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Author Topic: Hylics  (Read 1159 times)
Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« on: April 28, 2024 @24.36 »

I just finished playing a game that hit me deep in the nostalgia feels and gave me a sense of excitement I'd not felt in a long time when playing a game. I literally looked forward to getting up outta bed or off my shift at work to play this game. I was so utterly invested in its world and lore and story progression. I'm in love with the stylistic choice and character designs and general concepts... I don't think I have enough words to articulate how much I love and adore this game... so instead I implore ya'll to check out the below YT video (which was how I even found out about this masterpiece):
HYLICS : Style is Substance

And if you're interested, here's the STEAM STORE PAGE it's really cheap, but even if you don't vibe with it, if you play it less than 2 hours you can always get a refund on Steam.

But it's worth a try atleast. If you like grungy/surreal '90s animation and RPG elements in your gameplay this may appeal to you.

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Thanks for being rad!Black Mage HatJoined 2024!
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2024 @138.78 »

Hylics is an absolute MUST PLAY for anyone interested in RPG-Maker games. It beautifully encapsulates this dreamlike world and I found myself getting lost in it as well. The animation is amazing, claymation at its finest, squashing, stretching, molding, perfect.

I'm surprised you didn't mention the sequel! A much more polished game overall, but I do recommend playing Hylics 1 first.

The music is beautiful, so I'll leave you with one of my favorites. (and the one I listened to the most in game.) Mason Lindroth is magical with his guitar.

Mason Lindroth - Them's Fightin' Words

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Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2024 @490.29 »

Hylics is an absolute MUST PLAY for anyone interested in RPG-Maker games. It beautifully encapsulates this dreamlike world and I found myself getting lost in it as well. The animation is amazing, claymation at its finest, squashing, stretching, molding, perfect.

I'm surprised you didn't mention the sequel! A much more polished game overall, but I do recommend playing Hylics 1 first.

The music is beautiful, so I'll leave you with one of my favorites. (and the one I listened to the most in game.) Mason Lindroth is magical with his guitar.

Mason Lindroth - Them's Fightin' Words

I hadn't purchased/played the sequel when I made that initial post but since then I have absolutely played it (am about halfway through it atm) and I LOVE it just as much as the first game  :loved:  :loved:  :loved:

I am so inlove with Blerol, what a gorgeous character!

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« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2024 @888.37 »

Ah, I love the art in Hylics. I watched my friend play it but I wasn't paying much attention. I hear the sequel has a bit more of a story--are you enjoying it so far?

It reminds me a lot of Moon Remix RPG which finally got an english release a few years ago. If you like Hylics, you might check it out. They aren't super similar, but it'll probably trigger your nostalgia in the same way.

I actually learned recently I've met the creator without knowing who he was at the time LOL.

I'll also shout out the Vega Collective which I happened upon recently on Neocities, which has a similar art style without being directly influenced by it as far as I can tell from a comment on their site profile.
Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2024 @741.79 »

Ah, I love the art in Hylics. I watched my friend play it but I wasn't paying much attention. I hear the sequel has a bit more of a story--are you enjoying it so far?

It reminds me a lot of Moon Remix RPG which finally got an english release a few years ago. If you like Hylics, you might check it out. They aren't super similar, but it'll probably trigger your nostalgia in the same way.

I actually learned recently I've met the creator without knowing who he was at the time LOL.

I'll also shout out the Vega Collective which I happened upon recently on Neocities, which has a similar art style without being directly influenced by it as far as I can tell from a comment on their site profile.

I loved the sequel, I completed it but it was muuuuch more difficult than the first game - I genuinely struggled with some of it haha.

I also LOVE Vega Collective, one of my favorite neocities sites - I made a post about it here  :ozwomp:  :ozwomp:

I've not heard of Moon Remix RPG but I will definitely check that out now!!

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« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2024 @922.57 »

The music is beautiful, so I'll leave you with one of my favorites. (and the one I listened to the most in game.) Mason Lindroth is magical with his guitar.

Mason Lindroth - Them's Fightin' Words

It's important 2 Note that Mason Lindroth got some help for the OST in the Second game with someone named Chuck Salamone and YEAH ... HIS WORK IS STRAIGHT UP MAGICAL!!!!! Mason is responsible for Composing songs such as the Afterlife and Waynehouse and Chuck is responsible for Composing songs such as Xeno Arcadia and The above mentioned Them's Fightin' Words!!!!

