I'm not sure if this will be much help, but I've found that I get a ton of inspiration from thinking about stories while doing other, less mentally engaging tasks. Something to physically distract you + some music is a great way to get your brain flowing, at least in my experience!
Also, it's probably one of the most common bits of advice, but writing can be whenever and whatever you want. If you're working on a story and you really want to write this one scene but you're not there yet, just write it! You can figure out its placement later, or maybe even totally change the way your story will progress so that you can have that scene. I think this is generally called "journey writing" or something to that effect, where you write until you find what the story should be, and then go back to revise it with the new ideas in mind.
Another small thing, but it's worth keeping some way to jot down notes in close proximity. I personally kept a notebook and pen with me whenever I would go biking, which ended up being how I drafted a significant chunk of a story!
Good luck, and enjoy your journey(s) with writing!