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⛺︎ My Room
StatusCafe: dii

« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2022 @24.64 » |
Welcome !
Your little site is so pretty. I don't know much about carrd but I see a lot of people have them now - from what i've seen they look nice, customizable, and simple. More unique expression on the web is always a good thing  it makes me unnecessarily irritated when i see ppl saying 'you'll never get hired if ur resume isn't EXACTLY this format and you don't have a work twitter with this type of header image etc etc) its just so crazy boring it drives me bonkers!!! 
LOL.. sigh. I'm so tired of it, too.
Full Member ⚓︎

⛺︎ My Room
StatusCafe: dii

« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2022 @942.44 » |
hi di, jus stopped by your site and it's delightful delicious delovely!!! carrd is so funny because a lot of the embed tutorials are made by 15 yr olds who are making their site from their smartphone!! the videos are literally screen recordings of them flipping through so many open tabs and cpying code with their finger - it's quite a feat. 
It's delectable it's delirious... Thanks so much!
Bahaha! I really admire that! Like you, I also used to use tumblr until 2016 or so, so I'm happy a similar "custom home on the web" thing is coming back into fashion.