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Author Topic: Hello world!!  (Read 973 times)
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see her how she sparkles

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« on: May 03, 2023 @130.94 »

It's nice to meet you all, I'm Lexi/Shwinty!! (30 years old, she/her/they)

Found this place by total chance while messing around on neocities and it looks like a really friendly community!
I've been missing forum culture for years and I'm excited to see it's still thriving in little corners

I love unicorns, high fantasy, my pet rats, and I've been spending a lot of my free time either roleplaying on tumblr (rip proboards, my old flame...) or working on my personal neocities site! I work as a florist in a retail store, it's an incredibly fun job (even when this weekend is prom and *next* is mother's day x_x)

I hope you all have beautiful days  :4u:

« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2023 @689.51 »

Hello and welcome Lexi! Happy to have you here <3 I also found this forum through traversing neocities sites, though this is my first experience on a forum! Everyone here is so lovely and helpful, and so I hope you have of much as a good time here as I've been having!

I've been spending a lot of my free time either roleplaying on tumblr (rip proboards, my old flame...) or working on my personal neocities site!

I love RPing, though could never understand how to join the community on tumblr... Do you have any tips for me? Do you prefer RPing as OC characters, OC inserts, canon characters, or anything else? Also, I love the look of your website! The cursor trail is so fun and the gentle aesthetics are so pleasant to look at !

Wishing you well!
Casual Poster ⚓︎

see her how she sparkles

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First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2023 @715.29 »

Do you have any tips for me?

Of course, I've been floating around the tumblr community since around 2011!

I've tried all of them and so far I've had the most fun in a structured group setting, there's one called Isola Radiale that Ive been in for years and they allow OCs, inserts, and canon characters! They do events every month-ish to help encourage more interaction

I've had the best time in a group since the indie scene is a little hard to find for me and in the group they do a lot of work to keep powerplay and op powers from making big messes, the events are always a lot of fun and help when Im dealing with writers block! They dont have word requirements for threads so you can do para or one liners or whatever your up for and the crossover potentials are loads of fun! (And tumblr's tag system makes finding writing partners a breeze when it works properly)

I'm a big sucker for canon characters lately, right now I'm the Spamton in the group but I was the Medic from TF2 for a long time and Peridot from Steven Universe when I first started. I think it'd be a good jumping off point for a newbie to tumbr rp since it's so active and diverse

(oh gosh, im rambling.....)

I love the layout of your site too!!! I forgot cbox was a thing, Im really tempted to add something like that to my site now ;;w;;

« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2023 @793.01 »

We have another Lexi ahaha.

I'm also known as Lexi but I usually go by either Lexi/Kitsune.
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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2023 @53.94 »

Hi Lexi, welcome to the forum  :ha:

Unicorns are fascinating, I love how they are simultaneously pop culture, kid culture, deep mythology and still mysterious all at the same time. Please share info about your rats!  :ozwomp: It sounds like you have life figured out!

Hope you enjoy your time here!

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everything lost will be recovered, when you drift into the arms of the undiscovered
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2023 @650.21 »

I've tried all of them and so far I've had the most fun in a structured group setting, there's one called Isola Radiale that Ive been in for years and they allow OCs, inserts, and canon characters!

Thank you so much for the link! I'll definitely be checking that out tonight when I have free time! And thanks for rambling, it's always nice getting to indulge someone in something they love, so I appreciate you taking the time to write up such a reply! I'm very glad you're having fun in your current group, and you've encouraged me to try it out myself :cheerR: !!

I love the layout of your site too!!! I forgot cbox was a thing, Im really tempted to add something like that to my site now ;;w;;

Oh, thank you for taking a look at my site! Highly recommend cbox, it's so fun getting to talk with users passing by!  :dive:
Casual Poster ⚓︎

see her how she sparkles

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First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2023 @123.56 »

Unicorns are fascinating, I love how they are simultaneously pop culture, kid culture, deep mythology and still mysterious all at the same time. Please share info about your rats!  :ozwomp: It sounds like you have life figured out!

Hope you enjoy your time here!

I think some of my fondest memories are from a time when my childhood room was full of unicorns, from those old posters and wallpaper trims you could find in the 90s and weird little prints won from carnival games. They're magical and nostalgic in different ways to everyone!  :cool:

My current set of boys are named Egg, Gilbert, Valerie, Augustino, and Gemini! Two sets of brothers and one boy I adopted from a local shelter that doesnt normally take rats! Gem is the most attached to my hip of the bunch, he's hanging out with me as I type this and Im sure he'd say hello if he was heavy enough to press my keyboard keys!

Thank you for the warm welcome and such an awesome site!!

« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2023 @948.83 »

I'd actually like rats if they didn't start the plague yk.

But they sound nice.
Hero Member ⚓︎

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2023 @48.87 »

with me as I type this and Im sure he'd say hello if he was heavy enough to press my keyboard keys!
I would love to see some webpages coded by rats :grin: Maybe you can find some way to let them type and have at it! It prob would not make any sense, but who are we to judge, it could be the rat version of Shakespeare!

everything lost will be recovered, when you drift into the arms of the undiscovered
Casual Poster ⚓︎

see her how she sparkles

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First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2023 @940.16 »

Maybe you can find some way to let them type and have at it!

That's a thought!!
I could find one of those silicon travel keyboards in case they decide to do a little marking and let them write their own blog posts! Now I gotta figure out a good way to make it happen sometime  :cheesy:

« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2023 @964.70 »

I knew a schoolmate who had a pet rat.

I reckon if you teach it it'll be smart enough to actually learn to read and write.

Coco the gorilla was taught sign language and could communicate with people.

She also took an IQ test and got a score of 95.
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