<---- On the Move! ----> Yes its really true! MelonLand is on the move! We are moving server!
As some of you know the forum and other ML sites are spread across an array on odd servers and hosts; the main one dates back to 2020 and was a temporary server for a game-jam I was part of in college, it later got co-opted into a mini server for the Melonking.net hit counter and then later became the forum. Since then we have added TamaNotchi, The Everyone site, a mastodon server, image caching servers, databases, rss servers, mastodon bots, a minecraft server, my personal sites, the surf club, the wiki, and I'm working on the blog thing. Anyway all that is to say we have a messy mess of many servers and its finally time to move!
Everything will be gathered into one big server with lots of extra resources and room for activities
The new server has been setup with a local hosting company, I had a video call with them some weeks ago and they seemed quite supportive of the whole project which is great!
I've been running tests and figuring things out so everything goes smoothly, I do not expect any big issues but I do expect some unusual behavior
The main things to look out for will be:
- Unexpected outages during switch overs
- Cert errors as domain names are updated
- Unexpected bugs and doodads
It will be about two weeks before everything is done; I will post here before each switch over so you know to lookout for any issues, and the forum itself is scheduled to switch over on Monday the 18th all going well.
I officaly declare that we are ON THE MOVE