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Author Topic: Whats your life like? (Time Capsule Thread)  (Read 6571 times)
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To Tux or not to Tux, that is the question

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moodyFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2024 @721.18 »

final terms are due in a couple months so i've got plenty of studying to do, i've got vague plans of immigrating to finland and studying there through the IB programme but nothing concrete yet, i'm hopeful though. i listen to a lot of music spanning all sorts of genres to pass time, would even say i listen to too much music as it usually takes up my day so much that i don't have time for anything else. I started studying C a month ago but i haven't touched it extensively since, so there's that. i'm pretty cool with my classmates but that's about it for my social life outside of the online space.

I have no idea what I’m doing.
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Go to the tanterwomps for they are lost in time

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Thanks for being rad!the one and only paprika!Giver of Many Welcomes!Joined 2024!
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2024 @872.53 »

I'm about to move to another office at work. Everything is going pretty good so far, the Matcha Project seems on time for September 2024. I've just started to collect Quasar comic-books and I want the entire run in single issues, that's gonna take time and a bit of money (not much because it's not a popular character...)

I'm sort of afraid about the future and there's too many questions that I can't answer yet and I'd love to have a glimpse of myself in ten years to see how I fared in life.

I do have hope that things will be better at some point and my website is really important to me. I want to publish 20 "bavardages" in 2024, so far it seems I'll reach that goal so I'll keep up !. MelonLand is a real pleasure to browse when I get home from work.

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« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2024 @800.87 »

I feel like I'm at an uncertain crossroads in my life, what with college admissions and all. I'm not sure what college I'll go to, or what colleges of the ones that have admitted me I'll even be able to go to. I'm enjoying the last parts of my senior year as best as I can, but it's still a little stressful.

"...And we are not angels, to be comforted by seeing the means for which everything is sent."
-Elizabeth Gaskell, Wives and Daughters

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wildlife scientist and nostalgia lover

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« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2024 @157.27 »

Everything is going well! I feel like i'm just starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel after a long period (a year or so) of uncertainty about my career and future. I started graduate school in the fall, and while I hoped that it would make me even more passionate about my career, it just never ended up clicking for me. I loved this field during my bachelor's degree, but now, i'm just not feeling it. I think a big part of it is that I moved from a very tiny town to a massive city for grad school. In my tiny town, my field was what defined me...everyone knew it, I had been working in the field for almost a decade. But now, in this big city, I've had the opportunity to grow and change so much as a person. I'm much more well-rounded, in a sense, with lots of interests pulling me in different directions. I was depressed for most of last year because I felt like I was being pushed further and further from what my goals always had been.

After months of ruminating, I've come to the conclusion that it is just time for me to move on from that field. It doesn't bring me joy anymore. I've accomplished so much in that field that I think I feel okay about closing that book and saying it's finished.

I finally feel so much happier after this realization, and things are working out so much better than they had been before! I got an entry-level job in my new career path, and i'm feeling much more fulfilled than I had been previously. It means i'll have to spend another year in grad school than I was anticipating, but it should be an easy transition.

Other than that, not much else is new. I'm happy it's finally spring. Winter is always long, especially when you have a lot on your mind. I'm living with my wife in our kind of too small apartment, but everything is going great!

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« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2024 @761.34 »

Whats my life like? Hm. I think Im going through a lot of chaos in my life. Probably the most in my life. I just typed a bunch of stuff out, but deleted it because I don't think the details matter. I'm sure everyone has their own version of chaos, especially in their 20s. A lot of shit has happened in the last six months. A lot of change, a lot of good, and a lot of bad. I have had really high highs and really low lows. Every day felt like a battle, like a new mission. I've been really dramatic throughout it all and Im even dramatic when I talk about it hahaha. Because thats really how it feels! It makes me laugh because it makes me feel like such a girl. Being dramatic about things is important. And its fun.

Anyway, my life has been chaotic and overwhelming and emotional lately, but part of me doesn't want that feeling to end because I can't imagine a life without chaos. without noise. After being in another country for a few months and some really good trips after that, I just moved back in with my parents while I figure out where I want to move next, who I wanna be, what my next step is. Things here are interesting and chaotic, but less fun than when im living somewhere else. But I love being able to cook, sit outside with my dog, see my family, and watch Spring happen around me. I was really depressed/bored when I first got here and antsy to leave(I still am) but I've been trying to build more of a life here. I don't really know anyone who lives here anymore. I've been going to a lot of shows and concerts alone which have all been great. Im lucky that I live in a place that has a lot of good music, even random local bands with little following are so good. Most of the time I go alone, the last show I went to I made a friend! We went to a bar afterwards and I ran into some other people that I knew. That night gave me hope like my efforts of building something here are working. Me and that girl even hung out the next day. So yeah while things are chaotic and there are low lows, I have good times (:  I feel happy that I'm trying to build something here, even if its little, even if i leave tomorrow, this is a place I will keep coming back to so I'd like to put some care into it.

