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hello and good night!


hello! i go by the online handle @violentferalcat but you can call me Karina! I am a closeted transgender woman, though I have come out recently to some of my close friends. i am currently trying to apply to universities in czechia, brno, in order to move out of my country and be able to safely transition in a more tolerant/accepting europe, compared to my homeland.

i've learned about the web revival maybe at the end of last year? i am not quite sure, my memory has always been quite bad on things like this. since then i've made and remade my website countless of times and recently decided to get a custom domain. You can visit it here: i try to update somewhat regularly!

i am interested in a lot of things and my interests/hobbies move rapidly. right now i am reading Frankestein by Mary Shelley, because why not? and then plan on reading Dracula (in Czech translation). I am fond of language learning, especially sign languages, Czech, and French and/or German. If you know any of these, feel free to DM me and we can chat! tho i have zero knowledge in French and German, for now.. I'd love to get some practice from some speakers :>

i've recently got quite into Hazbin Hotel, despite only being mildly curious about it, thanks to one of my tumblr mutuals. i also am trying to learn digital art and improve my traditional art. writing has also been an on/off hobby for me which, i am sure, will remain as such for the rest of my life. if you are interested, i can share some writing WIPS i have lying around. i also sometimes write poetry, though that, of course, is not my honed skill.

in other interests, i love to learn about human biology (especially immunology), different cultures, history, folklore, and such. i am, unfortunately, too young to have seen the golden age of forums and the old internet, and even if it was around during my conscious years, i'd probably be completely unaware of it, being a somewhat reclusive child who didn't hang around the web that much. i have been hiding in the shadows of the forum for a while because i constantly put off my introduction, but i finally got my hands on it! also, my short attention span sometimes makes it a bit difficult for me to focus on reading long posts, haha :> ADHD really does suck,,

welcome fellow trans woman :)

i really liked reading through your post: "the nomads, the settlers, and the conservatives". the conclusion really resonates with me. i can only speak for my country, but identity politics are pushed more divisively than the (local or global) issues that actually matter in the UK.

i'd love to check out some of your art! poetry is one of my favorite mediums though i feel my skill isn't as honed as it should be, either. do you have a favorite medium to work with?


--- Quote from: j on February 21, 2024 @970.88 ---welcome fellow trans woman :)
--- End quote ---
hello!! always good to meet other trans people on the internet :>

yeah, identity politics is such a weird thing to have arguments about,, 'oh, this person is actually a MAN! can you believe that?' <- statements dreamed by the utterly deranged. but yeah, i'm not from the UK, haha, despite what my website says. the dot uk domain was just a cheap one i got :>

unfortunately, LGBTQIA+ issues are not even raised where i am from, just like most human rights movements. due to our history, most people believe that there's no way that they can get the proper rights and respect from the government, there's a lot of distrust for our parliament and president.

as to my art, all of it is pretty much traditional since that is the medium i am studying in my art school. there's quite a lot, and i don't know how to make them in row, instead of column, so i'll put them in a spoiler in case someone doesn't want to get a wall of images:


<- this one's unfinishsed



--- Quote from: feralcat on February 22, 2024 @615.91 ---hello!! always good to meet other trans people on the internet :>

yeah, identity politics is such a weird thing to have arguments about,, 'oh, this person is actually a MAN! can you believe that?' <- statements dreamed by the utterly deranged. but yeah, i'm not from the UK, haha, despite what my website says. the dot uk domain was just a cheap one i got :>

unfortunately, LGBTQIA+ issues are not even raised where i am from, just like most human rights movements. due to our history, most people believe that there's no way that they can get the proper rights and respect from the government, there's a lot of distrust for our parliament and president.

as to my art, all of it is pretty much traditional since that is the medium i am studying in my art school. there's quite a lot, and i don't know how to make them in row, instead of column, so i'll put them in a spoiler in case someone doesn't want to get a wall of images:

--- End quote ---

completely agree with you, and i'm sorry to hear that your country's government is ambivalent.

i really like your art! your style really resonates with me; i particularly like the first and last image. i just got into my house dripping wet after walking the rain for a few hours, so maybe that's why a warm blanket and a coat hung on the wall appeals so much right now :P

i'll be sure to add your site to my bookmarks!

Heyyyyy elcome to da MelonLand, friend-o !  :cheerR:


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