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Author Topic: Internet Radio  (Read 1843 times)
« on: September 14, 2023 @619.35 »

Oh hey hi

I've been listening to a lot of internet radio as of recently, it's the best way i have to discover new music and artists, and i was helped a lot by Wacup's integrated radio library

I ended up discovering a lot of cool radio stations, such as mosco.win, which focuses on Breakcore and Mashcore, or RuinNations, which focuses on Darkwave

However, for me there's no such thing as knowing too many options regarding music discoverability, and the radio browser i mentioned before doesn't really work 100% of the time, as such my options are still limited

So i ask you, do you know of any cool and interesting radio station that you listen regularly? (or just know of it's existence), i'd love to hear about new genres or experiences :transport:
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« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2023 @704.02 »

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« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2023 @677.99 »

Cathedral13 is pretty cool, it's goth and goth-adjacent music. retrowave.ru isn't a proper live radio but it is exactly what it says on the tin. Radio_OSC has some good tracks, it's another -wave station with pre-made setlists for the most part. And of course, last but not least is KP Radio, which is mostly-automated handpicked music with some actual broadcasts. Plus KP's put joke ads into the stream so it's just like the real deal!  :grin:

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« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2023 @98.07 »

I have a browser extension called Worldwide Radio (link is for Firefox) that does exactly what it says on the tin, gives you access to radio stations all over the world. There are smaller stations on there that are interesting, and even some ones that are local to me that I had no idea existed. Sadly, some of the stations on there are no longer active. It's nice to have as a browser extension, and they even link the stations website when you tune in, in case you prefer to listen right in a browser window.

« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2023 @225.51 »

A lot of you have probably already heard of this site, but Vashti's fond of Radio Garden! I discovered it somewhat recently & it's fun to just listen to random stations. The premise is that it's a collection of different radio stations from around the world. I'm partial to Radio Pikez in Brest, France. This site is really fun because I'm exposed to all sorts of music I wouldn't normally listen to. It's also just interesting to me, because I had no idea that English language music was so common in other countries. When I was listening to the radio in Japan & France, so many of the songs were in English.
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« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2023 @797.12 »

okay, so this is some real weeb shit, i'm aware, but...

gensokyo radio is an online radio that plays fanmade touhou arranges/mixes. and as someone who really enjoys those, i like gensokyo radio a lot!

if i had to explain why i like touhou doujin music so much, i'd say it's because there's a whole lot of creative diversity to how people rework the same leitmotifs and themes, and when i recognise the familiar theme being explored in a new way, it's really comforting and nice to my autistic brain. so maybe whoever is reading this will check out touhou music and gensokyo radio despite it being "cringe".

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« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2024 @95.81 »

Wow, i'm so glad there's a topic on this, i hadn't seen this before!
I'm already really passionate about community radio, and my school has an online radio that i DJ for. It's been an awesome experience!
Some i would recommend are
Oxide Radio (Oxford University's online radio)
WMUC (University of Maryland's online radio)
Jackhouse Radio
Radio Free Fedi
WVAU (American University's online radio)
I'm working on archiving my favorite online radio sites and hopefully starting my own at https://angelfishes.neocities.org/radioenigma.
I'm definitely gonna keep tabs on this thread!!

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moodyFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2024 @188.00 »

Well hello fellow masco.win listener! glad to see someone else having some breakcore fun!

as for what else I’m aware of, there’s the Seeburg 1000 (also featured on the forum, head to the top right) which streams old background music, things you’d hear in restaurants, supermarkets, and the like. in my search for vaporwave I’ve found Yumi Co. (their main thing is Japanese pop) and Nightwave Plaza. There’s also Tilderadio, ran by some fellows over at the Tildeverse, never had anything interesting whenever I tuned in but it sure does exist.

I have no idea what I’m doing.
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Tin WhistleJoined 2024!
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2024 @93.67 »

So cool :ha: ! I actually just got into the whole scene like 2 weeks ago also through WACUP's SHOUTcast library! I was getting kind of bored with my usual MP3 playlists and wanted something a little more randomized.

