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Author Topic: What is your favourite piece of lost media/One you want found the most?  (Read 5932 times)
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Thanks for being rad!melonlands goth cat!First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2024 @611.54 »

Mine requires some background... So to set the stage, it's around 2010. There's this somewhat popular free PC game about Yellowstone wolves called WolfQuest, which has two main "episodes" released, centered around finding a mate and raising pups respectively. Naturally, the pretty young audience of this game began speculating about what the "third episode" would look like...

Then comes "Midnight Pass", a rumour video to end all rumour videos. What we know about it is that it spread the idea that the "next episode" would feature werewolves and hunters and "wolves running around and fighting", that it gained quite a lot of traction and the devs had to address the rumour on the forums, and that there was originally a "making of" video as well where it became clear the werewolf model was originally from World of Warcraft. The videos, both the original video and the "making of" are gone now, because the original poster was terminated (!!)

The rumour was even memorialized over a decade later in the fictional Lost River map, which features a location called Midnight Mountain and the Midnight Pass Hunting Lodge, which seemingly has a taxidermied werewolf inside.

The original video URL is "/watch?v=C1j-r_tuWag" but it was never archived on WayBackMachine. Due to the ephemeral nature of internet stuff I suspect I may never get to see the original video, but it's my lost media white whale regardless. It's a video that had a pretty big impact in the niche community it took hold of, so much so that "Midnight Pass" is now a real location in the game. Despite all that, we may never see what inspired all that chaos...

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« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2024 @655.21 »

It's not by chance this, is it? Singing starts around 3:07 in the video.

Great moment but sadly thats not it  :sad:

The song started off with him going "Do you understand?" and some other jojo meme lines

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« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2024 @752.89 »

There was a period in the 1990s and 2000s when the 1988 album by Blue Öyster Cult, Imaginos, was "lost media". It dropped out of print about a week after it dropped off the Billboard charts (where it never even cracked the top 10) and became all but impossible to find. The reason I started using Napster in 2000 was to hunt down a copy of this album.

(PS: Napster on dialup was not fun.)

Of course, I was able to eventually get secondhand copies of this album on CD and vinyl, and former BÖC drummer Albert Bouchard has his own version of Imaginos. This is fitting, because it was supposed to be his solo album before Columbia Records stuck its nose in and insisted that it be a BÖC album.

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« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2024 @992.38 »

oh heres a list i post evey time i come across a topic like this

- 3d racing game from before 2007, primitive (?) graphics, third stage minimap kinda looks like mickey's head and the stage itself is in rain/night. might've used shockwave (was in flash folder) but couldnt find it on flashpoint last time i checked (several months ago? might check agian some time). not Need for Madness (although VERY similar), Redline Rumble or Super Drift 3D.

- short story or comic where animals go to an afterlife of riding bucket lifts going up or down

- an old informational youtube channel with a man and a woman talking about stuff, the episode i watched was about something in the ocean (earthquakes? black smokers?) (NOT nautilus or great big story) they had extreme 2007-2013 xkcd energy and people in the comments found the constant talking annoying at the time but in retrospect it was very charming

- christmas cartoon where a bird character says sì a lot (at least in the russian dub, idk for the original)

- video where guy keeps adding salt to a dish and says "more saaaalt?" in a funny voice

- black and white cartoon out of which i only remember a scene where a bathtub on legs climbs a tower. mightve had demons in or around it.

- russian language creepypasta/spooky youtuber. used this video for bait and switch a lot

- the exact sample of danse boheme from carmen used in this and this

- reaction video to mereana mordegard glesgorv where the guy repeatedly says "whats up with your eyes man". this one might be truly lost

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« Last Edit: January 09, 2024 @13.36 by ThunderPerfectWitchcraft » Logged

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« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2024 @240.31 »

ooh, i'm in a discord server dedicated to vocaloid lost media!! i really hope masa's song "interface" gets found, the deep growling vocals from miku are so unsettling and i'm obsessed.

i have a couple of things i've never managed to find anywhere, myself:
- once i was in the grocery store with my mom around 2010 or so? and there was a song on the radio that sounded identical to angel island's theme from sonic 3 & knuckles, but there was a woman singing over it.
- i frequented a website dedicated to pokemon creepypasta from like 2009-2011, but it suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth one day and i feel like i'm part of a creepypasta myself LMAO. i don't even recall the name of it, but i remember noting it was a short, seemingly random string of letters (possibly some numbers too?), like maybe 7 characters total at the very most.

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« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2024 @131.35 »

I have a demo CD from a band. I couldn't find anything about them on google. I shared it and the information I had with reddit, and someone found their MySpace. They had the songs on there, including another song that was not on the CD, but they were lost when MySpace deleted a lot of data from the website. I looked for them in an archive of MySpace songs and couldn't find them. I am glad that I still have the demos, because they are great and I enjoy listening to them.

