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Author Topic: Whats your life like? (Time Capsule Thread)  (Read 4565 times)
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« on: May 26, 2022 @662.64 »

This is a topic for describing your life! What kind of place do you live in, who do you live with, whats kinda pets do you keep, whats your day like, what do you eat for dinner most, what kind of job/school do you do? Anything that you think describes your life right now, try to write at least a paragraph!

Partly Im curious to hear about some of the lives behind the faces on the forum, but I think also it might be intresting for anyone reading this forum as an archive in the future, like a time capsule! (Hello future!  :defrag:  :smile:)

Please don't share any personally identifiable information though!
« Last Edit: February 25, 2023 @680.07 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2022 @978.04 »

   right now, i'm staying with some friends until my apartment move-in date. i'm moving with my best friends into an apartment i've always dreamed of living in because of its close proximity to my favorite library. it's as anxiety-inducing as it is exciting. i hope that it will go well, and that we live together for a long time.
   additionally, i've recently had a small ray of hope for diagnosis and treatment of whatever is physically wrong with me; i managed to find a wonderful doctor who listens well and takes my symptoms seriously. it's such a nice change from the dismissal and cookie-cutter answers that honestly made me give up on getting adequate medical care to such a degree that i was discouraged from seeking help for years. i'm also hoping to recover enough from mental illness to be able to go back to school, albeit online, because where i live, cases of covid have been at all-time highs for several months and show no signs of stopping -- one of my current roommates even caught it at work, so we're all having to be very careful at home for a few weeks. it's been incredibly jarring for a long time now because so many people are behaving as though the pandemic is over, or never existed, and whenever i leave my house almost nobody is so much as wearing a mask. it makes me feel as though i'm living in some alternate reality to still be so terrified of getting sick, of spreading the virus, of going outside at all. i hope that when i look back on this message, the pandemic is over, and i don't have to be so afraid anymore.
   right now, my day-to-day is even more uninteresting than it usually is because we're all quarantined in our respective rooms, but now i don't really have to struggle to get out of bed :omg:k: . i've been knitting more, and i hope to finish the shawl i'm making within the next month and then hopefully get started on the blanket i've been wanting; if i start by about mid-summer, it should be done before it gets cold here. and if it isn't, all the more motivation to work on it! :ha: i have unfortunately dropped the ball on my embroidery and soap-making projects though, so hopefully i can get back on top of those, and i am also a little shameful to report that learning to code has slowed to a crawl as well, so my neocities site being finished is but a distant someday.
   this has gone so long i've forgotten it's my turn to cook dinner! thursday dinners are always breakfast foods, but my favorites are orange chicken and really any kind of pasta. if anybody has a good calzone dough recipe, please toss it my way; i'm set to make some calzones next tuesday, but my dough last time was a nightmare to work with.
   that's me! i hope my fellow forum members are doing well and that the forum itself stays for a long time!
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« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2022 @69.19 »

I hate to make this thread a downer so early on, but my life is pretty shitty rn. Me and my family used to live in Brantford, Ontario all our lives, but the pandemic forced us to move seven hours up north. I now live in a little township that's made of nothing but a few houses in the middle of the woods and that's it. There's no stores or events of any kind, and even the gas station/convenience store that was here just closed down. If my family needs anything, we have to drive a whole hour to the nearest city.

So yeah, I still live with my parents and my two sisters. Because there's literally nothing to do, I usually just spend my days in my room watching movies/TV shows and youtube videos in-between all of that. Since I just graduated from film school, I'm pretty much doing nothing everyday more than ever before. I'm trying to get a job but like I said, there's literally nothing here. Getting an in-person job is impossible for me, so I've been spending this whole month trying and failing to get a remote one.

I'm not really sure if I have to right to be this discontent with my current life because tbh, it's always been this way (even before we moved). I've always been in my room and basically doing nothing outside my comfort zone. Explaining why I'm like this is a whole different can of worms in itself.

« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2022 @156.42 »

Currently I'm just living in my apartment with my life partner and my little black manx cat. I'm preparing to take IT classes at a college this fall, but as of now I just spend every day at home, mainly playing video games, watching shows, doing art and working on my website. I've been pretty bored and restless staying at home all the time so I hope that will change (for the better) when I start my classes. I am also looking to get a new vehicle soon so I will be able to drive there myself.

