Edit: CASSANDRA is now Incoanhyto (Intertextual, Collaborative, Anonymous hypertext tool)!
Some bugs were ironed out in comparsion to the version I'd linked here, but the principle remained.
A live instance is available at
https://thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/cassandrasource can be downloaded at
CASSANDRA (no idea why I named it that way) is a little project I worked on for the last two weeks (or so). It is intended to be a framework to create
hyperlink literature, but much more lightweight than Twine and focused on the possibility of cooperative authorship.
(Non) Features are:
-Registering, Login in and creating pages and stories
-Stories are showcased on the index page in random order
-Pages can link on other pages; either through the "Add Link" Option (listing them under the main text with a set description) or via BB-Tags (other BB-Tags are b/i/color).
-It is - except for admins - not possible to identify users or creators of stories or pages, pages can only found (except through the admins) by following a "Story" where their creator included them.
-Images can be uploaded and set under the title of a page
-Creators of pages can set the "openness" of a page for edits through other users
-IP logging (can be deactivated).
I want to setup a public instance and release the code as free software once I have created a bit "demo"-literature with it an know it is safe to use (don't want my db erased by some troll). My last use of PHP was over 15 years ago, and this is basically my second hello world using it. The code is attached; if you want to try it out just adjust the config.php to your your mysql data, run install.php and save the password it gives you. It is the PW for a user named "root" with admin status.
If anyone who knows a bit more about php/injection security gives the code a glance I would be both thankful and ashamed (my syntax is a mess) ;).