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Ahoy there matey!

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Hi everyone  :cheesy: my alias on the internet is mahboubine. my name comes from the little town I am from, the town's name means The Loved Ones, so if we get to know each other you could call me mahboub if you want and that lines up nicely because it means The loved one (singular)

anyways IRL I am a web developer and I actually have a little blog about tech, but I decided not to link it here because 1. I want to keep my two identities seperate (ooh, mysterious  :cool: ) and 2. it'll be a great opportunity to create a retro-style website on neocities.

My favorite show is Doctor Who, I've watched the entire NuWho aside from Jodie whittaker's run and I adore it. can't wait for the new season in may. other than Doctor Who I watch a lot of movies you can find my thoughts on my letterboxd

so that's about it, come say hi below!

Eyy, fellow Doctor Who fan! Welcome! I'm looking forward to seeing your retro neocities page!

I understand not watching Jodie's run, I dropped out after Orphan 55 (psychic damage was dealt) but I'm trying slowly to fill in the gaps. I'm convinced Chibnall can't delegate and so he rushes himself writing every episode, resulting in a first-draft script getting on screen. Poor Jodie, she deserved a good shot... My friends say the Haunting of Villa Diodati (an episode not written by Chibnall) is the best episode of the run and actually worth watching, so that might be the one to try if you want to give her run a punt! Though of course it won't be representative of the rest T_T

Classic question: who's your favourite Doctor? And is it the same as the one whose run you like the most?
Personally, my favourite is the 12th Doctor -- so cool -- but my favourite run is probably 9's -- so well structured and written!

Hi fellow whovian!

my favorite doctor is the 12th, I like his jokes and his connection with clara, my favorite run would be either 12th run itself or david tennant's (first run of course  :grin: ) but I'd feel bad if I didn't at least give 11 an honorable mention because he's the first one I watched and I loved him when I was a kid.

One more thing: I checked your website, really nice stuff, I saw you like comic books and I'd recommend a comic called shubeik lubeik, really nice read!


--- Quote from: mahboubine on February 10, 2024 @543.92 ---my favorite doctor is the 12th, I like his jokes and his connection with clara, my favorite run would be either 12th run itself or david tennant's (first run of course  :grin: ) but I'd feel bad if I didn't at least give 11 an honorable mention because he's the first one I watched and I loved him when I was a kid.

--- End quote ---

12 is so good, what a guy. 10's run is definitely the one I rewatch the most, it's one that keys most into what I find appealing, while also being a good length! 11 is definitely the one who seems the most appealing to kids -- he just works on their level in a way the others don't as much! His run feels made for them in a magical sort of way, and that embodies some important aspects of the Doctor I think.

--- Quote from: mahboubine on February 10, 2024 @547.07 ---One more thing: I checked your website, really nice stuff, I saw you like comic books and I'd recommend a comic called shubeik lubeik, really nice read!

--- End quote ---

Oooh, I'll investigate this, it looks very interesting and the art is incredible! Thank you for the recommendation!


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