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Author Topic: Share your games!  (Read 1265 times)
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« on: May 26, 2024 @691.30 »

I was surprised I couldn't find a post for this, but I was curious to play through games created by the people in this forum. I recently finished reading an interesting blog post about making small games, and I'd really encourage reading it to anyone who has ever had an interest in making games. It's really cool just going through the different experiences people create and share in places like itch.io. I'm especially a big fan of the collections found in The Haunted PS1. For a long time I had only played AAA or big indie games (ex. Deep Rock Galactic), and only in the last year have I actually delved into these kind of "small indie games". The kind usually made by one person.

So yeah, share your games here so other people can try them out!  :ozwomp:

I'll go ahead and start.

  • "For the salt": This was my first game ever. It took a handful of months and was very frustrating to make, it felt like trying to walk through mud, but I feel like I learned a lot about the Godot game engine. You play as a mountain goat who is trying to reach the top of the mountain for their salt, but the mountain has already been taken over by something else...
  • "THAT'S NOT A STAR": A short horror game made for a game jam in 9 days. You're the captain of the SS-Reaver sent to survey a star. Nothing to worry about :)

[Update: Looks like the post got moved to this section I didn't know about, but I think I'll keep it up anyways because why not :dog: ]
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024 @885.47 by tetrisk » Logged
Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2024 @698.33 »

I am obsessed with Haunted PS1 games haha

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Thanks for being rad!First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2024 @934.22 »

With joy  :grin:
The Vaults of Minos: Pulp story inspired roguelike 2d adventure precision platformer. Free Download here.

Crumbling Words: Occult trippy word puzzle game. Here.

Acid Flight: Icy Towers on steroids. Get it!

Prefer something more classic? Just want to play computer Mahjong? Do it!

If you have a gamepad, Meditation5 might be worth to check out!. Its a minimal, abstract railshooter.

all the colours of the circle is cool as fuck. No need to understand it, just play it.

Is it a game? Is it a website? I say there is no difference. Visit Incoanhyto and go to the Fluid Words.

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« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2024 @99.35 »

I have Mimosa and the Clocktower, which I’ve been working on for the past two years. I have a devlog thread dedicated to it on this site, but I’ll link it here.

I also have other games on my itch account, but both of these were edited ports from my various old Scratch accounts. Not all of them are on here though.

  • Chameleon RUSH: Basically a game where you, a chameleon, must eat as much fruit as you can, while avoiding poisonous fruit and bombs.
  • Fly’n: A game where you play as a pink square creature fighting against monsters. It’s incredibly easy and short, and there’s not a lot of depth to it.


Solo dev of Mimosa and the Clocktower. Click on the image above to enter the MATC portal.
Feel free to contact me if it's anything important, but I tend to be busy irl.
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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2024 @703.18 »

Here's a really small game I made waaaaaayy back in 2015! I thought I'd share it since its a super fun project that most people could replicate in a day or two in Godot (it was made in Unity)

Its a space shooter where the stars around you move in sequence to the music (sorta) and you shoot fruit with a laser! (Otherwise you die!) - The trick is that the player never actually moves, there's a static wall in front of you that spawns stars and they fly towards you then loop back when they go behind your field of view. So it looks like there's a whole universe of stars, but there's actually only a thousand or so  :smile:


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« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2024 @163.26 »

I am obsessed with Haunted PS1 games haha
They're fucking sweet right?? I still have a few collections to check out, I'm leaving them for a relaxed weekend. Those are things to be savored.

The Vaults of Minos: Pulp story inspired roguelike 2d adventure precision platformer. Free Download here.
This one was pretty cool, and the intro art was a really nice touch. I haven't beaten it yet, I gotta git gud.

I have Mimosa and the Clocktower, which I’ve been working on for the past two years. I have a devlog thread dedicated to it on this site, but I’ll link it here.

I also have other games on my itch account, but both of these were edited ports from my various old Scratch accounts. Not all of them are on here though.

  • Chameleon RUSH: Basically a game where you, a chameleon, must eat as much fruit as you can, while avoiding poisonous fruit and bombs.
  • Fly’n: A game where you play as a pink square creature fighting against monsters. It’s incredibly easy and short, and there’s not a lot of depth to it.

I remember fucking around in Scratch in school, good times. Mimosa looks interesting and the art style looks really sweet. If you ever need a playtester I'd be down  :dog:

Here's a really small game I made waaaaaayy back in 2015! I thought I'd share it since its a super fun project that most people could replicate in a day or two in Godot (it was made in Unity)

Its a space shooter where the stars around you move in sequence to the music (sorta) and you shoot fruit with a laser! (Otherwise you die!) - The trick is that the player never actually moves, there's a static wall in front of you that spawns stars and they fly towards you then loop back when they go behind your field of view. So it looks like there's a whole universe of stars, but there's actually only a thousand or so  :smile:

I've noticed that a big part of game dev seems to be making smokescreens, or like how magicians trick people into thinking they saw and understood something when it actually happened in a different way. Stuff like occlusion culling or stopping enemy animations when the player isn't looking.

