I got a lot of things for Christmas this year, and there was one gift that my parents had hinted to me prior, and I kept wondering what it was going to be. I kinda got worried about it being a new PC, but i brushed it off because i didnt know what it would be. Turns out it was a PC. And that kinda made me freak out a bit because I wasnt comfortable with the idea of replacing my computer with a new PC, especially one with Windows 11, yuck. My brother got the same kind of setup, and while I thought it was cool and definitely saw that it was better than mine, I was still iffy about it all, because 1. I like my computer because its simple, compact, has the features i like in a PC, and fits on my desk well. 2. its that I dont know if i really need a beefy PC, because all the games I play run well on my PC already, including mostly indie games and stuff like GMod. 3. It feels like too big of a jump to make. I know i could just flash the PC with a linux distro but i havent even begun to decide which one i could use. Also, i just think the PC and monitor is too big.
what do yall think i should do?