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« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2024 @688.92 »

I desperately want to be able to go back to tamatown.com and send my Tamagotchi Connections v3, v4 and v4.5 into tamatown and get the exclusive items from the codes you could get only from the site. It pains me to know my tamas will never have the souvenirs from traveling to all the different countries  :sad:

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« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2024 @253.70 »

A webcomic called Monster Killers. It is my favorite but I don't want it to be found. The artist no longer feels connected to the stories and does not want it to be available anymore, so I can't argue with that, but it was a comic that meant a lot to me at the time I read it.
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« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2024 @380.66 »

I desperately want to be able to go back to tamatown.com

The loss of Tamatown still weighs heavy on my heart. Subsequent generations felt like they were chasing the high of Tamatown and always missed. Nothing can stand up to that level of charm. I still remember visiting my Tama's grandparents at their home and getting emotional at them being realized in full art.

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« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2024 @909.00 »

A lot of mine are Nintendo 64 games that never released or were canceled.

My biggest desire is Earthbound 64 (or the original Mother 3). It looked like the game was pretty far into development, I would really love to play at least a segment of the game one day if anyone ever finds a development copy.

Another one (this one had a dump!) which I'd like to see in a more complete form is Viewpoint 2064, I enjoyed the little I played of it. I really liked the original on the Neo Geo.

Finally would be Kirby Bowl 64 which ended up eventually becoming Kirby Air Ride on Gamecube. I just love Kirby.

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« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2024 @338.25 »

im hoping for some lost Evanescence songs to resurface! they had a ton of demos throughout the 30ish years they've been around and some of the earlier stuff never even got recorded :ohdear:

my top picks for this would be:

1. a scrapped album from 98/99 called vanish. it's unknown how much of the album was finished or what was going to be on it or other than a version of understanding that was supposed to have strings on it (it's one of my favorite songs and i would've LOVED to hear this version!). the album art was supposed to have some of amy lee's own paintings but edited to look *checks notes* ..."very dark green and drippy". my theory is that some of these songs on origin, but there's a chance that there were songs made for it that got scrapped and never saw the light of day.

2. this is a very sought after lost ev song. it's partially found and from the looks of it, might actually be fully found in the near future! your love was a song they made and played only twice- one time in 08 for a national music publishers association meeting and again in 09 for a show called legends and lyrics, but due to some problems with the company behind the show, the episode never aired. there are very very low quality videos of the 2009 recording, but you can barely make out what the lyrics are. the band themselves have stated that they're never releasing a studio version of the song because they thought it wasn't even all that good anyway (but what do they know, hah :p), so we can't get it from them. on the bright side, another production company got the rights to it and are now getting ready to basically remaster and release all the l&l episodes, including the ones that were unaired. the thing is, they have to renew the rights to every single song played on that show on top of trying to find a station that will air it. fingers crossed it goes smoothly!

3. amy was supposed to sing in some songs for the underworld soundtrack (i think power by the damning well was going to be one of those songs), but due to legal issues, they were not allowed to use her voice in the movie or any of the songs she was featured in (damn you, crappy record labels!). funnily enough, she's still credited in the movie! :ok:

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« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2024 @767.96 »

- black and white cartoon out of which i only remember a scene where a bathtub on legs climbs a tower. mightve had demons in or around it.


This just makes me think of the scene in The Nightmare Before Christmas, where Lock, Shock and Barrel are in the sentient walking bathtub on their way to kidnap the 'sandy claws' haha!

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« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2024 @781.89 »

I used to play with this online game called Kerpoof! In its original form it was basically just a sticker book type of thing with clip art style stuff, you would drag stickers on and it would replace them with new ones but later they added drawing and comic making and such
Disney bought it and shut it down and there's basically nothing archived of it anymore short of a couple of screenshots here and there
I don't care about a lot but the sticker book aspect is something I really miss, I'd really love to make something similar to it one day if I ever learn enough about coding without wanting to rip my hair out lol

Otherwise the other two big ones I always wanted to see ended up getting released recently! The blues clues pilot and the kingdom hearts disney cartoon pilot

Also editing to add, the rest of the behind closed doors SpongeBob book, very NSFW if you choose to look it up but there's some excellent videos out there on it, and what we do have is up on archive.org
« Last Edit: April 11, 2024 @815.12 by WynnDawnstrider » Logged

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« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2024 @21.33 »

I used to play with this online game called Kerpoof! In its original form it was basically just a sticker book type of thing with clip art style stuff, you would drag stickers on and it would replace them with new ones but later they added drawing and comic making and such
Disney bought it and shut it down and there's basically nothing archived of it anymore short of a couple of screenshots here and there
I don't care about a lot but the sticker book aspect is something I really miss, I'd really love to make something similar to it one day if I ever learn enough about coding without wanting to rip my hair out lol

Holy shit! I almost totally forgot about Kerpoof! That screenshot alone just activated so many memories!!  :ozwomp:  I'm pretty sure I first got access to it in a school computer lab class. I think there was also some kind of economy/progression system in the game. Like earning coins to buy new stickers and such.

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« Reply #44 on: June 27, 2024 @26.96 »

Holy shit! I almost totally forgot about Kerpoof! That screenshot alone just activated so many memories!!  :ozwomp:  I'm pretty sure I first got access to it in a school computer lab class. I think there was also some kind of economy/progression system in the game. Like earning coins to buy new stickers and such.

yeah! there was towards the end, I don't think the site originally had it but when it started to expand to more features the coins got added.

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