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Author Topic: ♡-->★彡 jade's wurld ・゚✧ ★彡  (Read 6136 times)
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« on: November 18, 2021 @288.55 »

i'm slowly working on a game which i'm temporarily calling jade's world

the world is based off of my old childhood neighborhood, and in my latest map overhaul (lol) i took a lot of textures from google maps & the buildings are a mish mash of timelines. i wanted to make a compacted version for the game, to make the world feel smaller but cozier and economical. i work on this project on and off, but i'll share my progress on this thread :-3

game demos...

[demo 01]
[demo 02]
[demo 03] new ★彡

latest progress...

some extra videos can be found on my
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021 @289.85 by cinni » Logged

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Hyperactive DonutGreat Posts PacmanOfficially DogThanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My Pal
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2021 @754.42 »

This is a really cool project and it makes me feel like Im not working on my projects enough :grin: Also your character models are awesome and I still want to see a time lapse of how you do them.

I have a few questions reading this!

Is there gonna be an objective in this world or is it just about the space/exploring?
Do you plan to have a main story, or micro stories of some sort?
I know you've done some multiplayer things, will this be multiplayer?
Are you gonna do a crossover with this and your gallery projects?
Will people be able to drive the cars!?
Do you think its gonna be a web game or a download game as it gets bigger? AND do you think that would change your approach to making it?
Also you've worked on it for a while now and done a few versions, what are the biggest things you've learned / had issues with / would do differently so far, and what things have you found really great or fun.

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« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2021 @961.63 »

phew! all great questions!

first off, you finally convinced me to record my process in blender xP i wanted to give my models a bit of an update, so here's how i model/texture/rig low-poly hair. it's already 4x sped up, but it's kinda long so i would recommend watching it at 2x speed to get the gist haha. basically, start with sections/hair strands as planes, then > extrude > merge vertices at the end. start with big, basic shapes and then go in with details. i do hair this way to reduce the # of polygons but also keep it just detailed enough.. it's a balance i sometimes struggle with @_@ but dealing with planes this way is way easier than cubes - one less dimension to worry about.

to answer your questions:

1. EVENTUALLY there will be an objective, i plan to make this an rpg based around a storyline, etc but i'm still learning how to program so for now i'm focusing on world building, making models, etc. cause it's easier for me haha. LIKE i wanted to learn how to implement an inventory system, but then i realize i don't have items yet, so then i hop on to blender and then get distracted with that.. haha.

the game universe is shared with my comic universe, so thru my comics i'm working out the main storyline - vaguely put it's a coming of age story about a girl who finds/befriends/falls in love(?) with a demon, set in a kind of run-down/desolate-from-a-big-storm beach town, which is based off of where i grew up. xP i like stories that are character driven rather than plot, sooo i do suspect there will be side-quests/story lines centered around the cast! i still want to use my idea of music playing a role in gameplay, like improving the town/affecting residents, but one step at a time.... haha

2. i don't plan on the game being multiplayer, BUT that being said, i have thought about making all these scenes into a separate multiplayer project once the world is somewhat finished, just cause i like exploring virtual worlds so much and there's something that itches my dopamine brain of making my childhood neighborhood from the ground-up and living out a weird alternate universe...

3. i plan on making this a stand-alone project from entrance or exit! i like the collaborative aspect of putting together virtual galleries w/ other artists, and jade's world feels so.. me, myself, and i, haha. though i'm starting to explore games as a narrative tool, so there is an overlap in my brain of games-as-part-of-my-art-practice with this project and EOE!

