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Author Topic: What is an extremely messy way to write a hello world script?  (Read 2653 times)
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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« on: December 29, 2021 @337.87 »

Hello world!
« Last Edit: December 29, 2021 @360.23 by Icelogist » Logged

:ozwomp: my beloved

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First 1000 Members!OG! Joined 2021!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2021 @769.46 »

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class helloWorld : MonoBehaviour
   public GameObject world;

   private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider world){
   Debug.Log("Hello" +gameObject.name);

^.^ or..

<rss version="2.0">
<title>hello world!</title>
hello world!

(i tried lol)

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!Squirtle!!!!MIDI WarriorMIDI Warrior1234 Posts!OzspeckCool Dude AwardRising Star of the Web AwardMessage BuddyPocket Icelogist!OG! Joined 2021!...
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2021 @791.62 »

let v = "hello";
let roor = "" + "world"
let mrSpace = " "
let daWord = "";

for(let x = 11 ; x >= 0 ; x--) {
 if(x >= 5) {
   daWord = v.charAt(x - v.length) + daWord;
 if(x == 5) {
   daWord += mrSpace
 if(x <= 5) {
   daWord += roor.charAt(roor.length - x);


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First 1000 Members!OG! Joined 2021!
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2021 @388.26 »

( macros )

%RTN { JMP2r }
%/2 { #01 SFT2 }
%RECT-W { .Screen/width DEI2 #00a0 SUB2 }
%RECT-H { .Screen/height DEI2 #00c0 SUB2 }
%RECT-MARGIN { #0050 }
%MOUSE { .mouse/x LDZ2 .mouse/y LDZ2 }
%-- { #0001 SUB2 }
%++ { #0001 ADD2 }

( devices )

|00 @System [ &vector $2 &pad $6 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ]
|20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ]
|90 @Mouse [ &vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &wheel $1 ]
|80 @Controller [ &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 ]

( zero page )

	@canvas	 [ &x $2 &y $2 &w $2 &h $2 ]

( program )

	;text1 .canvas/x LDZ2 #0035 ;draw-text JSR2

@draw-letters ( letters length* x* y* color -- )
		assign parameters to local variables
	,&color STR  ( ws: letters length x y )
	.Screen/y DEO2 ( ws letters length x )
	,&x STR2    ( ws: letters length )
	,&length STR2 ( ws: letters )
		reverse loop over each letter to draw them		
	&loop ( ws: letters )
		,&length LDR2 ( ws: letters length )
		#0001 SUB2   ( ws: letters length )
		#0008 MUL2   ( ws: letters xoffset )
		,&x LDR2 ADD2
		.Screen/x DEO2 ( ws: letters )
		;draw-letter JSR2
			decrease length, loop if > 0
		,&length LDR2 #0001 SUB2
		DUP2 ,&length STR2
		#0000 GTH2 ,&loop JCN
( local )
&color $1
&x	$2
&y	$2
&length $2

@draw-letter ( letter -- )
	  	the letter 'a' starts at offset #61 of the ascii table.
    #61 SUB ( ws: char )
		to get the offset, multiply char by 8.
		first, pad with 00 to get a short.
	#00 SWP
	#0008 MUL2
		add the font addr to offset and draw letter.
	;font ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2
	#05 .Screen/sprite DEO

	push all letters into the ws.
@draw-text ( addr* x* y* -- a... )
		load length, add length and count to rs
	LDAk ( ws: addr* len / rs: )
	#00 ( ws: addr* len 00 / rs: )
		STH2  ( ws: addr* / rs: len counter )
		DUP2  ( ws: addr* addr* / rs: len counter )
		#00   ( ws: addr* addr* 00 / rs: len counter )
		STHrk 	( ws: addr* addr* 00 counter / rs: len counter )
		ROT ROT ( ws: c addr* / rs: len counter )
		STH2r  ( ws: c addr* len counter / rs: )
		NEQ ,&loop JCN
	LDA #00 SWP
	STH2r STH2r
	#01 ;draw-letters JSR2

@text1 20 "hello 20 "world

	007e 0202 7e42 427e
	0040 4040 7e42 427e
	007e 4040 4040 407e
	0070 4844 4444 4870
	007c 4040 7040 407c
	007c 4040 7040 4040
	007c 4040 4e42 427e
	0042 4242 7e42 4242
	0000 1010 1010 1010
	003c 0808 0808 0870
	0044 4850 6050 4844
	0040 4040 4040 407c
	006c 5242 4242 4242
	0078 4444 4444 4444
	0038 4444 4444 4438
	007c 4444 7c40 4040
	0038 4444 4454 4834
	007c 4444 7c50 4844
	003c 4040 3804 0478
	007c 1010 1010 1010
	0044 4444 4444 4438
	0044 4444 4444 2810
	0044 4444 4444 5428
	0042 4224 1824 4242
	0044 4444 3c04 047c
	007c 0408 1020 407c
	0000 0000 0000 0000


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« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2022 @739.05 »

( macros )

%RTN { JMP2r }
%/2 { #01 SFT2 }
%RECT-W { .Screen/width DEI2 #00a0 SUB2 }
%RECT-H { .Screen/height DEI2 #00c0 SUB2 }
%RECT-MARGIN { #0050 }
%MOUSE { .mouse/x LDZ2 .mouse/y LDZ2 }
%-- { #0001 SUB2 }
%++ { #0001 ADD2 }