Currently the show I'm watching through is Rurouni Kenshin and the games I'm playing are Crash Bandicoot 3 and MediEvil.
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« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2023 @834.21 »

I live alone in the same apartment I have for a few years. Which I pay rent for, close to the town center. No pets or anything just me. Less than a week ago I was diagnosed with depression and my days are... I think I sleep half of it and the other half I sit in boredom, maybe playing a video game or something. I've been trying to go into some "support group" or other kinds of places where you can chill with some people around so at least I wouldn't be sitting at home doing nothing. I haven't really eaten much recently and I kind of forgot the last time I went to the store for proper grocery shopping but I've been preparing a sort of miso ramen thing with whatever I have around, although it can't of course compare in taste to the properly made stuff. I have a new job starting next Wednesday.

But because in reality I measure my time in "what fandoms was I into at the time", I've been really into Genshin Impact Scaramouche.
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« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2023 @297.82 »

this is such a good idea for a thread! (hi, future me!)

i live in a big city with my boyfriend in a two-bedroom apartment overlooking a park. he is very much into aquariums, so we might be getting some fish friends soon. i want to get a dog, but i'd rather live somewhere with a yard first. up until recently, i was working at a tech job from home, mostly, but i sometimes went into the office, which was downtown. these days since being laid off, i've been spending a lot of my time with my hobbies, markedly reading, playing video games, and writing. my idea is to spend this time doing all the things i daydreamed doing at my job so i can feel like working again. over the past year, i've been trying to angle myself to be live slower and more sustainably elsewhere. that's still in the plan for now, but this definitely feels like a winter break before i return to something that appears like productivity. since i'm also trying to resemble something of productivity until i look for a new job, i've also signed up for some work certifications to make my resume look good. what really sucks about this whole thing (since i'm done grieving my old job) is that i still wake up at 9 a.m. every morning; no sleeping in. :( my boyfriend and i have been eating a lot of takeout since we've been traveling so much, but we love making tacos! my favorite dinner we've been making, though, is french onion soup in our instapot. :) that especially sounds good right now since i have a cold. i have systemic lupus and i am luckily still in remission despite the stress of losing my job, so i'm incredibly happy about that and trying to take advantage of the remainder of my health insurance, since it's tied to our employers in america. i'm getting all of my health visits out of the way over the next couple of weeks so i'll be okay without health insurance for a bit.

i can't wait to read more about everyone's moment in time :)
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« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2023 @860.05 »

Right now I'm living in a (cramped!) town house in Florida with my mother, brother, and two cats. The place is a little messy right now because we're getting ready to move out. Unfortunately, that process has been excruciatingly slow for.. various reasons that are beyond our control. Ugh.

It kind of blows right now since my mother's work is progressively getting more and more stressful and time consuming, I'm in too awkward of a spot to get a new job or even a car, and... I've been going kind of insane for 3 years now because I can't comfortably produce music in this house. HOPEFULLY... it's going to be much, much better when everything gets sorted out. But I've got my N64. And the internet. And tea. And friends I didn't have before, actually. That's pretty neat.

"Please, captain. Not in front of the Klingons."
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« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2023 @908.46 »

I still live with my parents, although instead of a stereotypical basement I'm still occupying my room on the second floor. As an introverted geek (I say it affectionately towards myself) I spend most of my days here in front of my computer. I work freelance from home, which gives me this stellar advantage called "completely screw over your sleeping schedule and leave half the work that needs to be done for later only to crunch extremely when deadline approaches". My unmedicated ADHD especially helps with that second part. Why would I work gradually and consistently every day when I could indugle in something that brings me serotonin instead?  :ozwomp:  (don't worry tho, I never let it affect the actual quality of my work).

Between working a typing-sort-of-a-job and drawing digitally in my free time I'm severely computer bound, so I'm dragging myself around to listen to music, draw on somethng else (like my walls!) do some amateur crafts (like make handmade patches for my jacket!), etc etc.

When I'm out however I spend time with friends ooor go to rock concerts of bands so local that naming them would be basically sharing my location, so whoops. The point is, headbanging and screaming my head off is extremely satisfying and partially keeps me sane.

Also if the weather is nice (aka it's summer or late spring/early autumn; I'm a winter hater) I'm not opposed to just walking aimlessly. City center where you could find street musicians in some squares is especially nice. When my family and I travel - those are my favorite parts of any destination. Peoply places!

Also hey, future me, if you're ever reading this. Hope you've got this all figured out at some point, 'cause I'm, for one, am terrified. But also agressively and stubbornly optimistic, so you'd better be fine!  :eyes:

"Why change the past, when you can own this day?" (c)
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2023 @35.80 »

I've been working at the same job as a software engineer for the past 7.5 years. Thankfully I enjoy it, and most of the people I work with are good. The company I work for is also fully remote, so that's a huge bonus for me. Working from home is a dream come true.

