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Author Topic: hello new internet friends!!  (Read 982 times)
Casual Poster

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« on: March 14, 2023 @157.80 »

hi everyone!! i'm moon, she/her, i'm 36 years old and i live in a major US city. i'm currently in grad school and i stumbled upon neocities, the web revival, and this lovely forum while i was doing research for my thesis paper, which is about early 2000s websites. i cannot express how charmed i am to have found myself here! i taught myself html out of a library book circa 1998, and spent much of my free time in high school designing websites.

i do have a couple of websites currently, but they are more public-facing and i'd like to experiment with keeping my real-world identity separate from my web identity for a bit :) however, once i have a few free hours i'm very excited to try creating a neocities page.

i'm into writing, sewing, witchcraft, making things generally. i love late night conversations and exploring cities, i love the ocean as well.

i've been lurking for a couple of days and i'm especially excited to see how kind people are on this forum. from what i see so far, it's an absolute treasure of a community!
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2023 @163.40 »

Hello and welcome aboard, so glad to have another senior internet citizen! You can sit on the elders table together with me   :unite:
hehe jokes aside!

A bunch of peeps here have alternate online personalities, it's very healthy and not a problem at all! I honestly can't wait to see what you will come up with once you create your own neocities.

What particular aspect of the early 2000s websites you are researching about? And on a side question, what's your latest sewing project? I just made a doll clothing, sewing is so great, it really soothes the mind
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2023 @174.44 »

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« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2023 @180.19 »

hi welcome!! i'm super happy you've found this!! i hope your thesis is going well so far! being that i learned html completely online i'm super interested in whether or not there's a difference in learning it on the web vs through a book. the completely computer dependent person in me seems to think it would be hard to transfer everything from pages to screens, but also having that reference next to you while trying to work on a site sounds amazing though. is there anything you've sewn recently that you're super proud of??
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« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2023 @183.23 »

hi, welcome to the forum! I'm looking forward to seeing what you make on neocities!

I also love late night conversations though lately I've been more of a morning person haha

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« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2023 @654.41 »

Hi moon, welcome to the forum  :4u:

Oh you are a HTML OG! It's amazing how little has changed, yet how much has changed since then - I sometimes wonder if the next 200 years will be like an eternal late 20th century on repeat  :omg:

Separating your online and real-world identities is a great way to find creative freedom when your working on a site; its how I started too (although Im very merged these days) - however don't lose too much of your real-life, its always more interesting to see fragments of a real-life than a generic persona.

I don't think I'll ever be able to escape the ocean  :defrag: Hope you enjoy the forum!

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Casual Poster

a powerful witch

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« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2023 @116.04 »

Hello and welcome aboard, so glad to have another senior internet citizen! You can sit on the elders table together with me   :unite:
hehe jokes aside!

A bunch of peeps here have alternate online personalities, it's very healthy and not a problem at all! I honestly can't wait to see what you will come up with once you create your own neocities.

What particular aspect of the early 2000s websites you are researching about? And on a side question, what's your latest sewing project? I just made a doll clothing, sewing is so great, it really soothes the mind

ahaha, thank you! honestly it's an honor to be an elder!

i'm specifically researching teen girl websites of the early 2000s, and more specifically the question of why girls learned html, css, etc. grad school has been a wild ride, so i haven't done any sewing "for fun" in a while, the last thing i sewed was mending the hem of a skirt that was starting to come undone! i also love to sew doll clothes though, what size doll(s) do you sew for? i make american girl doll clothes - the small scale is so satisfying.

welcome!! awesome topic to do a thesis on, howd that go? :D

witchcraft is cool! are you into it as an aesthetic or is is a spiritual thing? /gq
ive personally found myself closely drawn to druidry spiritually :))

hope you have fun on the forum!!

my thesis is literally the most fun part of grad school! highly recommend choosing a topic you're obsessed with if you ever have to write a thesis. i have about six weeks to go until it's finished. in the meantime, i'm coming up with all sorts of unexpected hypotheses and stumbling into beautiful internet communities like this one  :loved: the dream.

witchcraft is def a spiritual thing for me! i'm a bit of an eclectic witch as i gather knowledge from many different teachers over the years, but my practice is grounded in astrological magic and a reverence for the earth. tho the aesthetic side of it is fun too!

hi welcome!! i'm super happy you've found this!! i hope your thesis is going well so far! being that i learned html completely online i'm super interested in whether or not there's a difference in learning it on the web vs through a book. the completely computer dependent person in me seems to think it would be hard to transfer everything from pages to screens, but also having that reference next to you while trying to work on a site sounds amazing though. is there anything you've sewn recently that you're super proud of??

oh, that is a good q! i think i may have learned html before we even had internet at home, so it was super helpful to be able to read a book with photos of the examples and then go try it out. the book really only got me through the basic stuff though (head, title, body, paragraph, list tags, etc) and i graduated to seeking out information on the web soon enough. lissa explains was a great resource (i love that the site is still live!).

Hi moon, welcome to the forum  :4u:

Oh you are a HTML OG! It's amazing how little has changed, yet how much has changed since then - I sometimes wonder if the next 200 years will be like an eternal late 20th century on repeat  :omg:

Separating your online and real-world identities is a great way to find creative freedom when your working on a site; its how I started too (although Im very merged these days) - however don't lose too much of your real-life, its always more interesting to see fragments of a real-life than a generic persona.

I don't think I'll ever be able to escape the ocean  :defrag: Hope you enjoy the forum!

thank you so much, melon! yeah, i think it will be an interesting experiment to see what feels good to share and what needs to be kept private. several years ago i was sharing a lot of very personal writing/photos on instagram under my real name, so i will be striving to find a balance between safety and authenticity. should be an adventure!
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2023 @130.00 »

oh awesome!!
The subject feels right at home since me and another bunch of girl friends learned html+css to make petpages on neopets and later on a bunch of girls and women from the pixel dolling community learned to create their own doll sites on geocities!  :transport:

I only own two horses from american girl but no dolls for some reason XD I have been sewing for pullip/barbie sized dolls  :ozwomp:
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a powerful witch

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« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2023 @136.54 »

@Necrosia sooo many people of that era learned html for neopets! i've come across multiple articles and references. it was really pretty amazing the extent of customization you could do on those pages. i remember using some kind of workaround to customize my list of "interests" on my profile page, haha.

do you have any photos of your doll clothes sewing? i'd love to see!
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« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2023 @229.16 »

Welcome! I sadly didn't get to experience much of the whole personal-website boom, I think I was still playing with legos lmao. But the Web Revival is undeniably amazing, hopefully it gets more traction. I think it's mostly that people my age dont realize these kinds of sites exist. I was longing for something like neocities for the longest time, and all I could think of were website creators like Wix and Squarespace with their boring ass templates. I just came across neocities by pure luck. I wish you the best on your thesis!!

Also, what kind of things do you enjoy writing about?  :dog:
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