Forum Hub > ❤︎ ∙ Greetings and Introductions
94673's webmaster... is here. hi
uh, yeah.
just realized I haven't actually made an introduction post despite commenting on a few things already. let's see here.
my website: 94673. I'm Really proud of it. I've never worked on something as consistently as I have on 94673, it's really something special to me. I've tried to make it into a place where I could give 'anything' a spot, theoretically. It's my favourite creation, and I hope that I can share it with people.
me, as a person: not much to say about this. I'm an adult. I like weird things. very powerfully autistic in a way that makes me somewhat unpalatable. uh. i... like cats? :ha:
music recommendation: Hoe Lang by Henny Vrienten. my favourite musician of all time, who sadly passed away. But luckily his music lives on.
...what else.. oh, yes.
<(you should play mushroom hell!)
Cool website! But i must ask, what's the significance of 94673? Why such a specific number? Is it like a 80085 or 7734 type thing, or is it supposed to have some deeper meaning
--- Quote from: DiffydaDude on February 16, 2024 @935.90 ---Cool website! But i must ask, what's the significance of 94673? Why such a specific number? Is it like a 80085 or 7734 type thing, or is it supposed to have some deeper meaning
--- End quote ---
it. uh. if you write it out on a phone's number pad it says 'whore'
so I guess that is all there is to it, yeah.
edit: also thank you. sorry forgot to add that
Love it! especially the wall of candles, such a beautiful idea.
You are right to be proud :4u:
Hello there :cheerR:
Very interesting website, I like the minimum barebones approach ! Have fun in MelonLand forums !
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