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Author Topic: I made a video game! (Deaht Scrolls)  (Read 2199 times)
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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« on: March 22, 2023 @265.69 »

For the past 4 months I've been working on a game as a successor to a previous game I made on scratch now made in Godot 4. While the game is intended to run on Web Browsers you are welcome to download Native Builds for more performance or compatibility.

Check it out here:

Itch.io (Native Builds + Web Build): https://icelogist.itch.io/deaht-scrolls
Newgrounds (Web Build): https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/878091
Source Code: https://github.com/Icelogist/deaht-scrolls

Feedback is welcome!

(Cover Art)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2023 @257.45 by Icelogist » Logged

:ozwomp: my beloved

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First 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!Joined 2022!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2023 @583.78 »

This looks really neat! I've made a note to try the desktop version later when I'm at home. Unfortunately I'm getting an error about missing WebGPL on the web versions, but I love platformers and I'm always interested in seeing Godot projects. Great work!

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First 1000 Members!Goose!Pocket Icelogist!High Speed Ozwomp!Joined 2022!
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2023 @625.15 »

good job this looks really neat!  :ozwomp:  :pc:  i’ll check it out later today!

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First 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!Joined 2022!
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2023 @868.88 »

I couldn't figure out how to get past the third level... there must be a trick to it  :ohdear:
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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2023 @10.54 »

I couldn't figure out how to get past the third level... there must be a trick to it  :ohdear:
You must first touch the bottom spike of the monkey bars, touch the checkpoint and then you can climb it.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2023 @986.54 by Icelogist » Logged

:ozwomp: my beloved

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« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2023 @631.74 »

This is super cool! I love the look of it, reminds me of other grayscale newgrounds platformers I used to mess around in. In terms of feedback, maybe I'm just bad at platformers but I find myself sliding just barely into the spikes and dying, and the cheery, breezy music (which is nice I like it) is starting to aggravate me ;w;

Obviously if that's what you were going for, the sort of classic tough as nails flash game, feel free to ignore my complaints; if I have more time I'll give it a better go when I have time and I'll come back and give better feedback, just my first general impression is I like the concept it's really cool.

One thing you might want to add is a more obvious distinction between being a ghost and being an alive cube. Maybe give him some angel wings? A little halo? That would be cute, and give the player a better sense of when they can and can't phase through stuff :unite:
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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2023 @758.14 »

This is super cool! I love the look of it, reminds me of other grayscale newgrounds platformers I used to mess around in. In terms of feedback, maybe I'm just bad at platformers but I find myself sliding just barely into the spikes and dying, and the cheery, breezy music (which is nice I like it) is starting to aggravate me ;w;

Obviously if that's what you were going for, the sort of classic tough as nails flash game, feel free to ignore my complaints; if I have more time I'll give it a better go when I have time and I'll come back and give better feedback, just my first general impression is I like the concept it's really cool.
I have received complaints about the hitboxes for the spikes being a little big and the player being a little slippery, I have attempted to fix this in a maintenance release but I guess it wasn't enough. As for the look, you are fairly correct. But it's more or so being tired of seeing so much pixel art in games that I decided to go for a more smooth and "blurry" feel, which is closer to how old commercial games look like on a modern device and flash games. The reason why the music is kinda samey is because of my lack of musical talent, while I can make music it's just that I can't make music that well. I resorted to just remixing "Mauiwowi" by Alf42red as it is one of the example projects in LMMS.

One thing you might want to add is a more obvious distinction between being a ghost and being an alive cube. Maybe give him some angel wings? A little halo? That would be cute, and give the player a better sense of when they can and can't phase through stuff :unite:
That's is an adorable idea! However, I feel that this kinda goes against the idea of you being a simple cube literally named "cueb" in a colorless world who is able to ghostify themselves to go threw walls. Adding religious elements like a "little halo" during that transition kinda feels off and from my knowledge ghosts don't have wings or even "little halos". I think this would make more sense if the player lost all their lives apposed to just one of their lives. I will be sure to make the distinction between dead and alive more evident in a future update or maybe a future release.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2023 @762.04 by Icelogist » Logged

:ozwomp: my beloved

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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2023 @808.19 »

I'm curious, can a mac user verify that the mac build works?