I love both Games so so so Much but the jump Between the first game and The second game is Really amazing! :omg: I was introduced to The series from Nitro Rad and MAN was he Enthusiastic about Hylics 2. The way he Hyped up the game Really brought me to Check it out and I can see why It rocks So MUCH LOL!! :ok:

Have you checked out the Musical expansions? First there is Moonage Lobotomy which, if you LOVE the OST of the Second game, you are DEF GONNA LOVE THIS IT IS SO GOOD!!!! Again, Mr. Salamone's stuff is just GREATTTT!!!! :grin: Then there is Absent Moon, which actually has Lyrical songs!!! ABSENT MOON IS JUST STUNNING Every song on there is WONDERFUL ..... It gives a Lot of insight towards the Overall story of Hylics too and Also some more Information on the Personality of the characters!!! I HAVE TO SAY IT AGAIN. Chuck Salamone's stuff ROCKSSSSSSSSS it is very apparent That he is Super passionate about the Project alongside Mason Lindroth ..... Take a look Around some Hylics fanarts or Videos and chances are He is there making a Nice comment LOL! :grin: Recently The two of them held a stream Listening to Absent Moon on Mason Lindroth's channel Where Chuck was explaining In detail the thought Behind each song and How it reflects Both the story And the Characters (The story is Especially important cuz the Album takes place AFTER the events of the Second game WOW!!!! :omg:)!!!! Legit every thing That composes the Series currently is Just Wonderfully amazing And it is super Inspiring to see how the Project has grown!!!!

I am super excited for Hylics 3!!! From Mason's Twitter, we have gotten a Bunch of sneak peeks And as always, The visuals are Intriguing and COOL AF....... We have also Gotten some snippets Of the soundtrack for the Third game (One song was Shared in the stream mentioned above) AHHHHHH IT IS SO GOOD IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! Def check the Above things out if you Are really enjoying the Games!!!! Always a good Day to be a Hylics fan .... Much to look forward to! :grin:

"A true bloxxer would humbly think of himself as the noob, while the noob would think of himself as the bloxxer."
Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2024 @862.96 »

It's important 2 Note that Mason Lindroth got some help for the OST in the Second game with someone named Chuck Salamone and YEAH ... HIS WORK IS STRAIGHT UP MAGICAL!!!!! Mason is responsible for Composing songs such as the Afterlife and Waynehouse and Chuck is responsible for Composing songs such as Xeno Arcadia and The above mentioned Them's Fightin' Words!!!!

I love both Games so so so Much but the jump Between the first game and The second game is Really amazing! :omg: I was introduced to The series from Nitro Rad and MAN was he Enthusiastic about Hylics 2. The way he Hyped up the game Really brought me to Check it out and I can see why It rocks So MUCH LOL!! :ok:

Have you checked out the Musical expansions? First there is Moonage Lobotomy which, if you LOVE the OST of the Second game, you are DEF GONNA LOVE THIS IT IS SO GOOD!!!! Again, Mr. Salamone's stuff is just GREATTTT!!!! :grin: Then there is Absent Moon, which actually has Lyrical songs!!! ABSENT MOON IS JUST STUNNING Every song on there is WONDERFUL ..... It gives a Lot of insight towards the Overall story of Hylics too and Also some more Information on the Personality of the characters!!! I HAVE TO SAY IT AGAIN. Chuck Salamone's stuff ROCKSSSSSSSSS it is very apparent That he is Super passionate about the Project alongside Mason Lindroth ..... Take a look Around some Hylics fanarts or Videos and chances are He is there making a Nice comment LOL! :grin: Recently The two of them held a stream Listening to Absent Moon on Mason Lindroth's channel Where Chuck was explaining In detail the thought Behind each song and How it reflects Both the story And the Characters (The story is Especially important cuz the Album takes place AFTER the events of the Second game WOW!!!! :omg:)!!!! Legit every thing That composes the Series currently is Just Wonderfully amazing And it is super Inspiring to see how the Project has grown!!!!

I am super excited for Hylics 3!!! From Mason's Twitter, we have gotten a Bunch of sneak peeks And as always, The visuals are Intriguing and COOL AF....... We have also Gotten some snippets Of the soundtrack for the Third game (One song was Shared in the stream mentioned above) AHHHHHH IT IS SO GOOD IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! Def check the Above things out if you Are really enjoying the Games!!!! Always a good Day to be a Hylics fan .... Much to look forward to! :grin:

First of all, I loved this post - your enthusiasm for the franchise is gorgeous I love it  :ozwomp:

I have to admit, I hadn't realised there was going to be a third game but this pleases me greatly!!!  :blush:

I need to check out the dev's twitter from the looks of it!! I need to listen to the album too!

Thanks for all the info  :ha:

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