a few years if Roblox
decides to fix their mess !

Have a good day ! :dive:

ive actually used ubuntu and hated it. then i used pop!_os then hated that too and currently i'm using kde plasma (kubuntu) and it sucks. i cant even setup bluetooth without buying an external device........ windows is much much simpler. ill just try the ameliorated thingy but thanks! linux is just way too complicated
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 02, 2023 @862.87
okay! either i'm genuinely stupid, i have a faulty installation, or linux is just too much for me but im pretty sure im gonna need a step by step video tutorial on how to format an usb drive/install something that formats my usb drive. because i cant figure this out and im actually gonna cry. i might need a tutorial on the rest too.
Title: linux's causing me genuine mental distress and i don't know how get rid of it
Post by: egbert on November 03, 2023 @760.34
i've distrohopped but every single experience i had was miserable. i dont know how to connect to wifi and i dont know how to set up a bluetooth connection on linux and i wanna get rid of it. but since i dont know how to do these basic things i dont know how to get rid of it.... i wanted to do a clean install of windows 10 and just install windows AMELIORATED but the tutorial someone gave me was for ubuntu and i coulnd't go through with it... i'm currently using kde plasma kubuntu.... i've had more than one nervous breakdown over my inability to manage this OS :( what do i do. what the hell do i do. for the love of god someone PLEASE help me :(
should i just hop over to ubuntu specifically to uninstall it?
Title: Re: linux's causing me genuine mental distress and i don't know how get rid of it
Post by: starbreaker on November 03, 2023 @774.79
You don't need any Linux package to do a clean install of Windows. If you have Windows 10 installation media, you can have the Windows installer wipe your drive clean before installing.

Once you've got Windows installed, this might be useful:
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: Melooon on November 03, 2023 @777.60
⚑ Moderators Note ⚑
Your new thread has been merged back into this one - please don't make multiple threads asking the same thing when you've already received good answers!
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 03, 2023 @792.34
(...) Windows 10 installation media (...)

i dont know what that is!!! i dont know how to get that!!! i dont understand why no one's telling me what it is or how to get to it!!!!!!!
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: Melooon on November 03, 2023 @825.22
i dont know what that is
Sometimes it's helpful if you search things yourself :tongue:

I will admit this is a confusing term though! "Installation media" is anything you install from; e.g. A Windows install DVD, a USB stick with the Windows installer on it etc; posts before this have already given you pretty good instructions on how to make a USB stick with Windows on it (aka installation media)! (Take a look at the first links I posted ^^)
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 03, 2023 @840.82
i'm just gonna pay someone to do this for me. the people on reddit think i'm a troll so i don't think im figuring this out myself..... i'd think i was a troll too :(
thank you everynyan...
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: Melooon on November 03, 2023 @863.91
i'd think i was a troll too :(
I don't think you're a troll :4u: I think you are trying to do something that's way outside your knowledge and you're really struggling with it, but I am always impressed by someone who's willing to try things at the edge of their limits!

That said! I don't think you don't know how to research, study and solve a problem very well - that's something that everyone has to learn their own way and it's always extremely frustrating :sad: Asking for help is only useful if you are willing to study and understand what's being said and then use that information to aid your own research; when I say "search" I really mean "research"; that involves reading documentation, looking up blogs, using google (or even GPT these days), then trying things, making mistakes and learning from mistakes.

Asking on this forum and Reddit can help set you on the right path, but asking and expecting to be told exactly what to do is not gonna help!

Your problem is solvable, it's well within your reach, and you clearly have the desire to get it done; so you can totally do it :cheerR: But there is a lot to learn along the way, and I suppose the question for you is if you wanna put in that effort and learn how to make it work.
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 03, 2023 @872.89
and you clearly have the desire to get it done

not gonna lie, i'd be fine with *gestures vaguely* all of this if it wasn't for roblox. i literally only want to go back to windows to play roblox. i'm aware of wine and grapefruit but the wine available on the kde app store doesn't even run? i tried to install it through the terminal and didn't work either so i tried to install grapefruit and the documentation page doesn't have my distro on it, so i tried running the ubuntu installation commands and it shut off my laptop and i thought i bricked it. anyways i didnt brick it but didnt try again. i thought of distro-hopping again but then my usb drives were locked???? i couldnt acess them? not on kubuntu nor linux. anyways i forgot what we were talking about so im posting this without even checking
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 03, 2023 @875.19
anyways i forgot what we were talking about so im posting this without even checking

oh yeah. we were talking about how i want someone to hold my hand through the entire process. sure. but i think i might as well just shut off my laptop for an inderteminate amount of time because i. actually i forgot what we were talking about again and
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: wetnoodle on November 03, 2023 @877.53
i literally only want to go back to windows to play roblox. i'm aware of wine and grapefruit but the wine available on the kde app store doesn't even run?
If you only wanted to switch to windows for that, steams proton tool is way better than wine for running games on linux. If you dont have steam, (

