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Author Topic: Hey, I'm Serah!  (Read 735 times)
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« on: May 27, 2023 @397.96 »

Hello! I'm a trans weirdo from the UK. Spent a long time kind of not really being online at all and when I came back it felt like a lot had changed. It's nice to see communities like this and the broader web revival sphere still going strong though!

In addition to the web, I also really like exploring the terminal-based BBS revival movement that's been happening over the last few years. There's just something special about that ANSI artwork. I've been thinking of grabbing a network card for my Amiga 1200 so I can explore it all a little more authentically, really get as close to that 80s networking experience as I can, ya know?

I'm super into old tech generally, especially the pre-Windows micro-computers that were popular here in Euroland up until the early 90s. I have a YouTube channel mostly used for essay content and creative non-fiction that my website is kind of an extension of, and my last video was about diskmags on the Amiga which, for those unfamiliar, is a kind of pre-web digital publication that uses the computer's multimedia capabilities to offer cool visuals and music to accompany the articles. I'd love to publish a diskmag at some point.

Anyway I've probably rambled on for long enough. Hi! Hello! Hope to be active here, it seems like a great community :)

« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2023 @861.09 »

Welcome to the forum! As an Amiga user, do you have a personal collection of MOD files? The Amiga must have had the best music capabilities at the time. And the Amiga Music scene still keeps on raving on sites like modarchive.org.

Also, what's your perspective on the UKs home computer brand Acorn? Did you come across any of these original RISC OS machines, maybe in school? Were those computers any good compared to the Windows competition? The ARM processors seemed to be more popular on the island. No wonder that there are Raspberry Pis growing on every tree there since 10 years!
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« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2023 @86.92 »

Welcome to the forum! As an Amiga user, do you have a personal collection of MOD files? The Amiga must have had the best music capabilities at the time. And the Amiga Music scene still keeps on raving on sites like modarchive.org.

Also, what's your perspective on the UKs home computer brand Acorn? Did you come across any of these original RISC OS machines, maybe in school? Were those computers any good compared to the Windows competition? The ARM processors seemed to be more popular on the island. No wonder that there are Raspberry Pis growing on every tree there since 10 years!

Haha, I do yeah, though I tend to use music disks more! I love the graphics and visualisers accompanying the tunes, though you just can't beat seeing the columns go in a tracker sometimes :) And yeah! I love seeing the stuff that people are able to pull off with the hardware these days.

And yeah! The Acorn Archimedes was actually the first computer I ever used, all the way back in my first year of primary school. This was right around the time Windows was beginning to take over, though, and my only (non-emulated) 8-bit computing experience was with my Dad's ZX Spectrum. I'd love to own an Archimedes, though. I feel like its multimedia capabilities were never fully tapped into the way the Amiga and the ST's were. The demoscene never really adopted the computer in the same way and neither did the gaming industry, but it had some pretty impressive specs for the time, especially where audio is concerned! I'd love to see what sort of cool stuff I could make it do


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« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2023 @99.34 »

Heyo! I've definitely seen your site before. I like the design of it, definitely catches that neo web 1.0 feel. Looking forward to seeing you 'round the form.

P.S. I'm a newbie as well, I'm just trying to fit in and pretend to be a normal person.

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« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2023 @187.43 »

Welcome to the forums! I actually watched your video not too long ago and really enjoyed it! I made me want to go make my own diskmag in some way, or something based on it. I had never heard of them before, and the ones you showcased were really cool.

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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2023 @199.41 »

Oh dang! It's so strange to know people have already seen my stuff,  :omg: Thanks for the kind words, though :)

Welcome to the forums! I actually watched your video not too long ago and really enjoyed it! I made me want to go make my own diskmag in some way, or something based on it. I had never heard of them before, and the ones you showcased were really cool.

Yeah, I'd really love to try making one too! I have a friend who publishes one called Spring Break using a HyperCard-like program called Decker. It's super cool, has that early Macintosh kind of aesthetic.

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« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2023 @827.79 »

Hi welcome to the forum!  :ha:

Iv never used a BBS but having an old computer setup as a terminal sounds like a fun project! Amiga always seems like the alternative Apple, in another universe where Microsoft flopped, the two big OSs today would be Amiga and Mac and you'd have Workbench Mobile on phones :omg:

Id love to see more video essays about the web revival, Iv been trying to convince a friend of mine to do one!

Hope you enjoy the forum!!

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« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2023 @184.94 »

Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, the Amiga has that same sort of arts/creative appeal as the Mac does, I think. I'd need to find the source but I was reading an old computer magazine for research a while back that said something to the effect of "the best Macintosh is an Amiga." Alas, it was not to be. But the modern-day Amiga-like OSes are very cool!

I would too! What's your friend's channel?

I have actually been doing research for a web revival video of my own as it happens  :omg: Specifically comparing the way in which many of its younger members have been drawing from the aesthetics of my generation to how we were inspired by the computer culture of the 80s and 90s before us. I think it's super interesting how the different cultural and technological contexts that we've grown up in have led to each generation of computer hobbyists developing its own stylistic voice, even when folks are aiming for a deliberately retro vibe.

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