Totally agree that the SHOUTcast library is a mixed bag as most of them are no longer functional. Kind of fascinating though, I wonder how long some of these stations have been around and of the ones still functional, if they are even still being updated with new music?

And of course, last but not least is KP Radio, which is mostly-automated handpicked music with some actual broadcasts. Plus KP's put joke ads into the stream so it's just like the real deal!  :grin:

Got to agree with Gub here; KP Radio is amazing! I remember seeing KingPoss' site back when it was first made and being completely awestruck at the idea of someone making a radio station.. ON THE COMPUTER! I can't catch the live broadcasts due to time differences but the auto DJ with the little ads sprinkled in is brilliant!  :ozwomp:

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« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2024 @151.15 »

I was about to post about this! Similar to the Web Revival, I (secretly) wish and hope for a "Radio Revival". Maybe it could happen?

It's easy to idealize radio in the same way it's easy to idealize the old web. But tbh a lot of old radio was commercial and full of ads; at least by me we only had a few real independent or public stations.

I think it would be incredible if there was some sort of internet version where people could get slots and tune in but to be honest I'm not sure how it would work?

I guess I just wish there was a way for folks to broadcast independently, and I think you can online, but I wish there were more options.

Anyway I'm rambling but I think their is a need and desire for all types of online radio!!
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« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2024 @37.35 »

There's a lot of great recommendations here. I know it's well known but I still love most of what SomaFM streams. I'm particularly a fan of their DEF CON Radio and Synphaera Radio channels. One of the DJs is currently working on a Wavepool (wave music) channel which is being tested on their "Specials" channel.
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2024 @476.31 »

What a charm to just put a link in Winamp or Audacious on whatever slow computer and have a good time. Add a video to it, and it would be much more difficult to stream it. Audio-only is just super efficent from a technical point of view. Hopefully the low-fi option of 64kbits is considered useful in that regard.

Not a live internet radio per se, but rias1.de is a radio archive, having 1 hour long radio broadcasts. You can put those MP3 links in your player as well and play it like it would be radio. This link down here guides you to the international "pirate" stations, as most other broadcasts on this site are in German.
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Suck At Something September - Did It!Joined 2023!
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2024 @159.28 »

I know this thread is kind of dead but I didn't want to start a new one when we had one with a similar topic.
With that being said, has anyone here hosted an internet radio show? How did you do it? What hosting platforms do you recommend?
I'm thinking of becoming a dj on something like ANONradio, but I'm not sure if i'd rather be a dj or have a full-fledged station. just doing some research  :ok:  :ok:

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« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2024 @566.39 »

I was actually thinking a little bit about it a few years back. We dont have FM radio here anymore, so most channels are "open" (I guess that's how it works? idk). I considered getting a license to broadcast proper FM radio and just make a goofy "underground" radio station, and see if anyone caught on. Everyone uses DAB here, so it would not necessarily be discovered. Unless DAB also picks it up (idk).

I felt like there was more mystery to a proper FM radio, not just an internet radio. But that was just me, of course. There was seemingly a lot of stuff to deal with regarding FM radio. At least here, you have to follow a set of rules/standards etc if you wish to broadcast on actual airwaves.

for online radio, I guess you're more open to what you can do? Which is probably a better option in that case. What kind of radio would you make? If I were to make one, mine would focus on being late night/middle of night and a mix between positive/chill/deep thoughts and spooky stuff, and music I like from Bandcamp and similar. I would like to get the vibes going of like, if you played that Killer FM game, lol. Well, sort of.

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« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2024 @0.58 »

I would like to get the vibes going of like, if you played that Killer FM game, lol. Well, sort of.
Lol yeah I know about Killer Frequency, I watched AstralSpiff play it :ha:

I did some research and I'll probably end up using something like BUTT (yes that's what it's called) with Icecast if I end up starting a whole channel.

But what's more likely is I end up broadcasting a spot on Anonradio or something similar. I just don't have the time to run a whole station by myself :')

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