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Author Topic: Animal Crossing Series  (Read 3330 times)
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« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2024 @69.12 »

I’ve loved Animal Crossing for years, and I read the wikis and information pages about it probably more often than I need to…  :dive:
My first AC game was Wild World when I was a kid and I never really understood the game but I loved the villagers and dressing up.
In December 2019 I finally got New Leaf and that is probably my favorite of the main series for the QoL updates in the series while still having a lot of the villagers’ charm. A year later, I got New Horizons and I really like it but it doesn’t have the charm and whimsy of the older games, it feels like it’s trying to be a different type of game all together, I love being able to decorate outside, but the terraforming feels a step too far for a game series about respecting nature and dreams of home ownership.  :tnt: When I first got the game I was enthused by the idea of full control but after playing realized I actually preferred the spontaneity of the older games, villagers moving out without asking and randomly painting your roof gave them personality and soul they are now lacking.
Currently, I’m playing a modded City Folk town, but I still check on my other towns every now and again. I’m planning on making a shrine on my site at some point!  :transport:


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« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2024 @192.71 »

The GameCube version is my favorite as a game to wake up and play for 30 minutes to an hour before leaving for the day. I have a few moments in it that have stuck to me-- casually talking with Rocko late at night when no one else was awake, listening to my character's echoing footsteps in the lighthouse, being yelled and promptly shot at with a black handgun by one of the snooty villagers. That last one is NOT a joke. I did not make that up.

One thing I like a lot about it is the simplicity; I don't really feel the need to do much to the landscape besides pick weeds and buy flowers to plant now that I've gotten all the trees where I want them. As long as I'm not throwing trash everywhere, the look of the graphics makes it hard for things to feel particularly wrong, I guess. All of it kind of just looks like it's always been there and always will be. I enjoy the lack of options clothing-wise, too-- I don't spend an eternity trying to put together an outfit I like the look of since all you do is choose a single pattern. The silhouettes of the players are set designs that were made very intentionally by the people who designed and modeled them, so they always look very solid to me. I think both of the player models are very cute.

Maybe in part because of the simplicity, there really is a sense of there being mysterious unknowns that can only be speculated upon like Melon might've mentioned. I'll be honest about New Horizons, though.. the characters probably won't admit it, but I'm more than 80% certain there's some freaky cult shit going on in that one. Maybe even PARANORMAL freaky cult shit when it comes to Harv's Island. I swear that dude used some kind of black magic to bring to life a walking, less-than-perfect replica of one of my villagers in his freak shack when I said I wanted to take pictures of them. The Bill that was there probably melted like the guy in Indiana Jones and seeped back into the ground through the floor-boards to Hell when I left to go back to my island.

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« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2024 @137.80 »

i actually really like new horizons! i get why you wouldnt though, the dialogue is so bad. but theyve made the game so addicting with customization. and just that its pretty hard to get items so when you do its AWESOME!! i hope if they make another game that theyll take both into consideration.

its kinda weird but i actually started out with animal crossing pocket camp. then new horizons came out and i BEGGED my parents for a switch. me and my friend both really wanted a switch with animal crossing and when i messaged her about it she immediately asked to come over to my house lmao

i got a 3ds and modded it so i got to play new leaf and i really like it! it can get really boring imo but maybe thats just cuz i spent a month saving for the dream suite only for it to not work lmfao.

i finally found my family wii so hopefully i can play city folk and the gc animal crossing on there soon!

i have no idea what im doing!
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