Everybody's had sick days... like me, right now
From your average cold to more serious illnesses, what are ways you use to make your illness more bearable?
I'm not talking the obvious stuff like medicines and treatments. What I'm talking about... is a more personal way. Comfort foods and stuff to soothe the soul. Maybe a series/movie you rewatch mostly/only when you're sick, or a book you like to revisit when you're like that.
When it comes to me, there's two things. The main one is chicken soup, my dad makes the best chicken soup in the world
And I got his recipe, although it doesn't turn out quite as good as his yet. Either him or I make a big ol' pot of soup and I'm almost always back to good health once it's done.
The second one, not necessary but always fun, is Pokémon XD. For some reason, I can finish that game in a week, which is about what it takes for me to recover.
There's a bunch of several other minor things... orange juice and Actimel to "gather defenses" to protect oneself against colds, and a little bit of Coca-Cola to help swallow pills. I try to not get too much cola nowadays, but I must admit, the flavour and bubbles help a lot swallowing pills!
Now it's your turn: what are those little things you do when you're sick that aren't necessarily directly related to getting better? Discuss.