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Author Topic: What's your sense of fashion?  (Read 4512 times)
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« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2024 @872.69 »

Born to dress like Jesse Pinkman, forced to wear office casual

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Sent On Earth By The Almighty TallestJoined 2024!
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2024 @935.52 »

I'd say my look is a mix of emo and punk fashion most of the time, though I tend to incorporate a lot of styles into it at different times, ranging from adding some goth elements to decora aspects if it works with an outfit. My wardrobe is mostly band tees, shirts from events I went to, flannels, knit sweaters, hoodies, and a handful of anime tees, with black or dark blue jeans. I have a lot of hoodies and sweatshirts that I've managed to keep in good condition over the years, and I also have a denim battle jacket decked out with pins and patches and spikes. I do have some cute dresses but I don't wear those as often just for practical reasons, as usually I'm biking places and half the time when I'm at work or school I'm in a lab. I'm a huge fan of pairing shorts with leggings since that's definitely a look and it's lab safe. I have a regular pair of black sneakers that are pretty heavy duty and slip resistant that I wear most of the time, but I do have some nice black boots for some occasions. I tend to use a lot of jewelry like chokers and belt chains and earrings in my looks, and when I do makeup I tend to go for a heavy look with graphic eyeliner, usually some blended colors in the eyeshadow, and black lipstick.

I say that I also look sort of emo, although I also dress like an old lady because I was socialized as a male and have n ofashion sense. In general I have found that wearing all black (with some whites and reds) makes everything match and keeps my lack of fashion sense from ruining things too bad.  :cheesy:

I get to dress up for work because I am a caretaker, and it provides me a judgement free environment to test out what looks good and what doesn't. I sort of have a rectangular shaped body, so dresses look okay on me as long as they aren't tight.

I loooooove my fishnet gloves and black leggings which I weear with almost every outfit. :loved:

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« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2024 @717.74 »

I like to dress vaguely emo/punk, but as I don't buy new clothes very often that wardrobe is not very fleshed out. I mainly thrift clothing or buy second hand online when I can. My favorite item is my black jean jacket on which I sew patches related to my music taste and interests - these are often referred to as battle jackets :)

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« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2024 @88.16 »

Admittedly the only thing I really vary about myself is my socks. I have 2 Good Jackets and not a lot of resources/interest in changing things up.
I enjoy trinkity things like bracelets to ig, though gender dysphoria means I don't wear them that often  :notgood: .
I appreciate really heavy makeup, fantasy-style clothing, "obnoxious" patterns, etc. but it's not really something I could see myself doing.
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« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2024 @212.81 »

Part ex-bookstore employee, part grandparent, part like... the lovechild of Frog & Mr Toad, lol! :happy:

I wear a lot of neutrals/earth tones, a lot of knits. Came to the realization very recently that most of my clothing is a solid color, with the few exceptions being like... two different kinds of plaid?? I love a baggy sweater or cardigan, although more often than not I'll wear a sleeveless black top underneath (bc I will, inevitably, overheat no matter the season). Most of my stuff is thrifted/gifted to me. Over the past few years I've tried to make it a point to keep my closet at a certain size (not quite a 'capsule wardrobe', but limited enough that I can easily remember/rewear everything). I'm happily at a point where I can throw together pretty much any 2-3 articles of clothing & be happy w/ how they look together :)

I enjoy seeing brighter colors & loud patterns on other people (& I used to dress like that as well! many moons ago...), but my eyeballs would get waaaay too overstimulated nowadays if I still tried dressing like that myself :o)

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« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2024 @503.55 »

i also love going to the thrift store!! especially goodwill now has lots of hidden gems and band t-shirts and whatnot

but yeah basically i dress pretty alt-ish. i dont wanna say goth because i dont do all the makeup or dye my hair or anything, but i love wearing black, band t-shirts, ripped jeans and i got myself a nice pair of docs! (they hurt the back of my ankles when i wear them tho... ) i also enjoy bracelets, necklaces and jewelry in general. used to pain my nails black but just havent gotten any nail polish in a while

now that its getting cooler outside im excited to get some flannels to wear! and i was thinking when it becomes spring again ill get some ripped jean shorts...i could probably make them look cool xD

imma try to insert a picture of me in a fit for the forum to r8


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« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2024 @954.44 »

I have the general sense of style of a southern grandpa but with a bit of "cheesy 80s slasher male love interest" tossed in there... plain t-shirts or baggy button ups tucked into jeans, overly large belt buckle (it's a promotional night of the living dead belt buckle specifically. camps it up a bit), sharply patterned acrylic sweater in the colder months, aged leather jacket over that if it gets really chilly. or just the jacket if I like the shirt I'm wearing. in the warmer months I might opt for a graphic t-shirt I cut the sleeves off of when I was 14 because I didn't really grow at all after that. most of the graphics are some band or horror movie poster. I wear my cowboy boots or workboots almost every day because they're nicely broken in. maybe some silly socks under them. I don't really like change much so it doesn't deviate from the day to day very often. I do frequent thrift stores for analog media stuff and might get a shirt or sweater there if I love it enough, but finding stuff in a men's small is pretty difficult. I'm planning on getting one of my ears pierced at some point also, but don't really have an interest in other piercings. I also carry a satchel for my medical stuff, it's a green canvas with handmade patches and pins decorating it.

