Big fan of tabletop games. I've done some D&D, but mostly have played in Pathfinder, Dungeon World, and The Sprawl. The last two are Powered by the Apocalypse 2D6 systems, which is pretty fun. I also made a lasers & feelings-inspired "one"-page RPG called
the conSTABulary is here based on a concept I wanted to explore with my gaming group (having a Stab-themed party) that nobody else got on board with. Which is totally fair, as they're all seasoned players and told me that gimmicks quickly fall apart in the kinds of long campaigns our GM likes to run.
As for other games... I don't play nearly as many as I like, but I'm fond of Horizon Zero Dawn: The Board Game (especially considering I like the franchise a lot), Star Trek Catan (...and regular Catan), and Marrying Mr. Darcy.
For cards, I was raised in a card-playing household so I enjoy cribbage, euchre, rummy, and some good ol' crazy 8s countdown. Lately I've also been interested in poker and hearts, but I use phone apps for those because it's hard to get a group together. I've also been known to enjoy a whist party or two. the fun kind, with the silly rules and such.