EDIT 1 : Keybind messed up ?
Hello, i've just made an account here so i thought i might make an introduction.
I'm an adolescent above 15 that hails from France. I do a lot of traditional
drawings with a dip pen. I've started seriously a few years ago and it's been
very nice and very soothing, i might have the start of a career ahead of me with
a bit of interest from one or two exhibition halls but since i'm still really
young, nothing is carved on rock.
Drawing(It's from old to new)
I also like a lot of movies, my favorites are probably "The White Ribbon" and
"The City of Lost Children" (the latter half-made by the realisator of Amélie).
Like everyone, music is also one of my interests, i now frequently go searching
for new music on labels's you**be channels for new meat.
I can probably talk a lot more about interestings like philosophy and
european comics but it'd be a bit too long-winded.
Apart from that, I have been slowly cutting links to the outside world that i
didn't feel were very good to me so by joining this forum i hope to create a
few that are a bit less abrasive.
I like messing a bit with my computer but not to a very deep extend but enough
to feel comfortable with messing with relatively simple scripts and programs,
and having a generic unixprn desktop.
At this point in the introduction, i should probably gracefully put a proper link
to the index of my website, so here it is (i tried to translate a few of the
buttons but the content is still in french).
https://urgelle.frHave a good day and feel free to ask questions if you want me to develop an aspect
of my introduction that you feel i haven't monologued enough about.
--- THE END ---