Forum Hub > ❤︎ ∙ Greetings and Introductions

Hello I'm new here

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welcome!! i love chevelle and i've been meaning to listen to the gazette and dir en grey, i would love some recs :)


--- Quote from: malice on February 29, 2024 @865.83 ---welcome!! i love chevelle and i've been meaning to listen to the gazette and dir en grey, i would love some recs :)

--- End quote ---

Definitely...HELL YA!!  :smile:  I will totally recommend you some music I listen to! I love this band Kizu which their song Jigoku is amazing, they have another song about society and the effects of suicide.

Welcome!!  :unite:

I like your post organization. Im pretty new to forums so Im excited to develop my own style with it
I'd love to read your half baked books whenever!! What kind of stuff do you like writing?


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