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Known active webrings

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Hello, I though it might be a good idea to make a list of all the known active webrings that people might want to join. If you know a webring/are part of a webring, post about it below!

(Please provide a description of the webring, its size, what kind of sites its for etc)


Well, everyone knows the Yesterweb Ring (over 600 members, general purpose but preferring retro web revival websites), but I also know the Hotline Webring (~400 members, personal websites that showcase unique identities preferred).

I know of this webring, very minimal but full of wonderful sites -

Hey I found a few more, so I figured I'd add them here in case there's still interest:

Bucket Webring - "For cool people." Currently at 48 members
The Funky Webring - Personal webpages that like funky visuals and colors. Currently has 36 members.
Neocreatives Webring - For visual artists (who aren't all necessarily on Neocities). Several dozen members in the list right now.
The Transring - "For any webmaster here on the web that identifies as transgender, nonbinary, basically anything that isn't cisgender." Has several dozen members currently.

Edit: found more! Also added more info for each of them.

Unnamed Webring - "This webring is an attempt to inspire artists & developers to build their websites and share traffic amongst each other." I can't find a name for it, but it is identified by the symbol at the bottom of the page. Currently 200 members
Lainchan Webring - Websites that have linked together using Lainchan, an image board revolving around the anime Serial Experiments Lain. Not all are anime focused, however. A few are on Tor and listed separately, and the webmaster keeps track of sites that have gone down. Looks like there are currently about 100 members.

Oh! Also, Sadness has an amazing webrings page:

Honestly, it was what enabled me to start my webring adventures. Can't believe I forgot to mention it. She recently updated it too! :smile:


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