Once in steam, go to the library and add the roblox launcher to your steam library and launch it from there to use proton instead of wine.
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 03, 2023 @877.91
anyways my entire thing is that i post the weirdest things without an hint of shame (clown husbandry roleplaying and acting like everyone's in on it, openly admitting that i dont know how to use a computer, blogging about dumpster diving, claiming that curses are real and i'm cursed for life, getting way too invested into twitter roleplay account character arcs, etc, so even if i didnt reach my goal of like, getting back to windows, at least i did some shameless posting
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 03, 2023 @880.97
If you only wanted to switch to windows for that, steams proton tool is way better than wine for running games on linux. If you dont have steam, (

Once in steam, go to the library and add the roblox launcher to your steam library and launch it from there to use proton instead of wine.

oh, yay! i also miss mspaint.... it's closed source methinks but do you think there's like, any mspaint emulators? for linux?
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: wetnoodle on November 03, 2023 @883.44
oh, yay! i also miss mspaint.... it's closed source methinks but do you think there's like, any mspaint emulators? for linux?
OOh that would be cool but idk about using actual mspaint on linux but i found this ( which might scratch the itch
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: starbreaker on November 04, 2023 @13.19
i dont know what that is!!! i dont know how to get that!!! i dont understand why no one's telling me what it is or how to get to it!!!!!!!

I'm sorry. I had thought that since you had apparently managed to get a Linux installed you might be capable of figuring out the rest on your own.
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 11, 2023 @738.70
guys. (
i thought i had finally did it. and then guess what happened,
it gave me some error and i searched for an answer and none of it worked,. i give up  :ohdear:  :ohdear:  :ohdear:  im just gonna get a new laptop i dont give a fuuuuckkkkkkkkk <- i can swear on the forum, yes?
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 14, 2023 @95.81
i acidentally uninstalled the. OS. guys?
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: Melooon on November 14, 2023 @113.74
I think you’ve gotten more entertainment value out of this $20 laptop than most people get out of a brand new games console  :tongue:
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: virtualtelegrams on November 14, 2023 @131.06
Oh dang good luck. IDK much about partitions but if you set them in/during the Windows install/setup process from the USB installer it should probably, hopefully, maybe work. Possibly.

I've never installed Windows from USB though. So IDK. Whatever ends up happening I hope you have fun with it haha.
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: starbreaker on November 14, 2023 @637.49
i acidentally uninstalled the. OS. guys?

Do you have a USB stick with a Windows 10 installer? If not, congratulations on your new cat warmer.
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: testtubesterone on November 14, 2023 @672.85
on a laptop i would not suggest dual booting! just because windows is a fairly heavy OS, you wont have much space for anything else! you could use some kind of external storage if you really wanted, but imo it's not worth it unless you are using a desktop or something that can handle running 2 OS
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: vvinrg on November 17, 2023 @693.10
i thought i had finally did it. and then guess what happened,
it gave me some error and i searched for an answer and none of it worked,.

I've only seen this issue on newer laptops. Did the laptop come running Windows 10 or Windows 11? If the latter, that's likely the culprit.

As for the entire goal, yeah, a clean install is best. Windows borderline refuses to install as the second entity in a dual-boot. It's always recommended to install Windows and then your Linux distro, to make life easier.

Where did you get the install ISO? The best spot is here (, that is, assuming you have a spare machine to write the ISO with(check your local library!).

i'm aware of wine and grapefruit but the wine available on the kde app store doesn't even run? i tried to install it through the terminal and didn't work either

if, by this, you mean you ran just `wine`, yeah, that won't work. wine does nothing without an additional binary. last I checked, roblox has started blocking wine when it detects it. grapejuice seems to also be struggling with this, as the project's README currently states "🔴 Roblox not work currently. A new feature causes system integrity checks to fail on Wine. The result of this is that your client will crash after a couple of minutes of play time."

I hope some of that's helpful, and godspeed to your windows install attempts.
Title: Re: can i easily install windows 10 back onto my pc for a dual boot? :(
Post by: egbert on November 18, 2023 @14.11
I've only seen this issue on newer laptops. Did the laptop come running Windows 10 or Windows 11? If the latter, that's likely the culprit.

As for the entire goal, yeah, a clean install is best. Windows borderline refuses to install as the second entity in a dual-boot. It's always recommended to install Windows and then your Linux distro, to make life easier.

Where did you get the install ISO? The best spot is here (, that is, assuming you have a spare machine to write the ISO with(check your local library!).

if, by this, you mean you ran just `wine`, yeah, that won't work. wine does nothing without an additional binary. last I checked, roblox has started blocking wine when it detects it. grapejuice seems to also be struggling with this, as the project's README currently states "🔴 Roblox not work currently. A new feature causes system integrity checks to fail on Wine. The result of this is that your client will crash after a couple of minutes of play time."

I hope some of that's helpful, and godspeed to your windows install attempts.

nuh huh. im not touching diy system installs ever again