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Author Topic: Vintage Papers and Pamphlets - An archive  (Read 1252 times)
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« on: August 18, 2023 @780.91 »

I currently live with someone who I can only describe as a semi-hoarder, though I hate to say that. However, because of this, I have access to several boxes of vintage papers and pamphlets, as the title says. They are not being taken care of or appreciated, which upsets me. Though i would assume the majority of them would be considered landfill fodder, and were bought to be cut up and used in crafts, i have taken a liking to these little pieces of history.

From what I've looked through, the majority of them seem to be from as early as 1900, to as late as 1990, most residing somewhere in the middle. Ive selected a dozen or so that seemed interesting to me, and I want to share them. Sadly, I do not have a scanner, so I can only take pictures with my phone. Id like to make a more official archive on my site on some point, so maybe by then I will have one.   

I hope you enjoy looking through this archive, I will be posting anywhere from semi-daily to semi-monthly. I have alot of material to get to, so lets start with todays! [Post incoming~]

Make a little birdhouse in your soul
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« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2023 @835.76 »

Today we are starting off strong with my favorite find so far, a small Japanese manga

(I assume Japanese, that is what a translator told me. I don't know languages very well. Sorry if that's incorrect)

When run through an image translator, the text come up as "School Nanami". I don't think this is accurate. I've used this translator many times before, and sometimes it gets stuff wrong, especially if the text is stylized.

If anyone would like to translate, please do!

The colors on this cover are absolutely beautiful. The vibrant gradient from red to yellow, the dull black and blue in the background, so tasty. We can also see our main character, a young, impoverished orphan boy.

Since this story is being told through a visual medium, I can understand most of what goes on through context clues. Lets take a look! [Story explanation and pages in spoiler below]

At the start of the story, we see this orphan boy going around to different animals, seemingly trying to find a home. He first sees a family of sheep, then of pigs. He tries to pick up a piglet, but is frightened by the mother pig's disgruntled reaction. He sees another family of chickens, and then a family of dogs. He once again picks up a pup, which angers the mother dog, and it chases him up a tree.

 He begins to cry, and his tears land on a family of ravens. they swoop at him, and he falls into water, and begins to drown.

An old man on a boat finds him, and rescues him from the water.

He brings him home onto his little hut on an island and gives him new clothes, and feeds him. The boy eats to fast, and starts choking on what seems to be a bone. The man helps him clear his airway. night comes, and the two sit together in the hut, the man smoking a long pipe. They boy picks up a piece of straw and lights it to smoke, to the amusement of the man.

The boy begins to tell the man where he came from. The boy was living a normal life, in  quaint little home with his mother. We see fighter jets in the background, and they begin to bomb his town, hitting his home directly.

 He runs to his home, but it is burning down, seemingly with his mother inside.

The man feels pity for the boy, and embraces him.

the tone shifts as we see the pair fishing together, having a nice time.

They play a game which involves diving for a small turtle. (poor guy)

the two are having fun, until a sort of offical comes along, and demands their fish they have caught. (apologies, i did not realize the quality of this image was bad when i took it. i dont have time to retake it right now.)

the boy is angry and wants to fight the offical, but the man holds him back. The two embrace again, as the boy cries.

They now have no food, so the man goes out to fish again, leaving the boy behind. At some point, the mans hat washes up, and the boy is horrified, thinking he had died. He runs out to the water and calls for him, but there is no response.

 He sits alone in the hut, miserable, but sees the man in the boat, far in the distance. overjoyed, he runs to him, and the two embrace.

The two go out fishing again, when they are spotted by military personnel. They yell at the man, who begins to row away. They point their guns at him. and they shoot. The manga ends with a far off shot of the boy embracing the mans body in the boat.

it's a pretty heart wrenching story, even if I cannot understand the words. The drawings are so fluid and full of emotion. I also find the simplistic layouts appealing. I am unsure why the man was shot in the end, but it looks like they were maybe encroaching on a settlement, as you can see a couple houses in the background in one panel.


