I am just in the works of making a website for just posting some pics and providing some info. It's not meant to be viewed on a phone, I dont even care about mobile users lol. It's mostly just a little archiving project I want to do.
I've never been good with HTML and I can never remember even the most basic codes, so even just adding backround color, text/font/size etc takes me so long, I just end up never doing antyhing because I end up having to google the most inane things over and over :-0
I was pretty quick with Frontpage back in the 00s, but now I am wondering if there are other, free programs that are similar? I tried the, uh Silex cloud thing, but I could not understand anything ;__; I was completely lost on just adding text and background color, oof.
Any tips on how and where I can easily make a few ye olde web pages? <3