4. YES driving cars is 100% a thing i want, same with riding the bus and making a bus schedule, but my coding skills are just not there yet/haven't gotten around to learning it.. :'(

5. i did plan for this to end up as a downloadable game, but for now i'm making demos for webGL cause i think it's more accessible to play while the world is still fairly small, but i forsee the file size getting too big to run on the browser.. haha. i say this as someone with hardly any free space, i look at some virtual worlds that require you to download a 2GB game and shriek LOL

6. oooh fun question! i think what i'm going to say will apply to anyone just starting out with making games, in that your first project will be a trial run as you learn the inner workings! i still feel this way with these demos, where it's easier for me to start fresh using what i learned with previous demos and start from there.

like, i would use basic player controls, but as the world/my coding developed, i wanted to do more complex things so i needed to upgrade my player controls, which then has a domino effect haha. i mess with one script and it somehow affects other things in the game i didnt suspect! like how i switched scenes. before i just copied the player prefab in each scene, then i realized if i want the player to change and have those changes carry on to other scenes, i need to re-work the whole structure! i expect to do this a few more times over :-p

if i had to start again, i would probably make a few test-games where i'm figuring out all the mechanics, but then again those mechanics will be determined based on the world, sooo i guess just be OK with starting over! as far as things i found really fun, it's the world building and seeing it come to life! silly little things like making a love attack or petting cats! hahaha. i had just finished chulip, a game all about kissing, and thought i really needed to make kissing NPC's a thing in my game, LOL. what's fun about making your own game is that you make the rules of the universe, so if you want a game centered around kissing rather than punching.. well, you can!

i had to sit on this reply for a few days, but i really appreciate the chance to share my process/thoughts >:-O so thanks!

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Hyperactive DonutGreat Posts PacmanOfficially DogThanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My Pal
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2021 @849.66 »

Thank you for this VAST reply! And don't worry about delays answering, the joy of a forum is that time is not important, posts can be days or weeks or YEARS apart and its all fine.

Also thank you for the video, now I just need to learn Blender to make more sense of it :tongue: It answers my biggest overall question which was, is it raw poly editing, and it is!

I don't have many more big questions, it sounds like a really good project and everything you say makes sense. I think people will prob respond to it really well, although you've got a lot of work to add in all the stuff you talk about. Not doing multiplayer is a good plan, I think you've got enough here, although a multi town would be cool too!

I suppose the last and worst question is! How long to you think its going to take? :grin:
Annnd assuming you're answer is multiple months to years, I know the kind of issues I run into with big projects, and I assume others here run into these issues too. How do you handle doing large/long projects without losing interest? Do you get overwhelmed by ideas/tasks that need doing? And if so how do you manage that?

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Great Posts PacmanFirst 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!OG! Joined 2021!
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2021 @874.77 »

I love the visuals of this world a lot! Using textures from Goog Maps is a really smart way of working while also adding a lot of stylistic flair. It looks really far along, graphically -- I'm sure all the other features will add a lot more work to things, but that you've already got a playable prototype going is really impressive.

No burning questions yet that others haven't already asked, but looking forward to checking back in and seeing how things progress : )

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« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2021 @303.68 »

<3 i appreciate the feedback every1!

Thank you for this VAST reply! And don't worry about delays answering, the joy of a forum is that time is not important, posts can be days or weeks or YEARS apart and its all fine.

Also thank you for the video, now I just need to learn Blender to make more sense of it :tongue: It answers my biggest overall question which was, is it raw poly editing, and it is!

I don't have many more big questions, it sounds like a really good project and everything you say makes sense. I think people will prob respond to it really well, although you've got a lot of work to add in all the stuff you talk about. Not doing multiplayer is a good plan, I think you've got enough here, although a multi town would be cool too!

I suppose the last and worst question is! How long to you think its going to take? :grin:
Annnd assuming you're answer is multiple months to years, I know the kind of issues I run into with big projects, and I assume others here run into these issues too. How do you handle doing large/long projects without losing interest? Do you get overwhelmed by ideas/tasks that need doing? And if so how do you manage that?

i agree, forums are grrrreat! i didn't realize how much i missed them! :pc:

tbh, who knows how long it will take LOL. maybe some years - i don't really have a concrete plan yet, but that's okay. i noticed i tend to work in smaller bursts on projects - i'll devote my attention back n forth between drawing, or 3d, or music, or coding to keep myself 'busy' but not entirely burnt out on my ideas. i'll tend to move on from an idea until a while later i'll revisit it with a fresher mind. it feels less like i'm trying to make a game and more like i'm trying to expand upon a universe :-p virtual worlds r a cool way to experience that.

as far as the game-dev side, i certainly get overwhelmed but i try to set small goals. i'm working at a slower pace since i haven't had a chance to work on this for a while lol, but it started out with learing to make cutscenes, then switching between scenes, dialogue, basic player controls like switching cameras, etc! next on my list is to make an inventory system, changing outfits/appearance, driving, n making more buildings / interior scenes!