Rosaria Delacroix
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« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2024 @877.07 »

There's two extremes in my closet, more or less: all dark, moody, bruise tones in heavy weighting, lots of wool and thick cotton, or else extremely pastel and bright, lots of Sanrio t-shirts, and generally very cutesy, with lots of ruffles and puff sleeves and eyelet lace. One of my favourite winter items is a lavender puffer jacket that just swallows me up. A few pieces straddle the distinction in my closet- like my black, Regency inspired dress, with a square neckline, empire waistline, and simple pleating that I wore for my graduation and felt like a million bucks in.

I have a lot of statement pieces: a Tripp NYC white and black plaid corset bustier, a My Melody racer skirt with a harness, a lavender blazer, a dual-chrome lavender and iridescent sheen nylon trenchcoat, a vintage black wool jacket with mutton style sleeves, a lurid neon mint striped buttonup with boldly splashed on floral prints, a teal-blue short sleeve button up with orange flowers sprawled over it, a black bomber jacket with pink roses, a military-esque canvas green jacket with a collar styled buckle at the throat, a neon pink fluffy pullover, and a vintage colorblock neon pink and teal skii jacket so pink it blinds my cameras.

I love accessories- rings, and necklaces. I like to collect vintage costume pieces set in sterling, and have an especial fondness for freshwater pearls. Clothing from the 1970s and upwards tends to fit well without concerns, but I have a few rare bits and bobs dating back to the 1950's- mostly rings. I like marquis cuts, or classic solitaires, and very rarely, emerald cuts.

I have a pink Canadian rhodonite bar necklace from a family run mine up North with a streak of transparency through the middle that looks like a quartz-y river, and a 90's faux pearl and glass purple bead choker. I also have a necklace from a local artist, a medieval styled heart pierced by a sword with wings, a steel cross with pink and purple rhinestones in an ornate gothic style, and oodles of bracelets: pale pinks, chunky crystals, iridescent and bright Kandi style ones and ones bristling with charms, a pale pink rosary with heart beads and tiny saints' odds and ends, plus a few simple pearl strands.

Most often I am wearing a white gold necklace with natural (heat treated) pear cut sapphires in a floral/snowflake-esque design, my thriftstore little gold tone angel brooch clipped to my sleeve, an emerald cut blue synthetic sapphire ring from the Soviet Union, and then either my silver marquis cut ring or a round cut gold ring from the 1950's, depending on if my outfit leans more silver or gold. If I wear earrings, it's quite rare- but I'll do a simple solitaire stud, or else my little sterling silver daisy hoops I got out of a novelty candle.

Oh, and shoe wise- year round I default to my all black leather Chelsea cut boots, which are the singular most expensive item in my warddrobe and broken in so well they feel like wearing nothing at all. Or I might whip out my cute old fashioned black Mary Janes.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2024 @878.92 by Rosaria Delacroix » Logged

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« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2024 @25.12 »

My Fashion sense is quite boring and has not changed since Middle school. It's Timberland Boots, Blue Jeans, and Polo + Flannel Jacket. And In winter I add Pullover and Beanie. Where my most interesting thing is what is on my Pullovers, as that can vary.

I used to ware an Ushanka that was gifted to me from Grandfather, but that sadly is in state where I don't want to wear It out anymore. Really have to go to the Tailors about that soon. And the final aspect that is rarely anyone gets to see, as I always wear the Timbs, are my Socks. As they can vary in style drastically and are never the same type on each foot, Because who has time to sort them! :grin: 

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« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2025 @689.41 »

My fashion sense is somewhat eclectic. A lot of business casual styled oddly, thrift store jewellery, a lot of attempts at goth fashion, et cetera.
Love pantyhose/tights. Hate jeans. Don't necessarily tend to wear socks. Calf-length or longer skirts generally.
Plain black shoes, "old maiden type of shoes," black "leather" boots.
A shapeless dress (usually a t-shirt dress) over similar colour pants has become a regular outfit of mine lately, usually throwing a thin black cardigan on as well.
I am very much interested in fashion history and design; I don't necessarily dress the part, lol

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