Hello Melonland :] you can call me Kip, and I've recently become interested in the web revival/indie web and that sort of thing. I'm not sure exactly how I ultimately see myself fitting into those communities; I started out with just looking for ways to improve my cybersecurity, getting a password manager and VPN and that sort of thing, and it's kind of spiraled from there as I realized I'm actually really interested in technology and how to use it to further one's life aspirations instead of it being a crutch (as things like social media have been for me in the past), and diving into the web revival has been fantastic for that pursuit!! So I'm really excited to be able to talk about all of that with all of you ^~^
A little more about me in general- I use he/any pronouns (so mostly he/him but if you want to spice it up I won't object... neopronouns and it/its can be fun), I was born in the early 00s, I just graduated from university not too long ago and I'm planning on backpacking the Appalachian Trail starting in June. A lot of my energy has been dedicated to that recently and it may come up on here! Oh I'm also something along the lines of an otherkin/furry (doggie) thus the topic subject, so that may come up too! :)
I have a website that should be linked on my profile, feel free to check it out, but it's only about a month old so it's very much a work in progress. I haven't really decided on a theme so there's not a ton of consistency right now. We'll get there! Other than being a novice webmaster (and joining some forums... obviously), techy things I'm interested in right now are cultivating an RSS feed, starting a collection of CDs + downloaded music (as opposed to streaming), and as of a few days ago I'm considering switching my primary OS on my computer to Linux.
Looking forward to seeing how I can contribute to this community and getting to know some of y'all!