Now that the game is officially released, the press is curious to know: what did you find to be the most challenging part of development? And what was the most rewarding, or something interesting that you learned in the process of building the game?
Ok so, the game itself was not too hard to put together, getting the environmental effects took a bit of fiddling. The hard part was the personal side, fighting with myself. For example having to make the call to cut the MoMG world when I knew it was one of the most popular from the demo videos, that was really difficult and I procrastinated on it for a week. The existential crisis of spending hours on something and not knowing if anyone would like it when it was done, that was hard too, you start questioning if it will ever be done and if your just wasting your time. Being an indie developer, you are on your own, there's no one else on the project to lean on for support day to day, that was the most challenging part.
What I learned was, just be brutal, make decisions, make cuts, leave out features you love, don't waste time deliberating. That said, also be paced, take breaks and don't rush; keep it steady. Letting go and admitting a loss and a limit is often the best and only way to progress, that's easy to say and really hard to do.
After all that though, the feeling of being done and completing it is great, I feel like a real game designer now :omg:k: