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Author Topic: Introduction & question: whats your favorite fragrance?  (Read 1060 times)
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« on: December 25, 2023 @320.42 »

Hi there, its great to be here! :ozwomp: I've been keeping up with the forum through the RSS feed for a week or so. I was hoping I'd get in soon since I've been wanting to jump in on a few recent topics, so I was super excited to see that I got in earlier today!

You all can call me Bear! My personal site is bearlythere. I've made a few other Neocities sites this year, but the last few months I've been able to dive in a bit deeper, which has been lovely!

For a long time, I assumed I would never be able to take part in the sections of the web that really interested me--forums like this! I kind of felt like the glory days of the net were long gone, or if not the glory days... the interesting ones? I became really disillusioned with social media and the corporate web, so finding out about the web revival from Neocities has emboldened me to make the sort of spaces I'd like to see and take part in, instead of waiting around for them to appear. Anyway...

I'd like to ask a question of you all (hope that's allowed to be part of this topic, it felt more fun than a general introduction). Lately, I've become a huge candle/diffuser person, and I was wondering... what are your favorite fragrances??? I've recently met a lot of folks who love citrus and hate anything sugary sweet. I'm not as opposed to sweet scents, but I prefer something a little more natural and subtle, like eucalyptus and rosemary. I was surprised to find out how divisive some smells are, but I guess I hate lavender (gives me migraines) and anything scented like cotton (smells like diapers). So tell me what your favorite and least favorite scents are, maybe?

Thanks for having me! :ozwomp:
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« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2023 @553.50 »

hi, i'm really new here too! i like your site, the colours and background are super cool. i read your blog and i hope you're feeling better since you made that post :')

as for my favourite fragrance, it's guardian of the forest from lush! i wear it almost every day, it's really calming and comforting to me. i love it so much. the lush website says it's cypress, oakmoss, and rosewood, but to me it just smells like the colour green. which is my favourite colour!

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« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2023 @738.17 »

heyoo!! i checked out your (super awesome!) site yesterday and /thought/ i posted something here but i guess i forgot  :drat:
as for scents, I am also a eucalyptus enjoyer. I also really like sandalwood, tea tree, balsam, gardenia, and anything that smells like fresh linen. I've never been a huge fan of super flowery/sweet/strong scents, even citrus.

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Thanks for being rad!melonlands goth cat!First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2023 @897.82 »

I personally like spiced, cinnamon-y scents. Anything that smells somewhat adjacent to mulled cider.

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« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2023 @797.53 »

Welcome to the forum! I felt similarly before I found this part of the web. I was regularly looking through archived sites from around the 90s to early 2000s and wishing for the ability to be a part of that kind of internet, so it was very exciting finding out about it's continued existence through Neocities. Took a while, but I'm glad I found a part of the web that didn't make me feel completely alienated eventually.

Anyway, fragrances... some of my favorites candle-wise are Ginger Citrus and Pink Sands (both Yankee Candle scents) along with the scent of one Patchouli candle I have that's locally made. I think all three of those have something in common, but I'm not quite sure what.. generally, citrus-y or spiced floral scents tend to be my favorite. I don't really like most sugary sweet scents, either-- anything adjacent to Vanilla Cupcake is Satan's creation. INSTANT migraine!

One specific flower I like the scent of is the plumeria flower. There was a plumeria tree at a cat shelter I used to work at with ones that looked like this:

I used to pick them and put them in my pocket to give me a break from all the other smells that would to occur there-- they have a very powdery/soapy scent to them that's very unlike anything else I've inhaled.

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« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2023 @897.21 »

Welcome to the forum!! :cheesy:

My personal favorite scent is lilac. My grandma had a couple lilac bushes in her garden and every time I smell lilac I think of her.

I fully agree on cotton smelling scents being awful. Those scents that are like "fresh laundry" are awful for me, I feel like I can't physically breathe them.

Casual Poster ⚓︎

Funny how words can be so open to interpretation.

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« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2023 @873.72 »

Thank you all for your kind words!!!

as for my favourite fragrance, it's guardian of the forest from lush! i wear it almost every day, it's really calming and comforting to me. i love it so much. the lush website says it's cypress, oakmoss, and rosewood, but to me it just smells like the colour green. which is my favourite colour!

