When I first used scratch, The thing i really like to do is look at Scratch Projects that are specifically, Operating Systems! Those being ones that are making fun of microsoft, ones that are trying to make a simulator of an real os (Such as colorgram's Windows 10 Simulator), to people starting from the top, and making something really unique!
Now, I tried making my fair share of OS's in the past, and lets just say... hoo boy they are embarrassing!
They were full of bugs, inconsistencies, and... i don't know, unfinished?
Fast forward to 2023, i've been taking a trip down memory lane, looking at all of the operating systems i played around with, in the past, ofc. One of the many old ""Operating Systems"" that fascinated me the most was Rosy OS v1.3.
And it was NOSTALGIC, it was kinda everything that i want a Scratch OS to be. and Rosy OS, kinda achieves that.
Now there was a lot of limitations, such as games being a little bit barebones, and... the colors bleeding my eyes...
but still, it was perfect.
Then I decided to make my own version of it, but i didn't upload it on Scratch, cause its using a heavily modified version of Scratch, which... is PenguinMod, (which is based on TurboWarp)
I call it, Rosy OS+, (Or Rosy+OS, or Codename, Dragon OS)
Features!- More apps!
- More Wallpapers!
- Including a Terminal, which has Experimental Linux Support
- Ultra Wide HD 4K, for wider screens!!
- and... I'm not even gonna list them all here yet!
GoalsRosy OS+ has 3 goals. One, being the love letter to all of the Scratch OS's on scratch. Two, to add features in Rosy OS+ that Rosyda intended adding, but never gotten to finish it, because they moved on, of course. and three, To see how advanced this project will be.
It made me sad that the entire project was just abandoned, after Rosyda left Scratch, I wanted to implement features that were gonna be added in the next updated version of RosyOS!
Not-so-FAQBut.. why?Because I am bored, and want to do something fun!
What is the recommended specs to run this project?I would recommend a beefy computer! Using an old PC is not recommended, as there is a lot of scripts running.
GIMMIE THE DOWNLOAD!!https://github.com/GlitchyZorua/Rosy-OS-Plus/tree/mainLatest version:
https://github.com/GlitchyZorua/Rosy-OS-Plus/raw/refs/heads/main/Desktop/ROSY%20OS%20PUBLIC%20TEST%201-30-2024%2062.pmp I can't load it to Scratch!Make sure you load it to penguinmod, and not Scratch!
https://studio.penguinmod.com/editor.htmlRosy OS+ is full of bugs and unfinished features. Most features are pretty janky, don't worry, i'll find a work around.
Let me know if you see any bugs! (Or want to share feedback..)