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« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2021 @309.85 »

i gave the character models a bit of an update! i'm much happier with this change :-D


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Great Posts PacmanFirst 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!OG! Joined 2021!
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2021 @368.77 »

These updated models are looking clean! They've really evolved from the first playable iteration; it's fun to see the changes from each version.

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Hyperactive DonutGreat Posts PacmanOfficially DogThanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My Pal
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2021 @29.86 »

i gave the character models a bit of an update! i'm much happier with this change :-D

As always, fantastic looking! How long does a character take you to do start to finish? There's a lot of small detail going on here and texturing that must all take quite a while! Also where do their personalities and fashions come from?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021 @30.96 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2021 @818.97 »

thanks yall ! :smile: it's been taking me some fuddling around to nail down the look i want for the game.

As always, fantastic looking! How long does a character take you to do start to finish? There's a lot of small detail going on here and texturing that must all take quite a while! Also where do their personalities and fashions come from?

it quite depends! after i make the first character, i copy + paste the model and change it from there, so sometimes i re-use assets between them but making things like hair takes a while. so maybe a few days before they're complete!

as far as fashion goes, the main character (first) is heavily influenced by the gyaru subculture (and manga like gojinko monogatari)! the pants are a reference to the brand alba rosa, a gyaru staple haha. i wanted her to be very fashion-y and of course with lots of outfit changes for the game :-P

devil girl is very much inspired by the post-punk aesthetic and the subverted suit, like johnny lydon from public image ltd haha. in fact she's supposed to be wearing a PIL shirt :B

(also taking inspo from characters like nana osaki from nana!)

third was inspired by cowboy aesthetics haha. more specifically i took design inspirations from characters like gyro from JJBA (hat, scarf/cape, big belt), ace from one piece (hat, flames), yoko from gurren lagann, etc! i also like to add asymmetrical elements for added visual interest, so i was thinking a lot about duality / opposites, like an angel on one side and the devil on the other! it's really a variation of ace's hat design, i wanted to change it up enough but also keep that motif haha.

lastly, angel chara is similarly inspired by post-punk looks, but a more modern/trendy version of it... i don't even know what to call this style haha. but i wanted to include graffiti, black metal scribbles, etc elements. thiiiinggs like you would find at a brand like souldog or lefthandLA or yard666sale

fun fact, her shirt sleeve says "no" and her pant leg says "thing", so together it says nothing.. :omg:k:

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« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2021 @835.20 »

as usual, instead of doing work i procrastinated and made some more game objects :ozwomp:

i'm currently working on the interior of the deli. i wanted to channel katamari damacy in my approach of low-poly but graphic objects. i also have been replaying the game again, so the inspiration is fresh in my mind..

mostly drinks, and some pet items

low poly store items, i took the textures from old phone pictures i had of a deli that closed down

new npc alert! her design is loosely inspired by house painter clothes (paint splatter jeans, those gloves). also working on the deli counter, needs more clutter...

current layout of all the objects.. i plan to move everything around for the final concept :pc:

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« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2021 @928.94 »

Absolutely stunning! I love the colorful low-poly design. Congrats on the progress!

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Great Posts PacmanFirst 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!OG! Joined 2021!
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2021 @59.17 »

Echoing m15o, the Katamari inspired low-poly approach is fantastic! The variety of colors for each asset adds a lot to world immersion.

The last image gave me a laugh by the way LOL, I appreciate that "behind-the-scenes" screenshots are literally what things are looking like in-scene, and out of context, I feel for the deli counter NPC, just watching as a customer is just. Shuffling beverages into neat rows on the floor XD

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« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2022 @416.22 »

just a quick update, i made a new building! its a deli/pizzeria from my old neighborhood.


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« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2022 @746.66 »

oh my gosh, the character designs/texturing style is so incredible. i'm obsessed with this :ozwomp:

:pc: Null Casting, She/They :pc:
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