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believe in your dreams <3
⛺︎ My Room
SpaceHey: Friend Me!
StatusCafe: cinni

« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2022 @282.08 » |
Something my partner picked up today. It's an NT cassette!
He got it new in box, the guy selling it didn't really know what it was. It's almost exactly the same size as an SD card; it's (as far as my research tells me) the smallest commercially produced cassette ever made! Too bad the microrecorders for them hover around a thousand dollars... 
AHH!! so cute!!! i thought this was a pin at first glance LOL. sooo smol!!
Full Member ⚓︎

believe in your dreams <3
⛺︎ My Room
SpaceHey: Friend Me!
StatusCafe: cinni

« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2022 @802.70 » |
That's... a really good idea actually! I got my pin collection on a lanyard; I could grab another one of those cassettes, glue a jewelry pin onto it and sneak it on there. That'd be a really cool conversation starter, I'll have to think about doing that!
haha glad i could be of inspiration!
i have quite the many smol things, since i like to buy mini sanriosan-x blind boxes whenever im around a certain toy store. i gotta dig up better pictures of them all, but here's one of my teeniest tiny thing, a mini blind-box!! (hand for scale)