Heres my general daily life
Hang out with my dog
Work on my computer either ... trying to get a full time job, work on side projects, work on a website for a client i have,
Fuck around
Sit outside
If its a weekend then I find a show to go to or bar hop with with my 1 friend here
Watch tv or play video games (Part of this phase of life that sucks is that Tv doesn't feel good to watch these days. Which is really sad cus I love tv. but im slowly re starting to feel the joy coming back again, prob cus im watching americas next top model and shows like that always feel good.  Do you guys ever get in phases like this with music/tv? )

Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2024 @598.32 »

Right now I live in a house I currently pay half a mortgage on. I currently work a remote job which means I don't have to leave my house often (which is great as I suffer with various mental issues that can make leaving the house difficult) - it's a job that involves coding/design and administration for a company based in Greenville, South Carolina.

I currently have a very senior cat called Mordecai, with chronic kidney disease whom I care for daily, he's been in my life for 8 years and I am doing all I can to make sure his remaining time on this sphere is pleasant and happy.

I also have a marbled newt called Splorch who spends a lot of his time tucked away in his damp cave unless I bring him blood worms, or wax worms. 

I have a tarantula called Ida, a millipede called Ronka and a few different cockroach colonies (hissing cockroaches, pepper roaches, banana roaches, harlequin roaches, dubia roaches, giant burrowing cave roaches and skunk roaches) that I've kept since 2001.

I spend all my time in my 'Goblin Cave' which is basically my office, which has my entire collection of earthly possessions inside it... all my treasures... '80s and '90s collectables, my huge collection of boglins, my Gremlins collection, real monster merchandise and killer klowns... my taxidermy collection, all my plushies, my vintage Halloween Beistle collection... etc etc.

I only really leave my house to pick up groceries or take my pets to the vet and even then I tend to get a ride... so rarely spend time outside.   

My life right now is working and in my spare time drawing, gaming, reading comics and watching horror movies/cartoons whilst also maintaining and looking after all my critters.

Sometimes when the house is empty... I like to wonder around pretending I'm a ghost.


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And there's a blue like where the urban angels go

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« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2024 @342.33 »

I live in a medium sized city, by the ocean, in a temperate rainforest. most days I bike through the forest, stopping, eating foraged berries as I go. I bring books and I swing on the swings at the park, where a lake used to be, almost entirely drained a few decades ago, before I moved here. I ride my bike under the shadow of the oil pipelines, I watched logging trucks drive down the road to my grandmother's house, I see the logs carried down the river from the train window.

every morning, I wake up, make a breakfast of toast with jam, and tea or coffee, and I sit out under the bigleaf maple tree, english ivy devouring it's form into horrific green towers, like it did to the dogwood tree, that still blooms, white flowers heavy on the brown arms escaping the hulking abomination. I talk to the rosebushes, I tell them my troubles. I hear the plants talk back to me sometimes, when It is really quiet out. I watch the birds forage for berries. robins, tits, dark-eyed juncos, varied thrushes, etc. I sit on a blanket in the grass.

dark-eyed juncos are very special to me. like me, they do not migrate, they are loyal to place, and they always come home. this makes them some of the few birds there for me in the winter. in a long January,the kind that makes you spend hours in bed, staring down the bar in your closet, the morning after my suicide attempt, that dizzying white night, I walked in circles, for hours on my college campus, watching the juncos hop between the trees, feeling more nauseous than I ever had in my life. 

