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Author Topic: Underappreciated YouTube Channels You Want to Share  (Read 9340 times)
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Suck At Something September - Did It!uh oh! a pigeon got in!Artsy Candy CaneJoined 2024!
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2024 @615.24 »

Alan Tutorial

I LOVE Atomic Shrimp's videos...

No way, I was watching an atomic shrimp video while reading through the forum :D Also I used to watch Cybershell a ton
I am going to absolutely love AlanTutorial, I adore that kind of Youtube ARG stuff!!! The description kinda reminds me of the Happy Meat Farm ARG which is also fantastic and you should go watch.

As for obscure channels that I like, it's kinda hard for me to tell what would fall under obscure but:

Peter Knetter - Sonic-ishh youtuber, they used to do a bunch of skits and also fun YTPs
Blue Horizons Inc - Not /exactly/ an ARG series, but all of their videos are like fake company tapes that are VERY unsettling and it is a fantastic watch. Blood warning on the "handshakes" video.
Characters Welcome - Some kind of archive of a stand up comedy set, where like people act out a set without props? There are some good ones there.
Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik - Skits about how not to be a good person online
Bryan Lunduke - Really interesting computer discussion videos
KamSandwhich - Scott the Woz but for board games
friendlyjordies - /probably/ not that obscure anymore since penguinz0 covered them before, but they like cover evil companies in Australia and hes really funny
Gamechamp3000 - Videogame Challenge videos
Stryder7X/TheZZAZZGlitch/pannenkoek2012 - Hyper analytical videos about very specific coding issues in games (paper mario 64, gen 1/2 pokemon, and mario 64 respectively). pannenkoek might be less obscure because he spawned multiple memes tho

edit: snipped some of the quotes
« Last Edit: September 14, 2024 @105.80 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #61 on: September 08, 2024 @10.50 »

Round 2 from me, I guess. My first post in this thread was better.

Bisqwit does videos on videogaming and programming. Yes! It's another one of those guys!!!!

Gameboylad does deep dive videos on yu-gi-oh digital card videogames and some pokemon videogames. He's got decent views on some vids, but 14k subscribers is probably obscure lol.

GavinAstraWolf. YES!!!! A FURRY TALKING ABOUT POKEMON!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! (This is the most obscure one in the post, hiddem gem hunters)

Big Yellow. I guess while I'm doing Pokemon/Nintendo channels. Her videos have the casual feel, like you're reading a weird blog but its a weird podcast instead. I guess 'slightly unhinged', as the kids are saying.

JessicaIn3D does short videos about Nintendo related topics, but mainly Pikmin. I like how most of her game footage features her character, a pink cat, modded in. She's also effortlessly funny in her videos.

I recommended Carter Amelia Davis's Cave Video on the last post, but since then, she's come out with Cave Video 2! So now I need to recommend Cave Video 2!

Gavin Webber. how could you not see the viral post about the australian cheesemaker beefing with italians and then not stick around to watch a video or two? i see you. just cheese tutorials and conversation, very same-y videos but i guess if you like watching grey haired men make food. and I KNOW some of you do.

Vouch Zone:

My #1 recommendation right now is RecordBreaker301. His newest video is on an obscure early 2000's VR attraction. It has insanely high production value with a retro aesthetic, both 3D and 2D animations all throughout and blended together, great humour, and I think everyone here will appreciate the Wayback Machine sequence.

Please, PLEASE watch this video! it's an honest-to-god crime that it has under 1000 views!

What the fuck, this is so good.

one that i found the other day is MewisMe700! covers obscure pokemon stuff like the pikachu and lugia promo cars and the collector community as a whole!

she seems like the sort of person I would become if I had bottomless disposable income to throw at nintendo themed shit. grim and sobering in a way, but no doubt intriguing.

suckerpinch :mark: A.K.A. tom7: https://www.youtube.com/@tom7 :goL:

His channel is criminally underappreciated. Though it is understandable that he doesn't get too much attention as he only uploads once or twice a year. His videos are so well made and so fun to watch. :ozwomp:
I can't remember the first video I saw from him, but it was either this:

Or this:

Both great videos!  One of my favorites of his has to be this one:

I like the Chess video

I like Acerola's videos! They're centered around graphics programming and how to do them (+ a video or two about some other thing that's still related to programming). I think his stuff is pretty neato and super informative for a subject that not a lot of people talk about. I will admit, I don't really get much of it, but they're still fun to watch :-D

Yeah, I like this shit. I'm learning about Blender right now, but hearing about shaders in the context of game engines is still interesting.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2024 @20.68 by garystu » Logged

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« Reply #62 on: September 13, 2024 @537.31 »

I'm surprised no one has posted vihart yet!!  :ozwomp:


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« Reply #63 on: October 09, 2024 @540.78 »

For the love of all things holy, since YouTube started waging war against its viewers, I should have stopped having anything to do with that platform any longer. But for people who are still having both feet in there, I may as well point you guys to something of... substantial value there:

P.S. Protip: For privacy lovers, I recommend following a YouTube channel with your feed reader; by pointing it to an RSS feed URL:

^ Where `THATLONGCHANNELIDGIBBERISH` being a gibberish you're seeing in the channel URL.
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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #64 on: December 31, 2024 @68.36 »

If you are into computer science then Usagi Electric is essential viewing, he has been building a vacuum tube based computer from scratch, and his general enthusiasm is really contagious!  :pc:


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Suck At Something September - Did It!uh oh! a pigeon got in!Artsy Candy CaneJoined 2024!
« Reply #65 on: December 31, 2024 @857.31 »

P.S. Protip: For privacy lovers, I recommend following a YouTube channel with your feed reader; by pointing it to an RSS feed URL:

^ Where `THATLONGCHANNELIDGIBBERISH` being a gibberish you're seeing in the channel URL.