( devices )

|00 @System [ &vector $2 &pad $6 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ]
|20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ]
|90 @Mouse [ &vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &wheel $1 ]
|80 @Controller [ &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 ]

( zero page )

	@canvas	 [ &x $2 &y $2 &w $2 &h $2 ]

( program )

	;text1 .canvas/x LDZ2 #0035 ;draw-text JSR2

@draw-letters ( letters length* x* y* color -- )
		assign parameters to local variables
	,&color STR  ( ws: letters length x y )
	.Screen/y DEO2 ( ws letters length x )
	,&x STR2    ( ws: letters length )
	,&length STR2 ( ws: letters )
		reverse loop over each letter to draw them		
	&loop ( ws: letters )
		,&length LDR2 ( ws: letters length )
		#0001 SUB2   ( ws: letters length )
		#0008 MUL2   ( ws: letters xoffset )
		,&x LDR2 ADD2
		.Screen/x DEO2 ( ws: letters )
		;draw-letter JSR2
			decrease length, loop if > 0
		,&length LDR2 #0001 SUB2
		DUP2 ,&length STR2
		#0000 GTH2 ,&loop JCN
( local )
&color $1
&x	$2
&y	$2
&length $2

@draw-letter ( letter -- )
	  	the letter 'a' starts at offset #61 of the ascii table.
    #61 SUB ( ws: char )
		to get the offset, multiply char by 8.
		first, pad with 00 to get a short.
	#00 SWP
	#0008 MUL2
		add the font addr to offset and draw letter.
	;font ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2
	#05 .Screen/sprite DEO

	push all letters into the ws.
@draw-text ( addr* x* y* -- a... )
		load length, add length and count to rs
	LDAk ( ws: addr* len / rs: )
	#00 ( ws: addr* len 00 / rs: )
		STH2  ( ws: addr* / rs: len counter )
		DUP2  ( ws: addr* addr* / rs: len counter )
		#00   ( ws: addr* addr* 00 / rs: len counter )
		STHrk 	( ws: addr* addr* 00 counter / rs: len counter )
		ROT ROT ( ws: c addr* / rs: len counter )
		STH2r  ( ws: c addr* len counter / rs: )
		NEQ ,&loop JCN
	LDA #00 SWP
	STH2r STH2r
	#01 ;draw-letters JSR2

@text1 20 "hello 20 "world

	007e 0202 7e42 427e
	0040 4040 7e42 427e
	007e 4040 4040 407e
	0070 4844 4444 4870
	007c 4040 7040 407c
	007c 4040 7040 4040
	007c 4040 4e42 427e
	0042 4242 7e42 4242
	0000 1010 1010 1010
	003c 0808 0808 0870
	0044 4850 6050 4844
	0040 4040 4040 407c
	006c 5242 4242 4242
	0078 4444 4444 4444
	0038 4444 4444 4438
	007c 4444 7c40 4040
	0038 4444 4454 4834
	007c 4444 7c50 4844
	003c 4040 3804 0478
	007c 1010 1010 1010
	0044 4444 4444 4438
	0044 4444 4444 2810
	0044 4444 4444 5428
	0042 4224 1824 4242
	0044 4444 3c04 047c
	007c 0408 1020 407c
	0000 0000 0000 0000


Good lord. I don't think anyone's going to top this. Is this Assembly?
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« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2022 @848.96 »

this is how you write it in the esolang malbolge, named after the eighth circle of hell in dante's inferno
in fact, the first program in this language wasn't even written by a human but rather found through a beam search

ano, ja jsem on
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« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2022 @707.77 »

in fact, the first program in this language wasn't even written by a human but rather found through a beam search

That sounds very interesting, can you expand on that? I'm reading up on what a beam search is but kinda lost.
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« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2022 @4.25 »

in fact, the first program in this language wasn't even written by a human but rather found through a beam search

That sounds very interesting, can you expand on that? I'm reading up on what a beam search is but kinda lost.
i actually havent quite gotten it either
there's breadth-first search (imagine reading a page and then opening every link in new tab), depth-first (clicking the first link), best-first (links are ordered by some parameter into a queue)
from what i understand from the wiki article this is like the last one but with more memory optimization (the queue is limited in number?)

ano, ja jsem on
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First 1000 Members!Pro Bug Finder!OG! Joined 2021!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2022 @345.29 »

this is how you write it in the esolang malbolge, named after the eighth circle of hell in dante's inferno
in fact, the first program in this language wasn't even written by a human but rather found through a beam search

Someone managed to actually make a messy script with just one line of code, now Imagine all the work required to figure out how to make the script in the first place.

This is actually quite interesting to see this, a nice challenge for the programmer to try and figure out, kinda like a puzzle but with code (although code is kinda already a puzzle).

:ozwomp: my beloved

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« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2023 @739.02 »

This is one of my favorite programmer injokes, to create an "enterprise edition" for simple programs like FizzBuzz and Hello World. Here's a "Hello World Enterprise Edition" from a few years back:


Now, if they only made it a fullstack project, using Amazon RDBMS to get the string characters, authenticated through Cognito, run through a Hibernate ORM backend, using a full microservice architecture feeding into a central MVC trunk, before being fed to front end running on React Redux with TypeScript, displayed through a ThreeJS frame, all with 100% test automation coverage, self-logging, and auto-generated status reports.

There also needs to be fully functional login & registration pages, for added security.  :chef:
« Last Edit: September 03, 2023 @749.35 by Kallistero » Logged

I miss the pomegranate :trash:
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