chainsaw man is fire i rly like it. i started with the anime and after that i went and read the manga from the beginning (only time i've done this with an anime) and read up until the end of part 1. part 2 was (and still is) coming out and since im not the biggest fan of reading manga that isnt fully out yet i stopped there.
some thoughts are:
i love the power system/universe and overall concepts the story tackles, it really grabbed me from the beginning and made me so curious and invested to find out more and more
favourite character is okay okay this is a hard one. i have a lot of characters i like. only from watching the anime, himeno was my favourite character and i loved her and aki's relationship a lot. though aki is also my favourite character from only watching the anime. now expanding onto the manga, aki is still one of my favourites, but the one that always pops up in my mind every time i think about chainsaw man is reze. the way she was introduced and her arc executed was so intense and just pulled me in and never let me go. i rly liked the part 1's last arc, but reze's one still kinda tops it for me. also MAKIMA T-T also one of my favourites for sure.
i thought the anime was rly good when i watched it (and the animation was fantastic) but after reading all of part 1 i do think it under-representated the story because the first arc is the weakest (even though it's really good already). i would have preferred if they had done a 24 episode season instead of the 12 episodes. though im pretty excited for the reze movie.
vvvvv spoiler for late part 1
i also LOVE how AIDS isnt real anymore in the chainsaw man universe T-T like
also that chapter with asa and denji, you know,
that chapter, is kinda the only thing i know about part 2
ill attach some images that i really like and saved on my phone from when i was reading it
also writing this reply and going through my gallery on my phone has reminded me of how much i actually liked this manga and how i should probably read part 2 tbh..
alsoo i plan to make my own website soon soo if you end up making a chainsaw man webring invite me :D