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I should be drawing
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« on: December 16, 2022 @204.48 » |
I don't have any art (aside from some rough sketches) to show for this yet, but I've decided to undertake the 100 Days of Making Comics Challenge! From what I understand it's a simple challenge where you work on a comic for at least 30 minutes a day, 100 days in a row!
There weirdly isn't a ton of information about this challenge online, but I first heard of it from this youtube playlist about making comics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQUoMojgm0nNkHKAdLH6zl2xsAAoNkfuR (the video titles in the playlist aren't meant to be what you focus on each day or anything, I think you just do whatever you want. The youtubers just used the challenge as an excuse to make 100 videos about making comics) and decided to undertake it since I've been in a real rut with my art the past few years. I made a blog post yesterday roughly describing my thoughts going into this project which you can see here: https://wodaro.neocities.org/blog if you're curious!
I thought that along with posting on my blog, it might be fun to make a thread here to post updates! And even better, if anyone else wants to try and do the challenge with me, feel free to post in here as well!! I've only completed Day 2, so I'm still pretty early in it. I'm trying to keep my scope small and manageable, maybe I won't even need the full 100 days! But I think building a habit of working for at least 30 minutes a day will be good for me. 