It keeps returning "Server responded: Not found"

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« Reply #66 on: January 01, 2025 @155.50 »

truthfully i don't spend a whole lot of time on YouTube, but a channel i've been enjoying as of late is Not Buying It (16k subs). it's centered around analyzing and poking fun at advertising/marketing. i find marketing resistance to be an increasingly important subject, especially as someone who spends a good amount of time online, i also find the channel just being entertaining to watch as i work.

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« Reply #67 on: January 02, 2025 @523.37 »

It keeps returning "Server responded: Not found"
I'm curious, what exact URL you actually tried though?

Maybe I wasn't completely clear about it in my original post, but I will elaborate here for a record-- there are 2 categories of YouTube channel URLs: ones intended for human to read, and ones intended for machine to read. Don't mix them up.

The URLs of the first category would look like these:
What are the differences between these, you ask?

They come from each different era of YouTube. The first one is the oldest kind, which comes from the olden age back when each "channel" was actually each individual user. The second one came around when YouTube started to allow single user to create multiple channels (a decade ago, if memory serves me right); but you're likely to remember it more as a period where Google tried to push Google+ integration on YouTube. The third one however is the newest; it comes from the current "branding era": I don't know what these requirements are, but you are allowed to choose "branding" short URL which is starting with "@" for your channel.

One important thing to note is these styles of URLs are not interchangeable; you cannot copy a channel name and paste it on a different URL style. The following are example URL for each style:

I'm mentioning all these, just to let you know that none of these URLs contain gibberish channel ID that you need for finding the RSS feed. The channel ID always exist however, and used to be more visible than this, even that YouTube these days is reluctant to show it.

There are few ways to find it (use the way you deem most convenient)... by going to the channel in question on YouTube website, then:

  • Look at the channel's info card on the top of the screen under the channel's banner image; you would see a mysterious floating text thingamajig which says "...more" on the right. Click on it, and it would show an "About" pop-up; scroll the pop-up down to the bottom, and you would see "Share channel" button. Clicking it would reveal a menu which shown few sharing options: click on "Copy channel ID" item on it. Or...
  • If your browser allows you to see the page metadata, then instruct your browser to show page's metadata (2), and find a metadata field named "twitter:url" (failing that, look for any metadata value that starts with "https://www.youtube.com/channel/" and doesn't have any "?" inside).

    The value of that metadata field, minus the "https://www.youtube.com/channel/" on the front, is the channel ID. This method works even when YouTube doesn't run on your browser (it doesn't run on my main browser).

Once you know that gibberish channel ID, then you can now add "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=" on its front and it would become the RSS feed URL you can put in your feed reader. Here are the corresponding RSS feed URL for the 3 example channels I listed above:

P.S. Last and not least: you can also access that channel on the browser by using gibberish channel ID too; by using URL like this:

This URL style what I referred earlier as "ones intended for machine to read". The corresponding URL for the 3 example channels I mentioned above are:

(1) I assume moderate level of YouTube and browser-savvyness-- which such people would have known about the required distinctions already.
(2) On Mozilla family browser --including Pale Moon--, go to Tools > Page Info. But if you haven't re-enabled classic menubar on your installation, your Konami Code is Ctrl+i.
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« Reply #68 on: January 02, 2025 @733.88 »

I hope everyone who stumbles on this thread visits Snow. This is one of those channels I found out when taking a long walk. I don't know how or why I opened one of their videos, but it just sucked me in. It's one of those semi-longform channels where it appears to be talking about a very specific thing, but then it takes a turn and ends up making you feel something about yourself, about life, etc. I don't leave their videos always on the best mood, some of them are kind of downers, but of all the channels I follow on YouTube, this is one of the few I wait with bated breath for new uploads.
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« Reply #69 on: January 04, 2025 @943.84 »

If you are a miltary history buff or enjoy a good history shit post I highly recommend Lazerpig. For history of videogames epically from a British perspective Kim justice.
English and linguistics I recommend Name explain. 

 :chef: And of course shameless self shilling.  :chef:

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« Reply #70 on: January 08, 2025 @871.42 »

very excited to check out some of the channels recommended here! I'll toss in some I haven't seen mentioned yet:

hana hyperfixates - they make gravity falls video essays, ranging from queer analysis to fandom retrospectives to a deep dive on one of the biggest episodes of the series. insightful while also being very funny :)

lyra made a website - he's trying to achieve a living dex in every generation of pokemon, talking about his experience and some more obscure details (like the safari zone mechanics) along the way. really interesting!

lowart - among other things, he made an incredible archie sonic retrospective going through all the ups and downs of the comic's lifespan. hilarious and thoughtful while showing a clear love for the comic that convinced me to read it for myself!

droomish - discusses obscure or overlooked parts of the pokemon games, often focusing on gen 3. definitely recommend if you're into that sort of trivia! I also recommend etchy, who makes similar content but focused on gen 4

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« Reply #71 on: January 23, 2025 @838.80 »


This channel is amazing, it's a videogame music orchestra channel that somehow only has around 200 subscribers, yet the content they put out is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend you give them a listen

They're like a proper orchestra too, not just someone who uses a program to make orchestral covers, but a wholly physical team of instruments and people

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