:ozwomp: my beloved

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« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2023 @870.89 »

I'm curious, can a mac user verify that the mac build works?

When I try to download it I get an error saying:
Blocked Page
An error occurred during a connection to w3g3a5v6.ssl.hwcdn.net.
I dunno if it's an issue on my end or with whatever hwcdn.net is - some sort of file delivery site maybe?

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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2023 @901.59 »

When I try to download it I get an error saying:I dunno if it's an issue on my end or with whatever hwcdn.net is - some sort of file delivery site maybe?

I got the same issue, this is likely the fault of ether an extension or Firefox blocking the download link. Try using a different browser or better yet using incognito mode. I don't know how to fix this.

:ozwomp: my beloved


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« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2023 @827.34 »

Looks like Firefox blocks the mac link. Worked with Safari.

On a 2020 MacBook Air (M1), the menu works, but it crashes when trying to enter a level. On a 2015 MacBook Pro everything works, but it's a bit laggy, especially when scrolling. The window title says (DEBUG), so I guess it's a debug build, which might explain the slowness?

I think there is still something a little wrong the hitboxes. For example, walk against a wall and then jump straight up. If there is a spike at the top of the wall, you will hit it, which seems incorrect.

Pretty good game overall!
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« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2023 @98.43 »

I sure do love holding shift+w  :innocent:

And I'll tell you what I was expecting! I was expecting another bottomless pit, like when I jumped off the side of level 1  :dive:

I like to screw around in any new game I try. I beat all 5 levels, and it really captured that old front-page-of-Newgrounds energy to me. It also feels like what might be seen as flaws are just part of the challenge, like how you need to jump right before you hit a spike in order to get past those one-block-high climbing sections. That one part in level 2 where it's floaty to the point of you jumping upward into the underside of a spike, I solved that part in puzzle fashion, by
jumping into that spike intentionally and pressing E once I'm on the other side of it
. It might not have been intended for the player model to squish partway into walls like that, but that bit of floatiness turned out to be a probably-unintended puzzle element!

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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2023 @981.44 »

That one part in level 2 where it's floaty to the point of you jumping upward into the underside of a spike, I solved that part in puzzle fashion, by
jumping into that spike intentionally and pressing E once I'm on the other side of it
. It might not have been intended for the player model to

Yea I noticed that too while playtesting, (I'm assuming you are talking about this.)

Didn't do anything about it cus it kinda takes away the fun if you remove flaws that players use to their advantage. (f.e. the blj being removed from the 3D all-stars version of Super Mario 64, making the internet not very happy.)

I can also see you very much enjoy this game seeing your commentary. Shift+w is a personal favorite of mine as well, it's kinda like the "Show peace by crouching" in Minecraft.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2023 @983.14 by Icelogist » Logged

:ozwomp: my beloved

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« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2023 @950.00 »

This is cool! I really like the spin on the traditional platformer style and the focus of taking damage as a puzzle (will it help me progress, or get me in an even worse situation?).
One thing I noticed, however, is that the abyss doesn't seem to kill you; I fell off the side of the first level and kept falling indefinitely, eventually having to manually restart (I was playing the web version, in case that changes anything).
Aside from that, and the previously mentioned hitbox oddities, its a solid game. Keep up the good work!

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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2023 @765.28 »

This is cool! I really like the spin on the traditional platformer style and the focus of taking damage as a puzzle (will it help me progress, or get me in an even worse situation?).
One thing I noticed, however, is that the abyss doesn't seem to kill you; I fell off the side of the first level and kept falling indefinitely, eventually having to manually restart (I was playing the web version, in case that changes anything).
Aside from that, and the previously mentioned hitbox oddities, its a solid game. Keep up the good work!

Yea I didn't bother with the abyss, thanks for playing!!! :D

:ozwomp: my beloved

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