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Author Topic: hewo :333 my luvies  (Read 2544 times)
Casual Poster

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« on: February 15, 2022 @898.55 »

hi luvies!!

i'm so glad to have found this forum :omg: i grew up on sites like piczo and tumblr where i found a love for web graphics and dolls, blogging, and online hobbies. after tumblr died around 2016 (for me at least) i was feeling a little lost and without an online community, which i've since then filled with discord but am hoping this forum can also be a place where i make friends and find community <3. i love the message board style system - i used to hang around the bwayworld forums as a teenager and got in so many fights with boomers about musicals and the state of theatre today lmfao. these places are very nostalgic to me!!

what i love about the old web is how much freedom we have to show off our style and interests. as i began my 'career' i noticed how more and more ppl were expected to not only have a l*nkedin but also HEADSHOTS?? And WEBSITES?? (and not even ppl in art fields who need a portfolio but like administrators/project managers/consultants um whattttt) but using gross hosts like wix and squarespace... awk.. i *did* like the idea of having a personal portfolio website but no way in hell i was gonna make it look dry and lifeless like my peers...so i created a neocities which then switched over to carrd because coding is hard :notgood: . the site still has like... professional elements and will 'count' as a portfolio to send to profesh contacts if needed and if they can't deal with the layout or it makes them feel some type of way idc... it's still very much my own space for anything i'd like to include.

wow this became long. if you read all the way to here i really appreciate it and thank u! i'm hoping to open an accompanying blog soon maybe if i find the energy. really glad to be with u cool ppl!! if you'd like to connect my ig is @virtual_mary and my site is virtualmary.carrd.co T_T

yes i'm reveluv... now keep it moving
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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2022 @368.53 »

Welcome mary!

I also love how much freedom the web offers, especially as we take some distance from existing platforms. I'm sure you will feel right at home in there. :happy:

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2022 @579.42 »

Welcome, always glad when a new webmaster is afoot!

I used Tumblr too around 2015, but I agree it sorta lost its mood. Ah and professional sites, those are always a battle, Id love to hear how professional people have reacted to your current site as it leans more toward web revival than modern professional!

so many fights with boomers about musicals
I was just thinking we need more debates on this forum! Everyone gets along too well, I'm in favor of a healthy debate or two :tongue:

Also I snooped your resume and I'm glad to see someones working on Mrs Masel, that show saved me in the last lockdown and I'm supper looking forward to the next season :ozwomp:

everything lost will be recovered, when you drift into the arms of the undiscovered
Casual Poster

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2022 @700.69 »

Welcome mary!

I also love how much freedom the web offers, especially as we take some distance from existing platforms. I'm sure you will feel right at home in there. :happy:

thank u for the welcome, m15o!! working on my own site projects/blog already feels so much quieter. i find myself spending a lot of time on it not because i know others will see it (i dont think many ppl at all will!!) but because i want it to really reflect my personal style and feelings <333

yes i'm reveluv... now keep it moving
Casual Poster

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« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2022 @766.25 »

thank u for the warm welcome, melooon!! it rly is so exciting to be here.

i have no idea how professionals have responded to my site... my sector doesn't rly require a 'portfolio' so i haven't had to include a link in an application, though i wonder if it gets stumbled upon if an employer searches my name :ziped: i do think in my specific career field this kind of thing matters less (the world is small so you're better off with word of mouth recs and networking than impressive resume) but it makes me unnecessarily irritated when i see ppl saying 'you'll never get hired if ur resume isn't EXACTLY this format and you don't have a work twitter with this type of header image etc etc) its just so crazy boring it drives me bonkers!!! :evil:

forum debates are fun, hopefully you can find a topic that a lot of people are passionate about so that we can all learn and collectively gain knowledge! what made the bway world forums so robust was that everyone was SO passionate abt theatre that you could learn a lot just by lurking.

and im so glad you are enjoying Maisel!! season 4 comes out this Friday and i haven't seen anything from it so im hype as well!! lets talk abt it after it premieres <333


yes i'm reveluv... now keep it moving
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« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2022 @24.64 »

Welcome !

Your little site is so pretty. I don't know much about carrd but I see a lot of people have them now - from what i've seen they look nice, customizable, and simple. More unique expression on the web is always a good thing :smile:

it makes me unnecessarily irritated when i see ppl saying 'you'll never get hired if ur resume isn't EXACTLY this format and you don't have a work twitter with this type of header image etc etc) its just so crazy boring it drives me bonkers!!! :evil:

LOL.. sigh. I'm so tired of it, too.

Casual Poster

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« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2022 @691.18 »

hi di, jus stopped by your site and it's delightful delicious delovely!!!
carrd is so funny because a lot of the embed tutorials are made by 15 yr olds who are making their site from their smartphone!! the videos are literally screen recordings of them flipping through so many open tabs and cpying code with their finger - it's quite a feat. :wink:

yes i'm reveluv... now keep it moving
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First 1000 Members!OG! Joined 2021!
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2022 @942.44 »

hi di, jus stopped by your site and it's delightful delicious delovely!!!
carrd is so funny because a lot of the embed tutorials are made by 15 yr olds who are making their site from their smartphone!! the videos are literally screen recordings of them flipping through so many open tabs and cpying code with their finger - it's quite a feat. :wink:

It's delectable it's delirious... Thanks so much! :grin: :loved:

Bahaha! I really admire that! Like you, I also used to use tumblr until 2016 or so, so I'm happy a similar "custom home on the web" thing is coming back into fashion.

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