I put that away and I walk to the big soccer field near my house. I draw a unicursal labyrinth in the gravel with my shoe. I walk it, I walk it again, until I kind of feel ok with the world. I sit on the rock in the creek, hearing it's singing all around me. I try to write poetry. I have little to do. I am looking for a job, I am failing school. I am submitting poems to literary magazines and contests. I don't want to work in a job, I don't want to write poems, even, I want to lie in the grass with the rocky mountains in my eyes. I could live forever if that was what life was. I could live forever if I could spend the whole thing getting lost in the rain with a friend.

i am trying to remove the english ivy from my yard. my friends are the most important thing in my life. I struggle to do things alone. I am doing something with them often every day. I love to hear about them. I love to exist around them. they feel like a family to me. I love to talk to strangers on the bus. I think I belong to the people on the bus. I have so much in common with them, I feel hopeful that the world can be better when I talk to the old lady about quilting, or the 70 year old man who didn't know what film cameras are because all he needs to take a photo is his phone. the college student around my age who got along great with me until he asked what I was listening to. I said ABBA and he made a very exagerated sad face and said that he wasn't friends with people that like ABBA. we exchanged contact info but I have no spoken to him since. the 40 year old who talked to me about the very wet vinyl records I was varying with me, the man who told me about his time working in a fish processing factory, the 9 year old who I let use my fancy art supplies and who told me about tv. the 22 year old who had travelled so much more than I probably ever will, who was held at gunpoint one time, "but," he told me, "it's ok, they were very polite about it." this is how we save the world, i think. talk to people.

I am learning guitar, I am bad at it. I have an obsession with darning socks. I don't know how to stay still. I feel like I am too much for myself. i spend a few weeks barely needing to sleep, feeling great, constantly doing things, doing everything, writing and writing and writing, non-stop and still able to do 20 other things each day, unable to talk quietly. I spend a few months basically hibernating, hiding from the light, not wanting to talk to anyone, to tired to write anything. trapped in an endless cycle, bored, and slow. I feel like I have a little light in my chest. creativity and motivation and energy and drive. and mine is too bright. and it's like a little motor and it powers me to movement when I'm too sad, and when i'm too happy it glows even brighter, and I fear it will eat me alive one day. the way the light of the sun is why there is life on earth, is why people get skin cancer. I crashed my bike under it's sweltering glow, in the middle of the summer. the handlebars twisted out of place, falling forwards onto the hot pavement. I've walked into traffic powered by that little motor, spent days unable to sleep, tracing shapes onto the ceiling. it kind of scares me. my tides seem to have no relation to the world. the worst things could happen in the high, the best things in the low, it doesn't change a thing.

I found an old blue car wreck in the woods, the metal twisted out of shape. I wonder who it was that crashed it there, and when. the model looks quite old. it is by the crab apple tree, and bluebells and herb roberts grow from its body. i am in a lot of pain in ways doctors won't give me answers to. I have a lot of joys that I can't describe. I wear all pink, i wear feather boas and cloche hats and glitter. I like when people stare at me. I love to perform in front of an audience. i'm told im good at reading poetry out loud. I am scared of the dark so I sleep with a little golden moon-shaped night light. someday I kinda want to get a little blue bird shaped one to match the tmbg song. I preen my feathers every night. I like to feel the wind in them.

pigeons will save the world!!!
(pigeon gif by
Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #37 on: June 18, 2024 @495.23 »

I live in a medium sized city, by the ocean, in a temperate rainforest. most days I bike through the forest, stopping, eating foraged berries as I go. I bring books and I swing on the swings at the park, where a lake used to be, almost entirely drained a few decades ago, before I moved here. I ride my bike under the shadow of the oil pipelines, I watched logging trucks drive down the road to my grandmother's house, I see the logs carried down the river from the train window.

every morning, I wake up, make a breakfast of toast with jam, and tea or coffee, and I sit out under the bigleaf maple tree, english ivy devouring it's form into horrific green towers, like it did to the dogwood tree, that still blooms, white flowers heavy on the brown arms escaping the hulking abomination. I talk to the rosebushes, I tell them my troubles. I hear the plants talk back to me sometimes, when It is really quiet out. I watch the birds forage for berries. robins, tits, dark-eyed juncos, varied thrushes, etc. I sit on a blanket in the grass.

dark-eyed juncos are very special to me. like me, they do not migrate, they are loyal to place, and they always come home. this makes them some of the few birds there for me in the winter. in a long January,the kind that makes you spend hours in bed, staring down the bar in your closet, the morning after my suicide attempt, that dizzying white night, I walked in circles, for hours on my college campus, watching the juncos hop between the trees, feeling more nauseous than I ever had in my life. 

