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Author Topic: Share your cursors!  (Read 614 times)
Casual Poster ⚓︎

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« on: June 22, 2024 @743.63 »

i enjoy seeing custom cursors on people's websites, and i didn't see anything on here abou t showing off such cursors, so i wanted to invite yall to share the cursors you use and where you got them from, or if you made them yourself !!  :ozwomp: 

i remember seeing all the cursors on cursormania, and i even used realworld cursor editor to make my own cursors when i was younger. i sadly dont have any of those anymore, but a while ago i made my own cursro set with cursor.cc for my website and computer, which yall are free to download and use for yourself  :transport: 

* cursors.png (1.37 kB, 88x106 - viewed 83 times.)
* nxcur.zip (6.13 kB - downloaded 5 times.)

Casual Poster ⚓︎


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« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2024 @888.69 »

I've stuck with this chrom cursor for a while, I like animated cursors but a lot of them are way too maximalist and distracting for me xp I like this website http://www.rw-designer.com/gallery for finding custom cursors, they have a decent variety of stuff and it's fun just looking through everything! The website is pretty dated looking, but there's still frequent new uploads!


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Epic Cat AwardFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2024 @651.88 »

I used to really love having special cursors! I remember using Totally Free Cursors webpage as a kid and it was fun to see that it's still around.

Personally, I just used the boring, standard Windows cursors colored to green  :ha:  I was messing around with something else like a little kitty and such but using something simple just seemed to fit it the best. I added a small ghost trail effect to it though from here.

─── °∘❉∘° ───

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Jr. Member ⚓︎

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Sealiously Cool User AwardJoined 2024!
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2024 @967.38 »

I literally saw this yesterday and I was like "Whoah yes my chance to talk about my fave underrated customization option" and then I went to go make a gif for it which then took me a very long time beacuse "Unga bunga you cant stick 6 different gifs with different framerates next to each other!!" and then by the time I finished it was closed for Monday even though it was like, 6pm where I am. 😭

I LOVE CURSORS!!! They're so fun. Windows has a lot of them but comparatively Linux barely has any (and the ones we do have 99% of the time are very, very boring functional ones) which is very, very sad for me. I loved collecting them and stuff on Windows back when I used that.

Currently I am using this set (I have literally no idea who Sora is, I just like the design of the sparkly pointer bits and think the gal kinda looks like Columbina from Genshin and I think Columbina from Genshin is neat so it might as well just be a Columbina cursor) since yknow, Lanax, but I still also am using this completely custom set I made of my OC Aster on my Windows parition and I am trying to port it to Linux but surprisingly there is very, very little easy-to-use pretty GUI tools like Windows has (And also its just has completely different cursor standards entirely that might require me to make completely new cursors). The pains of not knowing anyone else into Linux, can't ask them things like this.

Heres some of the cursors from that set btw (there are more but I dont wanna pull out all the project files and convert them and all that and give myself een more work than it already was to render all of these side by side)


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Casual Poster ⚓︎

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« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2024 @11.22 »

I added a small ghost trail effect to it though from here.
i should probaby do something like that with my site  :omg:

...I am trying to port it to Linux but surprisingly there is very, very little easy-to-use pretty GUI tools like Windows has... The pains of not knowing anyone else into Linux, can't ask them things like this.
i had this same problem too, but i did find an (admittedly, terminal-based) tool that helped me out ! it's called win2xcur and it's a pretty simple python script. the only things i needed to do to convert my cursors was just specify an output folder (it does have to exist firs t!), enable shadows, and use *.cur to convert all of them.  :wizard:

now how to actually apply them is another thing and i cant remember how i did it or if that method would apply equally to all distros, and there could be a way easier method that we've somehow missed ...

but i hope that tool helps you get started on porting !!

Jr. Member ⚓︎

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Sealiously Cool User AwardJoined 2024!
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2024 @668.10 »

i had this same problem too, but i did find an (admittedly, terminal-based) tool that helped me out ! it's called win2xcur and it's a pretty simple python script. the only things i needed to do to convert my cursors was just specify an output folder (it does have to exist firs t!), enable shadows, and use *.cur to convert all of them.  :wizard:

now how to actually apply them is another thing and i cant remember how i did it or if that method would apply equally to all distros, and there could be a way easier method that we've somehow missed ...

but i hope that tool helps you get started on porting !!
Oh yeah I did find that. But then I had an issue where even when I converted it, I had no idea where to go from there since I don't know how many cursors there are, what they look like (since yknow, normally you cant preview Linux cursor files), and I couldn't find a chart for them anywhere.
Also, I am curious, what does enabling shadows do? I saw it mentioned somewhere on a page but I though it probably wasn't needed since it sounds like it would just add a dropshadow or something to a cursor and I don't really need that. But guessing by you mentioning it here it means something else and it's not just a cosmetic change.

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Casual Poster ⚓︎


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First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2024 @760.52 »

I literally saw this yesterday and I was like "Whoah yes my chance to talk about my fave underrated customization option" and then I went to go make a gif for it which then took me a very long time beacuse "Unga bunga you cant stick 6 different gifs with different framerates next to each other!!" and then by the time I finished it was closed for Monday even though it was like, 6pm where I am. 😭
Heres some of the cursors from that set btw (there are more but I dont wanna pull out all the project files and convert them and all that and give myself een more work than it already was to render all of these side by side)

OUGH these are so cute! >:O I'd love to make a custom cursor set sometime but it seems like such a pain, how'd you go about it?

Jr. Member ⚓︎

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Sealiously Cool User AwardJoined 2024!
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2024 @791.82 »

OUGH these are so cute! >:O I'd love to make a custom cursor set sometime but it seems like such a pain, how'd you go about it?
Thank youuuu! And yes, you're right, they are a MASSIVE pain. I grinded for AGES. But it's VERY worth it in the end once you push through.
I used Aseprite (I think a compiled copy of one of the newer versions a friend gave to me but the old free one or the regular paid one would work just as well) and then, and this is VERY unideal but at the time I didn't know there was a plugin for this, exported them as .gifs, imported them into Graphics Gale, then exported them from THERE into .ani for the animated ones and .cur for the still ones. :drat: It worked as you can see but uhh yeah don't make the same mistake I did. Just added complication.
I personally just like to use Aseprite, but you could use literally anything, though very few softwares actually EXPORT to .ani and .cur in the modern day, which is where the real hunt begins. I already mentioned Graphics Gale exports to .cur and .ani and the plugin for Aseprite in the story but there is also RealWorld cursor editor which people use to make a lot of the cursors on their website still (probably why it's still up to this day). If you don't liek any of those options you could also make it in whatever program you want and then import it into one of them and export it out again to the proper format (or maybe there is a website out there that can do it lol)

<- Feed this guy please, they're so humgry
If I sound angry I'm probably not unless I say so. I'm just really really blunt. :dog:
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