Hi all, a quick guide here with a free script!
As some of you know Im a fan of frames sites, those are sites that use the frameset system for page layout. If you need help with frames have a look at my site and a look at this tutorial too
The big issue with frameset sites though is that they don't save browser history properly, you cant share links to sub pages and the back button does not work.. crappy stuff! BUT I have a fix for all of that and I'll share it here! Example: Instead of just going to
https://melonking.net/melon, you can now visit
https://melonking.net/melon?z=/links to jump to a particular framed page.
PREMADE TEMPLATE:I have attached "frames-template.html" this is a template frame site layout you can download and use! It also explains a little about how to modify the frames! (If you download the template you don't need to install the script yourself, its pre-setup :grin:smile:
How to Install (Works for iFrame sites tooo!!)
Add this code to the <head> of your frameset page or main page containing your iFrame (Typically your index.html)
<script src="https://melonking.net/scripts/frame-link.js"></script>
Then add
id="mainframe" to your main <iFrame> or Frameset <frame> tag.
Optional StepsOptional: Create a second
<script></script> section AFTER you link the frame-link.js
Optional: add
updateTitle = false; if you want to disable title updating. (Default is true)
Optional: add
titlePrefix = "My Site "; if you want to add a prefix to your titles. (Default is none)
Optional: add
pageParam = "z"; if you want to change the url path of your pages. (Default is z)
Optional: if you use a Hit Counter add
hitCounterFunction = function () { XXX MY HIT COUNTER CODE }, this function will automatically be called each time someone click a page, so you can log per page hits within your frame.
The GoatCounter documentation is currently offline, so I cant provide a pre-made hitCounterFunction for you, but I'll add one in the future if the documentation ever comes back!