Hello, everyone! I'm so happy to be here! My name is Rodion and the surname is Semukov, but my nick is ORANOID from the very childhood and even in the scientific paper I did an interview for im called Oranoid, so I go with that too.
What can I tell you about myself? I'm an average young (very, I'm just 18, but it seems like so are many people in the indie web (which us ultracool)) adult. I love culture, I make games, sites, designs, music, as we all are. Professionally I'm a level designer, but I have no job now.
I also make a podcast, but who cares.
Oh and with the queer stuff: my pronouns are he/him my sex and gender are currently are male (yeah, I'm boring in this sense, but I just feel like I don't care, so might just keep the defaults as well) and my sexuality is Bisexual as for LGBTQ+ and Pansexual in that other thing.
Oh and obviously love zines (both reading and writing), hate corporations and capitalism and love privacy (but I want to hide something only from corporations, really: I have no problem telling pretty much anything to a real human being, I just don't want to be spied on by some random algorythm).
So yeah, that should be it. I also know a decent amount of cool resources,do shitty design and a bit less crappy level design, so if you need any kind of help, I'm always happy to. Free of charge.