But I have had to move around a lot in that time. Because of hyperacusis I have a lot of trouble living in apartments, so I tried moving to a small town but that was somehow worse. There are too many rednecks who love to rip around in their big trucks and snowmobiles, doing donuts on the street right across from my house in the middle of the night. So right now I'm trying to save up to put a small modular home on a bit of land out in the country near my parents. Having grown up in that area, I can be confident that noise won't be an issue anymore. It'll take a while, but hopefully I'll finally be able to settle in somewhere that won't keep me up every night or cause my heart to skip every time a door slams.

I haven't gone out much since COVID. Over the last few years, I have only seen my friends in real life a handful of times. I'm quite a loner, though, so it suits me fine. We still chat online and play games occasionally. Some of them have gotten into more of a party lifestyle which isn't my scene, so it's better that we only associate digitally these days.

That's it for me. Not a heckuva lot going on in my life at the moment. It might pick up in the next year or two.
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’S fhearr Albais bhriste na Albais sa chiste

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« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2023 @690.44 »

I'm currently living with my mum and 3 brothers, and am trying to make it into game development as a career. I released my first commercial game, Operation: Pinkeye, in November, and have been in talks with a publisher to do a physical run. I'm also in pre-production for a spin-off game.

I also regularly work with Wikimedia to host editathons for the Scots Wikipedia and try to do my bit in general to promote the language. I'm also learning Scottish Gaelic and I'm getting close to full proficiency in Italian.

My plan in the future is to build up a resume to try and get a good paying job that allows me to live anywhere, so I can see the world.

I ultimately want to be remembered for the work I make, and for people to enjoy them long after I'm gone, and be remembered for wanting to push Scots and Gaelic to be primary languages in Scotland again.

If I get really wealthy, I want to do my bit to keep old tech alive. Make new parts (or even new units) for old consoles, VCRs, Laserdisc players, anything!

“Snooping as usual, I see?”
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« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2023 @148.76 »

currently ive been stuck with a lot of time to do things so i've been trying to fill the void with video games and getting into other hobbies like (gasp) html/css/javascript/etc!!!! who would've guessed!!! on occasion i get filled with dread about how i'm spending my time during this part of my life but most of the time i just move on with little reflection... i suppose now is a good time to do that reflecting then!

being stuck with this much time to myself has given me ample opportunity to cook my own meals and its a bit of a hobby for me. Also A Generally practical skill, which is nice!

im headed to university this year and it's not really something i think about just because of my tendency to be easily distracted. when i do think about it, it is pretty exciting on the whole. can't wait for it :)

generally tinkering with html and css has actually given me a hobby and i'm happy to be doing something creative with my time :) i hope i keep it up for a long long time  :ozwomp:

future teatime, i hope you enjoy university! :4u:
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2023 @501.98 »

I am struggling to write this since I continuously change how I am phrasing this time capsule! :drat: I am aware that I keep going through pretty rapid identity and situation changes in relatively short time, hence my hesitation. Am I going to look back at this post with anxiety and embarrassment? Am I trying too hard to sound intelligent? Am I not sounding intelligent enough? Is this introduction itself going to feel silly and I will roll my eyes at how awkwardly I am overthinking, or perhaps at the way I present myself as if I was overthinking to sound contemplative? Who knows what my future self will nitpick in this post, so let us just get going. :omg:

Well, in any case, my life right now is somewhat stressful, but I am genuinely proud of the progress I have made to get here. I am currently doing my internship at a scientific publisher, and next month I am (hopefully) going to successfully finish it. I appreciate how it puts me through my paces and forces me to get up early in the morning and hold a rhythm, although I do already feel myself slacking. I will try to carry this momentum into the semester so I can actually get sh*t done this time around, and if I am super lucky I am going to have a degree next year. I am still wondering about whether to just go into the industry or to chain up a Master's degree after this one. I hope I can get a part time job right after this internship at the same publisher so I can break into this difficult-to-get-into industry with brute force, I mean with solid work experience. They do seem to like me and everyone keeps encouraging me.

I just finished properly moving in with my ex(?) again, and literally today finished up the last few boxes. I hope this living arrangement will last longer than last time and I am not going to be forced to move once more. I don't think I have that in me. The roommateship(?) seems to work, with us sharing household tasks and everyone sticking to them. My partners are wonderful and I am really happy about a certain one visiting me all of the time, although it can become overwhelming here and there. I am just happy I have people around me who love and support all my sides.

