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What was your first DVD?

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I was hanging out in Golden Discs (record store chain) with a friend yesterday and I encountered the DVD section with many copies of the Barbie movie! It made me think of the first DVD I ever observed! It was on my dad's laptop and it was incredible that you could fit a whole movie inside a laptop! The DVD itself was a documenty about the Buena Vista Social Club (It was a 90s band from Cuba) which we watched endlessly, although shortly after we also got a copy of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon which I must have seen 1000 times because he'd put it on for just about every car ride!

I think DVDs had a very uncool phase, but I like the idea of having a movie on a disc now and knowing its there when I need it.

If you grew up in the VHS era, what was your first DVD experience? And if you grew up in the DVD era, whats your first memory of a DVD?

i technically grew up in the DVD era, but we didn't have a lot of money and my older siblings had lots of VHS movies from back when they were kids, so our house was a bit of a time capsule for a while  :dive:

my very first DVD was part of a disc set of Seinfeld that my dad used to have. I used to watch the half of whichever season had Elaine on the cover of the DVD over and over on our family computer in the basement, cuz I had a crush on her  :wink: but for a really long time, I still preferred VHS (and to this day have stubbornly held onto all of our VHS movies that would have been thrown out by now)  :cheerR:

thanks for the trip down memory lane  :4u: this is a fun thread!!

xoxo, lolo =3

Oh man, mine was a long time ago, but I think the first DVD I got was a copy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which I've watched enough times to have it memorized. It had some fun extras on a separate disc, and one of them was a Lego recreation of the Camelot Song ( I've been picking more of them up lately since the various streaming services are making it so difficult to find the movies we want to watch. It's fun going through the stacks at local thrift stores and seeing what I can find.

I recall my first DVD was Toy Story 2. I film I now only own on VHS, in Italian.


--- Quote from: Cobra! on November 04, 2023 @852.94 ---I recall my first DVD was Toy Story 2. I film I now only own on VHS, in Italian.

--- End quote ---

cool :o do you speak italian? i've been looking for buddies to chat with to practice!


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