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« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2024 @586.09 »

I've posted mine all over, but in case you haven't run into them yet:

Henry Is Hungry - a gameboy ROM made with GB Studio about a naughty goat.

And then I've made a couple of games using Pocket Platformer, which is a really fun tool for making simple platformer games:

Blobworld and The Place Before Temporal Accounting Existed

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« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2024 @661.25 »

This one was pretty cool, and the intro art was a really nice touch. I haven't beaten it yet, I gotta git gud.

Thanks for playing  :grin:.
VoM is pretty defty, and you can expect 20+ hours to beat it on normal mode!

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« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2024 @804.93 »

Currently ive been working on a precision platformer of sorts, mostly just to learn godot, but still im very happy with it!
Vid showing it off

its technically a remake/sequel of an old game being This one which was made in gdevelop

but some others ive made are
  • Batter out of Bullet hell It was also made in Gdevelop. it was made for a bullet hell game jam
  • The rest made in bitsi include The Artist Which was more of a note to myself on being an artist
  • Night Time Walk is a small narrative about going on a walk and personal beliefs on the nihlism
  • and Small Town Queer Which is about living in a small town as a queer person and how important it can be to be out and proud
Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2024 @862.67 »

They're fucking sweet right?? I still have a few collections to check out, I'm leaving them for a relaxed weekend. Those are things to be savored.


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« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2024 @819.55 »

I've posted mine all over, but in case you haven't run into them yet:

Henry Is Hungry - a gameboy ROM made with GB Studio about a naughty goat.
Henry is Hungry was great :mark: , I loved it, though I might be a little bit biased lol. I was looking forward to the little story as I went through each level, and it wasn't too hard or too easy, just right.
Also eyy, goat protagonists :ozwomp: .

I read your comment on itch.io and yeah, I'm afraid I accidentally made a "rage game" as my first game. One of my biggest lessons was that you can become blind to how intuitive controls feel or how hard a level is when you're the person who built it, and that spent hours and hours playtesting it. It was even harder before but then I dialed it down after a single external playtester shared his thoughts.
If you keep going you get to shoot down drones and fight a big final boss robot though!

Currently ive been working on a precision platformer of sorts, mostly just to learn godot, but still im very happy with it!
Vid showing it off

its technically a remake/sequel of an old game being This one which was made in gdevelop

but some others ive made are
  • Batter out of Bullet hell It was also made in Gdevelop. it was made for a bullet hell game jam
  • The rest made in bitsi include The Artist Which was more of a note to myself on being an artist
  • Night Time Walk is a small narrative about going on a walk and personal beliefs on the nihlism
  • and Small Town Queer Which is about living in a small town as a queer person and how important it can be to be out and proud

The speedrun platformer was short and sweet, looking forward to its remake!
Batter out of Bullet hell really lives up to its name. I still can't beat the 2nd boss but I'll keep trying  :ha:
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« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2024 @22.04 »

Thank you for playing it! I'm glad you enjoyed the story--I was initially worried it would be too "cutesey" when I was developing it, but it just seemed to fit really well. It was a bit challenging figuring out how to express it using the Gameboy's limited tools!

I read your comment on itch.io and yeah, I'm afraid I accidentally made a "rage game" as my first game. One of my biggest lessons was that you can become blind to how intuitive controls feel or how hard a level is when you're the person who built it, and that spent hours and hours playtesting it. It was even harder before but then I dialed it down after a single external playtester shared his thoughts.
If you keep going you get to shoot down drones and fight a big final boss robot though!

Yeah, I always have that worry too when I'm making games/levels, especially if they're puzzle types and I worry that I'm making jumps in logic that others won't necessarily find intuitive. I'll have to see if I can get to the drones in yours, because that sounds fun!

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« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2024 @595.78 »

"For the salt": This was my first game ever. It took a handful of months and was very frustrating to make, it felt like trying to walk through mud, but I feel like I learned a lot about the Godot game engine. You play as a mountain goat who is trying to reach the top of the mountain for their salt, but the mountain has already been taken over by something else...

I forgot to add that I tried this out! its very difficult lmao but i enjoyed the concept!

I'm afraid I accidentally made a "rage game" as my first game.
This is a very genuine worry a lot of times ive found in my own messing with games, but rage games can also be really fun to make lmao.

also just as an update, the remake has been out for a little bit now! i forgot to update here, so ill share it now lmao Quick Pixel :mark:
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