I put that away and I walk to the big soccer field near my house. I draw a unicursal labyrinth in the gravel with my shoe. I walk it, I walk it again, until I kind of feel ok with the world. I sit on the rock in the creek, hearing it's singing all around me. I try to write poetry. I have little to do. I am looking for a job, I am failing school. I am submitting poems to literary magazines and contests. I don't want to work in a job, I don't want to write poems, even, I want to lie in the grass with the rocky mountains in my eyes. I could live forever if that was what life was. I could live forever if I could spend the whole thing getting lost in the rain with a friend.

i am trying to remove the english ivy from my yard. my friends are the most important thing in my life. I struggle to do things alone. I am doing something with them often every day. I love to hear about them. I love to exist around them. they feel like a family to me. I love to talk to strangers on the bus. I think I belong to the people on the bus. I have so much in common with them, I feel hopeful that the world can be better when I talk to the old lady about quilting, or the 70 year old man who didn't know what film cameras are because all he needs to take a photo is his phone. the college student around my age who got along great with me until he asked what I was listening to. I said ABBA and he made a very exagerated sad face and said that he wasn't friends with people that like ABBA. we exchanged contact info but I have no spoken to him since. the 40 year old who talked to me about the very wet vinyl records I was varying with me, the man who told me about his time working in a fish processing factory, the 9 year old who I let use my fancy art supplies and who told me about tv. the 22 year old who had travelled so much more than I probably ever will, who was held at gunpoint one time, "but," he told me, "it's ok, they were very polite about it." this is how we save the world, i think. talk to people.

I am learning guitar, I am bad at it. I have an obsession with darning socks. I don't know how to stay still. I feel like I am too much for myself. i spend a few weeks barely needing to sleep, feeling great, constantly doing things, doing everything, writing and writing and writing, non-stop and still able to do 20 other things each day, unable to talk quietly. I spend a few months basically hibernating, hiding from the light, not wanting to talk to anyone, to tired to write anything. trapped in an endless cycle, bored, and slow. I feel like I have a little light in my chest. creativity and motivation and energy and drive. and mine is too bright. and it's like a little motor and it powers me to movement when I'm too sad, and when i'm too happy it glows even brighter, and I fear it will eat me alive one day. the way the light of the sun is why there is life on earth, is why people get skin cancer. I crashed my bike under it's sweltering glow, in the middle of the summer. the handlebars twisted out of place, falling forwards onto the hot pavement. I've walked into traffic powered by that little motor, spent days unable to sleep, tracing shapes onto the ceiling. it kind of scares me. my tides seem to have no relation to the world. the worst things could happen in the high, the best things in the low, it doesn't change a thing.

I found an old blue car wreck in the woods, the metal twisted out of shape. I wonder who it was that crashed it there, and when. the model looks quite old. it is by the crab apple tree, and bluebells and herb roberts grow from its body. i am in a lot of pain in ways doctors won't give me answers to. I have a lot of joys that I can't describe. I wear all pink, i wear feather boas and cloche hats and glitter. I like when people stare at me. I love to perform in front of an audience. i'm told im good at reading poetry out loud. I am scared of the dark so I sleep with a little golden moon-shaped night light. someday I kinda want to get a little blue bird shaped one to match the tmbg song. I preen my feathers every night. I like to feel the wind in them.

That was beautiful to read

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Man I Love Frogs!

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« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2024 @763.53 »

Living in a small rental condo. I have stairs!

I'm very happy with my spouse. We're on our 5th or 6th jobs at this point in our lives. Our adult lives together have been tumultuous, especially with the COVID years, but the one thing that has remained strong is our devotion to each other and our eventual perseverance.

I'm a much more skeptical and cautious person than I used to be. I'm hesitant, and I had a lot of my self-confidence broken in the past. It's been a continuous process of moving past that and rebuilding trust in myself and others.

It's tiring! I'm in a much better spot now than I was before, except financially. I could be in a better spot financially. Right now feels like an interim period where I had to make sacrifices and room for me to get past one of the worst parts of my life, so I could come out stronger. And I am much stronger now. But I know I'm not done yet, I am not all the way there. And it is very frustrating because I feel like I should have it all figured out by now. I'm having to accept that I just don't.

I have a website, a black cat, and many many witchy things. I brew my own alcohol, and barrel age it. I sew, and we have quilts lying around the house. I also work nearly full-time, and I do a lot of technical and manual labor for not enough pay honestly. But what I do get to do is very fun. I've found a lot of the joy I lost again. And I just keep moving forward.

"Sharing Tea With A Fascinating Stranger Is One Of Life’s True Delights."

