yesss! i have so much time on the first one and cant wait to see what polish the second brings!
I've racked up 1.7k hours since 2016
this is the first game I've been genuinely excited for in a long time
Love these types of games where i can just sit back and watch my own creations
Best genre of games imo, it's like a digital equivalent of model trains or lego
I also like Planet Coaster and OpenTTD
(haven't tried transport fever, I will someday), and even Minecraft building can be pretty fun. Also enjoy Prison Architect but I feel weird putting it in the same genre as games like CS and Planet
I love Cities Skylines 1 but i don't get to play it too often. I don't have enough RAM for all of the mods I use. Thankfully I've heard CS2 will be a LOT better performance wise, so, that'll be swell.
Yeah optimization has always been my biggest and only gripe about CS1; when I bought the Airports DLC I couldn't play with it because my measly 16gb of ram couldn't keep it from crashing
I play with a decent amount of mods though, I can't imagine a life without Traffic Manager, Node Controller, Move It, Vanilla++ roads, etc. Probably doesn't help my ram situation