Hey there, every since I grew on knowing about html I have always wandered, is it possible to format a html by reusing pre-existing html formatting without having to copy it on the same page and have it all linked to a source?
It's basically sounds like the concept of CSS but re-using html files through a linked source.I know one of the answers to this question could be easily iframes but their honestly quirky and are not meant for that purpose I'm trying to explain because I know a lot of people use iframes as a navigator bar either on the top or left side of their website. Meloon is a great example if you looked at the homepage of his website as clicking on any of the icons don't change the link and simply props the linked source in a box. And not just that, to many re-usable iframes could add lag connection performance to the website because of amount of sources it has to pull.
If were have to explain it to you as a comparison to further understand, think about how wiki's work. They sometimes will have a "stub" section that appears as a mini quote/rectangle box. There are also info boxes that are mainly used on wiki articles to list down a characters traits in a table section.
Here is a good example of what I can explain on how they do it in a wiki article such as listing info on a famous character like spongebob.
[[Char infobox|name = Spongebob|gender = Male|specious = Sponge]]
Now why ask such a question? Because one of things I want to do for my website is to automatically format infoboxes for my ocs but I don't really want to format one each individually and instead have it link to a source that can already do that for me, just only that I can make my own input.
One of my characters so far has a infobox and I wish I can just re-use it's formatting.
Link to my OC for anyone who is interested and wants a greater understanding.