~Uncle Iroh


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« Reply #39 on: July 26, 2024 @631.31 »

Right now I'm visiting my dad in Brazil for the summer. I have quite a lonely life, not right now, but usually. Most of the time I live with just my brother but occasionally my mother and father take time off their work and come over to stay with us. This year has been better off because I think I've had more time with my parents than without them.
I've lived all across the world so I feel very different from other people in my country. I don't know if it's just remnants of my 'not like other girls' phase, but I really feel like it's true. I've lived in the Maldives, Kosovo, and Trinidad and Tobago—all quite different countries and all quite different from Portugal. I feel a certain difference between myself and others, mainly in my school. There are lots of people I know who have just lived in the same country all their life, which is amazing to me, just as amazing as they'd find my travels, I imagine.
But currently, or well, not currently cuz I'm in Brazil but whatever. Outside of the summer I live in an apartment in the centre of the city, it's quite better than where I used to live, where it was difficult to get to school (1 hour drive). I live in a very tourist-heavy city so I have to deal with loud Americans or drunk English men yelling at night. But on the bright side, thanks to all the tourists, that means I get a whole bunch of cool shops around my house.
I'd rather not write about school since it's the summer and I'm trying not to think about that, but because I can, I will. I go to a school with a lot of annoying people but in the middle of all those annoying people there are some 3 cool people who I'm friends with. They're all in the same country right now, and I'm in Brazil, so it's a lot of fun to watch them plan activities together while I'm over here... Not. But it's not something that bothers me all too much. Anyways. School's pretty okay, the teachers mostly either like me or forget I exist, both because I'm so quiet. Many of my classmates also forget I exist. It doesn't bother me though. Just a little bit. But, hey, I'm a very quiet person so it makes sense I don't exactly stand out.
Oh, I forgot to write - I have two little pieces of homework over the summer... Paintings! One of my classmates does Business, and so for his project he has decided to do an auction. And for the auction, he's selling my paintings! It was tough to decide on what to paint but over time I've got my ideas and I've started working on them. One is a painting of a picture I took of the metro on the way to the aeroport, and the other is a man doing some cool pose. I might not give him the other one because I'm not sure if he needs more than one painting, though.
I'll probably look on this post in a couple years, if I remember I wrote this after all this time. I've got other details of my life I'd probably like to not include because they're the ones that make me sad just thinking about them.
Also, it's interesting to read all of your posts on here. You've all got some very cool lives.

There's not a soul listening to this recording.

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« Reply #40 on: July 28, 2024 @937.47 »

i live in my house in texas with my family. my brother is gonna go off to college in florida in 2-3 weeks and its gonna feel weird when hes gone. its summer break right now so i dont actually do much other than talk with friends on discord and explore this cool new forum i signed up for [hello melonland ^_^]! its already over halfway through the day for me right now and im just listening to my playlist and i may go back to drawing my oc refs in a second. but anyway, i go to music lessons every wednesday, for singing and piano! im HEAVILY considering learning the drums but i dont wanna add too much on the schedule </3 maybe one day ......... school will start back up for me in a week and a half, and im excited to see my irl friends again! i am a little worried about my classes though ...... i hope things turn out alright ^_^
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024 @87.14 by Noonbeam » Logged


noonbeam || gif by me :3
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« Reply #41 on: August 01, 2024 @945.76 »

It's the first day of August. Not long left till my 21st birthday. I'm sitting at my computer at around half 10 pm, listening to "spirit of sensual relaxation: woodland awakening". it makes me feel like im in a forest with a lot of birds and trees and i can smell the moss and running water in the rivers. in a few days i'll be going down south to visit my grandma, it'll be a nice escape from this big city. we're going again to the butterfly farm we visited last summer. i'll be moving out for university again in a month and a bit, and hopefully i can be hallmates with a pal from my class. i've been chosen to act as a welcoming friend for first years, and i'll get to show em all around campus and the shopping district nearby, which is fun, because i like to play the role of mother hen. it gives me satisfaction to act like mentor, even just for a little while. gives me a sense of purpose.

Sipping strawberry tea...beaming love into me...eternally........
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literally kel omori

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Literally Kel OmoriJoined 2024!
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2024 @977.08 »

Currently an edgy teenager living in northern usa in a small town. I have an amazing and beautiful boyfriend, a small but awesome friend group and the best dog ever. I finally broke the pattern of going in and out and in and out of hospitals and am currently in the recovery process. My dad and mom are also acknowledging the stuff I say now and not constantly yelling. I'm pretty content with the life I have right now. Although I'm still frustrated about all the things I can't do because of my disabilities and the years I lost because of them. I'm finally getting diagnosed with everything so thats helping a lot with the treatment plan. I still yap a lot and string together sentences that don't make sense (as you can see)  :grin: . But im excited for the future instead of scared of it. Hope future me can confirm it was worth it.

and im asking why lord if this is how i die lord
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« Reply #43 on: November 05, 2024 @440.27 »

Right now I am thriving! 2023 has been a great year for me, I've grown up a lot and finally started to feel like I am living more than just existing. When I graduated last year, I fell into a slump where I was staying at home all day every day, since I didn't have my license and was terrified to even try to learn how to drive.