That sounds like a lovely scent! My mind immediately went to a pack of scented markers I used as a kid that had a dark green that was supposed to smell like the forest--it was my favorite  :ha:

as for scents, I am also a eucalyptus enjoyer. I also really like sandalwood, tea tree, balsam, gardenia, and anything that smells like fresh linen. I've never been a huge fan of super flowery/sweet/strong scents, even citrus.

Eucalyptus enjoyers rise up! I'm also a big fan of sandalwood. My mom LOVES tea tree, and she used to buy hair products that had tea tree in them, but I always felt like they dried out my hair! I agree on citrus, though I can usually enjoy it when it's mixed with something spicy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I personally like spiced, cinnamon-y scents. Anything that smells somewhat adjacent to mulled cider.

These are my favorite in the fall! I visited my parents over the holiday and these kinds of scents greeted me when I walked in. They feel like home  :chef:

Anyway, fragrances... some of my favorites candle-wise are Ginger Citrus and Pink Sands (both Yankee Candle scents) along with the scent of one Patchouli candle I have that's locally made. I think all three of those have something in common, but I'm not quite sure what.. generally, citrus-y or spiced floral scents tend to be my favorite. I don't really like most sugary sweet scents, either-- anything adjacent to Vanilla Cupcake is Satan's creation. INSTANT migraine!

One specific flower I like the scent of is the plumeria flower. I used to pick them and put them in my pocket to give me a break from all the other smells that would to occur there-- they have a very powdery/soapy scent to them that's very unlike anything else I've inhaled.

Oh I love your candle choices! Ginger is something I've never really thought about when considering fragrances, but now it seems like it could be a favorite! Sugary sweet scents give me migraines too, but so does anything too strong. I put too much peppermint in my diffuser one day--absolute misery (to be fair, I don't even know why I was using peppermint. It came in an assorted pack so it felt wasteful not to use it, but I hate it! I can't even have peppermint gum without getting sick.) Thanks for teaching me about the plumeria flower, I've never encountered it in the wild, but now I want to find it! Also I love the incense section on your site  :grin:

My personal favorite scent is lilac. My grandma had a couple lilac bushes in her garden and every time I smell lilac I think of her.

I fully agree on cotton smelling scents being awful. Those scents that are like "fresh laundry" are awful for me, I feel like I can't physically breathe them.

Scents that hold memory are the best. My grandma always had sweet almond scented soap in her house, so I associate that smell with her. THANK YOU for validating me on the laundry scents! My mother loves them, but I think I spent too much time helping her out in linen-scented daycares as a pre-teen to relate that scent to anything other than being grossed out by drooling toddlers.
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« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2024 @205.79 »

Hey Bear welcome! I also peeped your site and it's got a great energy :)

I was in a similar boat too--disillusioned with social media and the corporate web, so I made my neocities and got involved with the yesterweb community. When that kinda winded down I found myself (honestly I don't remember how?) here and I'm beyond grateful to be a part of an online community that encourages authenticity, creativity, and exploration. It reminds me of "if you build it they will come" so I'm glad Melon put this together.  :ozwomp:

As far as scents go I also can't handle harsh synthetic fragrances, so I stay away from any designer brands or chemical scents. Right now I can't think of anything I particularly like? I am exploring though and will let you know if I find something!
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Thanks for being rad!the one and only paprika!Giver of Many Welcomes!Joined 2024!
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2024 @489.88 »

Hello and Welcome to the MelonLand Forum Board  :cheerR:

It's part of why Internet can be amazing, if you have an interest, there's a chance someone else has it and you can connect together ! Personally I don't believe that the old web is dead, Internet is like human and change shapes but there was a cool era on the web where I had a Zelda A Link To The Past personal page and now it's gone. I wasn't happy with the status of the web and made my own NeoCities and I feel free again. Hope you'll find friends here !

As for fragrances I only like and enjoy fruits fragrances, especially apple.

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« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2024 @545.15 »

I feel free again. Hope you'll find friends here !

^^^This is such a good way to describe what it feels like to engage with the old web/web revival. I've been looking for the word but I think feeling "free" and hoping to "find friends" is a great way to describe my experience. I think it especially shines in comparison to traditional corporate social media which to me can sometimes feel imprisoning. Thank you for your description!
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