Overall, this was quite the interesting find. The booklet is very small, about as big as my hand. (and i have small hands.) it seems to be dated to 1984, but that could be a re-release date. Sorry that i could not provide every page, its actually pretty long. maybe once i get a scanner, ill upload it to my site. If anyone knows what this manga is, or is able to translate, please do! I'd love to get more context. (also, when you zoom into the page, the images get less pixelated. you can also open to new tab. sorry about that.)

I hope you enjoyed this first post. The next update will be a lone ranger comic magazine, its got some interesting stuff in it. Until next time!  :cheerR:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023 @837.26 by KatKing » Logged

Make a little birdhouse in your soul
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very cool very swag i like it

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« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2023 @891.05 »

This is so cool! Gosh, the art style of the small manga in the first post is so familiar to me... I can't remember the name of the artist, and it's driving me bonkers! :ozwomp: Does the manga have any sort of credit to the author?

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RocketmanFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2023 @963.67 »

What a wonderful project. I hope you get it all scanned and put on your site.

One of Amazon's cheapest scanners is less than $60, is one of their best sellers and has good reviews.
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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2023 @346.16 »

Today we are starting off strong with my favorite find so far, a small Japanese manga

(I assume Japanese, that is what a translator told me. I don't know languages very well. Sorry if that's incorrect)

Nice find.

The title is 三毛流浪记 (The Adventures of Sanmao/Wanderings of Sanmao), it ran from 1947 to 1949. The series' name is Sanmao, it's a famous Chinese comic series. It was made to show the struggles of children during times of Japanese aggression. The Wikipedia articles do a better job of explaining it than me, so I've linked them below:

« Last Edit: August 19, 2023 @349.09 by arcus » Logged

Full Member ⚓︎

very cool very swag i like it

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First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2023 @349.92 »

The title is 三毛流浪记 (The Adventures of Sanmao), it ran from 1947 to 1949. The series' name is Sanmao, it's a famous Chinese comic series. It was made to show the struggles of children during times of Japanese aggression. The Wikipedia articles do a better job of explaining it than me, so I've linked them below:


Arcus! Thank you so, so much! I didn't know the artist by name, but I'd come across some Sanmao art a long time ago and it was driving me mad how I couldn't find the source.


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« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2023 @712.86 »

Nice find.

The title is 三毛流浪记 (The Adventures of Sanmao/Wanderings of Sanmao), it ran from 1947 to 1949. The series' name is Sanmao, it's a famous Chinese comic series. It was made to show the struggles of children during times of Japanese aggression. The Wikipedia articles do a better job of explaining it than me, so I've linked them below:


wow, thanks so much! very interesting. i assumed there was some sort of political significance due to the subject matter and tone. I remembered i could reverse image search, and this image of the booklet in a collection on aliexpress showed up. aparenntly its a collection from the 1980s

thats the only result i found of this booklet when looking, so id say its worth archiving. i was thinking about usuing our libraries scanner until i can get my own.

thats again for the help! sorry for getting the language wrong haha  :unite:

Make a little birdhouse in your soul
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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2023 @845.21 »

sorry for getting the language wrong haha

you had no way of getting it right beyond a lucky guess. unless you can read either japanese or chinese, they will look indistinguishable because they use the same characters.

you could learn to recognise characters that only appear in one or the other, but that still relies on those being present to be recognised, so it's certainly not reliable.

also i'm watching this thread, i'm very interesting in future discoveries and scans!

no js no shoes no problem
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« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2023 @240.14 »

might type up another post tommorrow  :cheerR: i keep loosing my phone so its hard to take pictures. i keep loosing it cus its a cheap burner phone that sucks so i never use it lol .

Make a little birdhouse in your soul
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Two SSL certificates for the price of oneFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2023 @649.86 »

There is a vintage bookstore in the nearest city to me, and there's plenty of exciting documents to find there! Not cheap, of course...

Since I love chemistry I pick up pretty much anything I can find. This book is a bit dated but the graphic design of the dust jacket is very nice, and it protected the (fairly plain) inside covers well. The print date is 1963.

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