In March of this year, I got my first job as a busboy. I was pretty slow and very anxious in the beginning, but over time I feel like I've become quite good at it, if I do say so myself  :ok:. My sister started teaching me how to drive on the way to work, and over the next few months I slowly started to relax and feel confident in my driving skills. I passed my driving test last week and got my license!

My mental health has also taken a turn for the better. I recognized some unhealthy behavior (spending all of my time online in circles full of negativity and discourse, wanting people to like me all the time and taking even the lightest bit of criticism to heart, feeling bad for enjoying things people deemed as "cringe") and started working on ways to improve my mental and physical heath by making changes (working out, leaving those online circles, enjoying the things that I like no matter how "cringe", doing things for myself and not just to seem likeable others).

My next goals for the future are to get a new job closer to where I live (hopefully one that's more enjoyable than cleaning tables, LOL), start taking college classes, and to figure out more about myself, what I like, what I want to do. I also want to make friends, since I'm coming more out of my shell instead of being isolated at home.

One year ago, I was the most depressed I've ever been. This year, I'm the most happiest I've ever been. I've still got a long ways to go, but I have my entire life ahead of me to accomplish everything I want to. I hope the future me who's reading this post is happy wherever she is :o).

My 2023 was quite similar to yours, although it took until late last year (probably around late September/early October 2023) for my most recent depressive episode (of several since the age of 13) to finally remit and I've been stable for over a year now. It was around the time my summer break that year started when I noticed the crushing weight on my chest and limbs slowly but surely lifting before it did so completely after a few months. 2022 was also a trainwreck for me in the same way it was for you, although I still can't really tell if my March 2022 - January 2023 episode was just as bad as my September 2019 - March 2020 episode or if it was truly even worse. I will say, though, that my January - September 2023 episode felt really similar to my 2019-2020 episode except instead of ending off with a short break right afterwards, this one began with right after a short break between episodes, plus I at least had the knowledge of what to expect with my illness as a 16 year old as opposed to during my first episode as a 13 year old.

Honestly, I think the freedoms I gained as a 17 year old high school senior and adopting a regular walking regimen helped out a lot in addition to simply waiting it out. Prior to my senior year of high school, I was not allowed to leave the house on my own or walk the mile to/home from school due to my controlling maternal grandmother. And now that I'm 18, I can finally make up for even more of the time I lost from being helicoptered during my younger years as a legal adult now and am finally being treated in a respectful and mature manner that I feel like I should've been treated in during some of my younger years (I've always hated having my autonomy restricted, my classmates always being confused whenever I tried having an intellectual discussion with them, and almost never being taken seriously regarding my concerns as a child).

Hope things are still going well for you.


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Blue Man In The Clothes Dryer Award (?)Joined 2024!
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2024 @778.34 »

As I write this, I'm a college student studying journalism. For me, that means that a lot of my assignments are writing-based, with lots of editing for clarity. That also means that I'm frequently helping other people edit their writing, too. I really enjoy it, like it feels satisfying.
Every day, I usually drive my younger sisters to school, then head to campus to work in the library before class. I'll listen to music while I work, and watch video game streamers I like and play Flight Rising or Nethack.
I also read a lot. Yesterday I finished Pygmalion while on campus.
When I'm at home, I spend a lot of time doing chores, calling my friends, and making art. My favorite mediums right now are digital art, scribbling in my sketchbook, and practicing electric guitar. I'm new to that instrument, but I find the sound really entertaining. I'm just good enough to play a clumsy scale and some alright-sounding chords.
I just took a barista job on campus, and I drive a kid from my masjid every Saturday to her karate and swimming lessons. I really enjoy talking to her. I've always enjoyed kids, now that I think about it. They're like people, but smaller.
Every so often I'll drag a friend to a punk show in town. It's nice to have some time to thrash without a care in the world.
I feel busy all the time, but I feel happy. It's like I'm working on setting myself up for a good life later.

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