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Author Topic: helloooo everynyan!  (Read 675 times)
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« on: December 02, 2023 @802.94 »

how are you?
fine, thank you! :cheerR:

Hi all! I'm Lapis! Your friendly neighborhood artist and amateur webmaster. I love aquariums or anywhere else that's close to it like aqua shoppes with those dark rooms that are only lit by the tanks. That's what dreams are made of, and where I draw my site's aesthetic from!
When it comes to my artwork, I love working with both traditional mediums like ink and markers, as well as digital tools like my trusty iPad.

You can pry Procreate from my cold dead hands.

When I'm not busy drawing, you can find me indulging in videogames like Kirby, Donkey Kong Country, and Rayman. I also enjoy binge-watching shows like Infinity Train, Ducktales, and Batman: The Animated Series to fuel my creative fire.

It'll be almost a year now since I started working on my website, and it has been the best decision I've made so far. I've learned heaps about coding and personal web design, and I'm truly happy with how it looks now. It's truly become my little corner of the internet.

You can view it, here!

When I was a kid, I didn't have as open access to the internet (for good reason, internet safety being one of them). Plus, the main computer we had at the house was strictly for work purposes. But now, I'm trying to make up for lost time and dive headfirst into all the amazing things I missed out on: web graphics like DA stamps and blinkies, and my absolute favorite part – creating shrines! Making a spot dedicated to your most favorite thing in the world, to fill with anything you want to make/add in it, what could be better than that! I also love surfing through every creative website I can find so I can draw my own inspiration for more stuff to add.

Like many of you, I find the pressure to conform to social media's rules and post consistently exhausting. How people manage to churn out daily art posts and not get burnt out in the process is beyond me. That's why I find forums like this so incredibly appealing. They provide a safe haven where we can connect without the pressure of following trends or dodging brand bombardments. Plus, the level of customization is astronomical! I can't promise I'll be making a ton of posts right away, as I'm still exploring and searching for topics that truly engage me. However, I'm incredibly excited to interact with all of you. You all seem like a fantastic bunch!

Thank you for sticking around and reading this far! I wasn't sure how long to make this post, and I put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself to say the right thing. These kinds of posts are never easy lol! As I mentioned before, I'm thrilled to meet more people and discover all the amazing things this forum has to offer.

~ Cheers!  :unite:

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2023 @967.84 »

Hi Lapis, welcome to the forum  :4u:

Oh you have a very cheery site; it feels like things are happening and there's lots to see  :grin: Also aquariums are great, particularly big ones! Going to the London Aquarium was one of my favourite things to do when I was little; in general water has always fascinated me, I got kicked out of science class because I couldn't stop playing with the tap on the desks  :ohdear:

I think one of the things about bigger social media sites is that they created a real loss of community for everyone; it's like the whole world has become a big anonymous city. Cities are great in many ways, but they also teach people how to ignore each other, and to create community you need interaction; both with others, but also with your own sense of self. Working on a site and interacting with others in the web crafting community takes so much effort; it's a tough battle, but Im glad to see you're making it happen  :ozwomp:

Also don't worry, one of the things Iv learned (as someone who does not like broadcasting) while being here is that its best just to start talking and sort out the mess later; USUALLY people are forgiving, and if they ain't then their not the sort of people you wanna know  :tongue:

Also Ducktales is great (Iv only seen the old one) - I personally aspire to be scrooge mc duck  :eyes: Whats your dream in life?

Hope you enjoy your time here!  :ozwomp:

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Wishing you Happy Times when you're online!Bred :320% coolerFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2023 @802.35 »

it's good to see you dolphin man, we hope you have a cool time in this server. For being a lover of the sea and being against the grain of todays common social mediums, I hereby gift you the "Trident of Not Giving a Fuck about Social Media". With the power of this trident, you can turn a page anew on your Internet presence and free yourself from those crazy rhythms that Al Gore invented. Now you can experience the best the internet has to offer with the tools at your disposal.

* TheeTrident.gif (80.59 kB, 1024x1024 - viewed 12 times.)

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Creator of the most ok cuppa joe

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« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2023 @113.10 »

Nice aquatic theme there on your site  :chef:

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Harley | He/they |

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First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2023 @347.06 »

i love the theming of your site! i can tell you had a ton of fun with it!

Newbie ⚓︎

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« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2023 @905.28 »

it's good to see you dolphin man, we hope you have a cool time in this server. For being a lover of the sea and being against the grain of todays common social mediums, I hereby gift you the "Trident of Not Giving a Fuck about Social Media". With the power of this trident, you can turn a page anew on your Internet presence and free yourself from those crazy rhythms that Al Gore invented. Now you can experience the best the internet has to offer with the tools at your disposal.

tis a great honor. i shall use this new-found gift wisely. thank you for the welcome!!!

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forever in 2006

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« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2023 @969.71 »

Hiya! I love the little fish cursor! I also like aquariums! I have a 160 litre tank in my bedroom, with harlequin rasboras. They're really old, and somehow just now starting spawning, so I also have a bunch of lil fry swimming around! And I agree, there is something soooo nice about a dark room lit up by aquariums.  :loved:

Also, your website looks really personal and fun! Good job  :pc:

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