New Blog New Blog New Blog New BlogSomething that's always plagued me about my site is that its great for visual design, but its very hard to fit text and written pages into it.
In the past I tend to write my text in a word processor, then slowly copy and paste it into <p> tags on a html page to publish it. That's a pain and it makes it sooooper hard to re-edit the text later on.
ANYWAY, long story short, I started a new blog sub-site! It uses Textpattern to power it and is setup with a local WYSIWYG editor called MarsEdit so its really easy for me to write and post things on it.
Plans for this blog:
- Keep a personal diary
- Vastly expand the tutorials and guides offered on my site
- Add more recipes!
- Maybe do more essays, I kinda suck at those, so its a chance to get better

It has a bunch of RRS feeds, you can subscribe to the global feed of everything on the main page, and to individual section feeds on their pages. (Wow I have a lot of RSS feeds now..)
Its still a bit empty now, but I hope you will enjoy it: