[the pigeon types a message for you]
Thank you for having me here! My name is Rosa, and it's my birthday today
I'm 20 today, and I grew up using the internet, but for the past number of months I've grown very unsatisfied with it. Call it some sort of awakening. I realized, "this doesn't make me happy. I don't like this." Now, I'm too young to have experienced the old web, so I hold no nostalgia for it or its aesthetics- but I craved the parts of it that were pure, untainted expressions of humans being human (or unhuman!
). All those months of knowing something was off, yet it was only this month that I made a breakthrough in my journey and discovered the indie web. That's how I landed here! My quest is far from over, I still have much to learn!
So, some things about me. I love birds! I especially love pigeons. They're my favouritest animal. I love art and nature. For me, creating art and living amongst nature are my most important innate desires. When I can fulfil those needs, I feel the most alive. It's an experience that is hard for me to describe.
One day I'll know the words to share my feelings. One day!
I'm slowly working on making a website of my very own, but I don't have anything to show for it as of yet. You can see my blank canvas, brimming with potential, at
roost-of-rosa.neocities.org. I want my roost to be a big collection of all the different ideas and wonders I want to share with the web, from my (currently unwritten) fanfiction, to my ramen noodle recipe, to my art of my original characters, to my love of pigeons, to my gaming escapades, to links to other cool sites!! It will be so fun to build!!
I look forward to having good discussions with you all! coo!