As for my mental health, I am not currently in therapy since I don't really see the point anymore after all the bad experiences; and also because nobody calls or mails me back when I try. I did largely get out of the bitter phase after my detransition and feel pretty comfortable in a nonbinary gender role now, although sudden impacts of dysphoria in both directions make my life hard sometimes. The terrible trip I had weeks ago still genuinely impacts me here and there with fear of derealization and depersonalization, and perhaps even what I might identify as small or oncoming seizures? I hope it's blowing over soon.

Well, that's most of the things I feel comfortable talking about right now. :) I hope by next year I am a decent bit into or close to finishing my degree, I am still living here and my mental health is better, perhaps even my physical shape. I don't really believe it will happen, but perhaps future me is more responsible than me today.
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« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2023 @773.73 »

Gonna post because I'm procrastinating on schoolwork and want to ramble lmao

I guess right now I live in a mediocre apartment! It's not bad, and it's not good. It's simply overpriced with terribly mid management, but otherwise is serviceable! These days I'm fighting a mosquito problem. Currently trying out an outdoor bug zapper... Indoors!

For dinner I scrounge like a raccoon and usually settle on ramen and popcorn. I'm currently recovering from some silly purchases, and trying to save up a bit! I'm not broke, but damn near close. (And it's my down damn fault, I spent a bit too much on trinkets and books and other dumb things. Don't feel bad for me.)

Right now I work for a well-known fast-food chain, and it's going well! (Hint, it's not burgers.) I thought I'd have to work the graveyard shift, but I lucked out. I was hired during a manager transition and the new one had me on the reasonably scheduled morning shift. Thank god, that's been hard to wake up for, I can't imagine what it would be like waking up EVEN earlier. I probably would have had to quit ;;;;;

And for school... *sigh* Mental health has been absolutely kicking my ass, and it shows. I've been dragging my feet on assignments. It's hard to come to terms with, but the world doesn't stop if I wake up a bit more sad one day than the last. Deadlines don't changed based on my feelings, so I gotta just man up and take it. I don't want to though LMFAOOOO

Lastly, I get to go to a convention next week!! A bit frightening that it's next week, I thought I had more time, but I guess not! But con-crunch has never been an issue for me, 'cause I get so exited I finished the costume at least a month ahead of time! This time I did have a close call though, since the company I ordered from look a longass time to send out the most absolutely MID consume I've ever seen. I cannot stress enough how goofy it looked out the bag. It looks pretty nice in pictures, but in person... oh my. I was able to make some good changes myself though! Switched out the base shirt, new zipper pulls, added some details, new button! I just have to fix the gloves now, they're sewn pretty bad. It all looks a lot better now, although I dribbled a bit of super glue on the jacket. While gluing the button, I puddled on too much scared it wouldn't stick, and accidentally glued myself to the button and two of my fingers together!!!!!! And even worse, I got it on the jacket and now it... :( It's a small stain, but it still ruffled me. But hey, it's a conversation starter. I guess.

I think that's enough ;v; I won't go on any longer, and I promise I'll work on my schoolwork now!!

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« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2023 @780.07 »

I currently live with my parents and am planning on attending University come autumn.
I currently have one (1) partner whom I love dearly<3
I have a bevy of friends with whom I keep up with : 3
My school's Orchestra program is stressing me out to the point that I feel like I may cry or faint most mornings, but it's usually like that.
I quite like my classes, and the theatre production two weeks ago went quite well! Though...I did twist my ankle kind of badly at the cast party.

~~~~You can never tell the truth, but you can tell something that sounds like it~~~~
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« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2023 @694.64 »

i moved into a new apartment that i really love with my boyfriend last month and i've been trying to ride the wave of positive change, practicing keyboard and keeping up my duolingo streak and all that. i'm in the position of being kinda sorta self employed, which i'm very grateful for because i get that freedom to work on my little personal projects and try to make some patreon money off of them. in practice my self employment has mostly been wrangling my ocd toward that end, but i'm optimistic on that front as i'm starting therapy soon :]

recently i've been trying to experiment artistically and give myself more freedom without worrying too much what i'll have to show for it, but i'm also trying to put myself out there more. overall i feel in a good place with it. it's much more foreign to me to just ride the wave and feel things out than it is to try and obsessively plan everything down to the minutes and try to keep full control, but i'm getting a lot more comfortable with the former. i applied to table at Mass Indie Comics Expo this year and i'm working on getting the second pass of chapter one of my webcomic out in a timely manner. actually, the timely manner boat may have already sailed. but i'm determined to get it out!

i'm hoping to (finally) get my license and learn to skateboard this year. more tentative but still very present hopes are putting out an EP and getting a cat.  :pc:
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