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Author Topic: Shibuya-kei music recs? Or Japanese math rock...  (Read 1408 times)
« on: September 29, 2023 @222.36 »

Hi all, first day on the forum ^_^ I was wondering if any of you listen to shibuya-kei music or anything similar? I'm talking about maybe Serani Poji, Capsule, the Katamari soundtrack (kind of), Frenesi, Halcali... I'm looking for new music recommendations & I like all of these groups very much, Halcali especially. I like Japanese math rock, too. It just feels like it's been a really long time since I've had a new favorite album, you know? If any of you had music recommendations for me, it'd make me really happy :)
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2023 @423.72 »

Welcome to the forum! ^-^ I sure do listen to shibuya-kei music! Granted I haven't listened to a whole lot, but I do know some Shibuya-kei musicians. My two favourites are Fantastic Plastic Machine, and Cornelius. I'll send you two songs, one from each!

Fantastic Plastic Machine - You Must Learn All Night Long

Cornelius - The Love Parade

I'm familiar with most of those names you listed, except for Frenesi and Halcali - those names are new to me. I might check them out. :)

If you're looking for entire new albums to enjoy, the only one I can suggest right now is to try Luxury by Fantastic Plastic Machine. It's one of my all-time favourites. :D

Hope these recommendations are what you're looking for! I might try and look for some more if you want more recs!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023 @577.77 by Snow » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2023 @634.24 »

Hello! I'm not too familiar with Shibuya-kei, but I have a couple math rock groups that may be of interest. Apologies if you're already familiar.

Marmalade butcher:

Fox capture plan:

« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2023 @96.28 »

If you're looking for entire new albums to enjoy, the only one I can suggest right now is to try Luxury by Fantastic Plastic Machine. It's one of my all-time favourites. :D
Wow! I really enjoyed both of your above recommendations. I think between the two, I liked The Love Parade the best, but I really liked that Fantastic Plastic Machine song too, especially the drums at the beginning. I think it's one of those songs where you can sit back & try to listen to all of its layers and instruments. I'm going to give that album a listen too when I get the chance! I like waking up early on Sundays & listening to music in the morning, so maybe I'll do it then, but I don't know if I can wait that long, haha. I just want to give it a listen when I know my time will be uninterrupted.

I'm familiar with most of those names you listed, except for Frenesi and Halcali - those names are new to me. I might check them out. :)
I'd say Frenesi is more classic shibuya-kei, but more laid back. I often associate music with times of day strangely enough, and Frenesi's Cupra album is one of my go to morning listens. I haven't listened to all of Halcali, so I can't speak for their entire discography, but their album Halcali Bacon is one of my all time favorite albums, I think at least in my top three. It's just really fun & spunky & never fails to put me in a good mood. Outside of that album, I'm also fond of their songs Strawberry Chips & Fuwa Fuwa Brand New. If you want links to any of these, just let me know. I think both albums can be found on this music upload channel on YouTube that I'm fond of, called Kuma's Campfire. Of all of the music they've uploaded, I've liked the vast majority. And even if I happen to not like something, it's not like I dislike it; It's more just that I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to it. This channel is how I discovered Serani Poji, too.

If you do end up giving any of these a listen, I'd love to hear your thoughts! (Also, please let me know if I didn't respond the proper way. I've never posted on a forum before I joined this one).
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2023 @101.59 »

That Marmalade Butcher song is so high energy & so amazing! Most of the 'math rock' that I listen too isn't super rock & roll, they're more relaxed, like Hyakkei & Rooftops. That being said, I still really liked your recommendations. I gave Fox Capture Plan a listen & had fun with them as well. I think I'll add them to my study mix, so thank you. I feel like my study music can get bland really easily & I don't like anything too relaxed or too amped up when I'm studying, so this hit a sweet spot for me.

Also I've listened to several of their songs & the one you linked has been my favorite so far :3
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« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2023 @755.52 »

LAOS is my favorite japanese band ever, if you want a good introduction to them you can try *cough cough* my fake album i made by compiling all their best songs into one. I even did little transition segments and stuff to make it as smooth as possible! Give it a listen if you want an AWESOME math rock album
Lop Abuse On Somebody - Conception (Pseudoalbum Tracklist) by virtueisdedad

Though this is like an hour long, so if you want some specific songs to taste test, try these two; I think they show both polar ends of the styles that they do
Glider by Lop Abuse On Somebody

001 by Lop Abuse On Somebody
« Last Edit: November 22, 2023 @770.54 by virtue » Logged

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« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2024 @864.14 »

i am very very late, but i love shibuya-kei and will take any excuse to talk about it! :D

first, i would absolutely reccomend you check out Melting Holidays if you haven't already! they're one of my favorite bands, and have a super cute and sweet style. i think all three of their albums are wonderful, but in slightly different ways: "Cherry Wine" leans into the retro-pop elements of their music, "Seven Favorites" is quite a bit calmer, with more elements of french music, and "Pop Go The Happy Tune" is a really great finale and includes some songs that are in my list of all-time favorites!

so, QYPTHONE's a bit of an outlier here because their music isn't exclusively shibuya-kei - it counts as a few other genres - but they slot in well with other shibuya-kei groups, so whatever! QYPTHONE's style is super energetic and groovy, with heaps of samples from vintage jazz and old cartoons, etc. very fun to listen to! i'd suggest you check out their album "Modernica In The House!" from 2000, or "Montuno no. 5" from 2002. (which is actually available on music streaming services!)

finally, there is the VERY underrated band Cinnamon Toast Crunch! their 1998 album "Jumpers Survive" and their 1999 album "Charmless Harm" are very similar, it seems, but both are super cute! i like listening to these albums while i clean.
due to the band's name, they're very difficult to search for, so here are some links to youtube uploads to save you the trouble:
Jumpers Survive
Charmless Harm

yeah, i hope you enjoy!!

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