MelonLand Forum
Making Things => ✎ ∙ Art Crafting => ➶ ∙ Art Gallery => Topic started by: DiffydaDude on June 01, 2024 @768.22
This is an art thread for posting your art that has been made in MS Paint or MacPaint
Requirements: made in MS Paint,, MacPaint, WMM or iMovie
rules: no rules apart from not being an ass and whatever the forum says
lets see what yall've made here! heres some art i made
this is my most recent one :wizard:
made new art :p
Here's some of mine :3 !!
Haven't made anything suuuuper recently tho, although ig now is a good time to update my gallery
Kind regards, Atari @851.43
i make most of my art in ms paint lmao and i like to take a random image and manipulate it until it looks cool. here is some of my favourites i made
I'm not an artist but I'm not going to pass up an excuse to use MS Paint :ha: ! It's fanart of 500 CALIBER CONTRACTZ (!
I also exported it as a low quality .jpg for good measure :P
oh this is my bread n butter !!!!!! ive used multiple more complicated art softwares but always come back to good ol ms paint :ok:
heres a few from my backlog of stuff ive never posted:
wii remote gijinka!
pikachu study sketch thing!
my oc vis!
computer + hand study thing!
my setup changed when i moved recently so i havent been able to draw on my computer as much... i gotta fix that and get back to it :dive:
i make most of my art in ms paint lmao and i like to take a random image and manipulate it until it looks cool. here is some of my favourites i made
I LOVE THEEEESEEEE especially the first one. i also love destroying pics in mspaint but i usually use it for comedy instead of something that looks cool LOL perhaps i should remedy this... distortion my best friend :seal:
I actually can't use MS Paint anymore since I do not have a Windows computer anymore OOF. But, here's an older piece I þink is still quite a lot of fun :D
i make most of my art in ms paint lmao and i like to take a random image and manipulate it until it looks cool. here is some of my favourites i made
yo your stuff is hella rad :mark:
Yooo this thread was made for me (I may have posted a few of these in my art thread before but whatever)
This one was a commission:
i make most of my art in ms paint lmao and i like to take a random image and manipulate it until it looks cool. here is some of my favourites i made
Oh my god stuff like this is my jammm!!! I love photo manipulation, this looks sick!! :dog: :dog: